Din sökning på "*" gav 533045 sökträffar
Investigation of Hydrogen Enriched Natural Gas Flames in a SGT-700/800 Burner Using OH PLIF and Chemiluminescence Imaging
The effect of hydrogen enrichment to natural gas flames was experimentally investigated at atmospheric pressure conditions using flame chemiluminescence imaging, planar laser-induced fluorescence of hydroxyl radicals (OH PLIF) and dynamic pressure monitoring. The experiments were performed using a 3rd generation dry low emission (DLE) burner used in both SGT-700 and SGT-800 industrial gas turbines
Lika chanser i gymnaiset? En studie om betyg, nationella prov och social reproduktion
Popular Abstract in Swedish Under 1990-talet genomfördes en genomgripande reform av det svenska gymnasiet. Dels ersattes de tidigare gymnasielinjerna med treåriga program, som samtliga ger en grundläggande högskolebehörighet, dels flyttades ansvaret för utbildningens genomförande och ekonomi från staten till kommunerna. Ett kriterierelaterat betygssystem ersatte också det tidigare normrelaterade. The general confidence in equal opportunity and equivalent grades are crucial to the moral justification of the social stratification in the modern society, in which meritocracy holds a hegemonic status. In Sweden, a political aim has been that everybody should get upper secondary education, and the government has established a National Agency for Education to promote and control the quality in ed
Bahrain - A more stable phase ahead
The glass from San Lorenzo in Lucina
Statarliv - i myt och verklighet
BMP treatment for improving tendon repair. Studies on rat and rabbit Achilles tendons
Popular Abstract in Swedish Läkning av achilles-senrupturer är idag en långdragen process, som ofta tar flera månader innan senan är fullt funktionsduglig. Syftet med studierna är att förbättra senläkningen i samband med achillesrupturer. Bone Morphogentic Proteins (BMP) är främst kända för att stimulera benläkning och bentillväxt. De lokala förhållandena har dock visat sig ha stor betydelse för cWe wanted to improve tendon healing by adding a growth factor. Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMPs) are well known to stimulate bone healing and bone formation. The local environment is of major importance for cell differentiation after a BMP has been added. Cartilage Derived Morphogenetic Proteins (CDMPs) -1, -2 and -3 (BMP 14, 13 and 12 or GDF 5, 6 and 7) form a subgroup in the BMP-family and are
Detecting MMN in Infants EEG with Singular Value Decomposition
Mismatch negativity (MMN) is an EEG voltage fluctuation caused by the brain's automatic reaction to unexpected changes in a repetitive stimulation. In an experiment we studied 68 infants of which 2/3 were born preterm. Due to noise of large amplitude, the MMN is difficult to detect in a single infant's EEG. Therefore grand average, which is a average of many subjects EEG recordings, is sometimes u
Executive Compensation and Macroeconomic Fluctuations
Macroeconomic fluctuations affect corporations’ performance through demand and cost conditions. Incentive effects of performance-based compensation schemes for management may be weakened or biased by macroeconomic influences if management is unable to forecast macroeconomic fluctuations or unable to adjust operations in response to changes in macroeconomic conditions. In this paper we analyze the
Nationella Minoriteter i Utbildningsradion
Numerical Identification of Linear Dynamic Systems from Normal Operating Records
Non-Standard Employment in Europe - Paradigms, Prevalence and Policy Responses
The Pedagogical Academy
Beskattning av överlåtelse av bostadsrätt
Backward Binding and the C-T Phase : A Case of Syntactic Haplology
The Germanic V2 languages differ from English and Italian in not allowing backward binding. In this paper I have tried to account for this cross-linguistic variation in terms of a recent proposal by Chomsky (2008) that A-chains and A-bar chains should be held strictly apart, and that A-movement and A-bar movement sometimes may take place in parallel. With respect to backward binding, I have claime
Effekter av kvalitetssystem i byggprocessen
Exchange-Correlation Potentials
Not provided
Impact of Open source ERP Systems Development on ERP systems Diffusion among SMEs
The interest in open source is high, which also goes for enterprise resource planning (ERPs) systems. In this article, we focus on the combination of open source and ERPs, and specifically on what role open source ERPs plays in the diffusion of ERPs among small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). To be able to explain the interest in open source ERPs, we look into challenges, about which a propri
Klassrummets mikrovärld
Abstract This dissertation examines the educational situation from a social psychological perspective. The study is based on an empirical material from two school classes at a Swedish high school. The data have been collected through video documentation and direct observation. A number of brief episodes have been transcribed in detail, and are interpreted and analyzed in the light of interactioni