

Din sökning på "*" gav 531896 sökträffar

The Swedish Model of Industrial Relations: Self-Regulation and Combined Centralisation-Decentralisation

The Swedish model of industrial relations is analyzed with respect to some closely related dimensions: collective agreements - legislation, cooperation - confrontation, self-regulation - state regulation and centralisation - decentralisation. Both the historical development and the present state of the model are discussed. In an analytical table the dimension self-regulation - state regulation is

Comparative aerodynamic performance of flapping flight in two bat species using time-resolved wake visualization.

Bats are unique among extant actively flying animals in having very flexible wings, controlled by multi-jointed fingers. This gives the potential for fine-tuned active control to optimize aerodynamic performance throughout the wingbeat and thus a more efficient flight. But how bat wing performance scales with size, morphology and ecology is not yet known. Here, we present time-resolved fluid wake

Studies of the fragmentation process in hadronic decays of Z⁰ boson

This thesis is based on the work that was done during 1992--1996 at the DELPHI detector at LEP. Its main parts are outlined below. The brief Introduction gives an overview of the science of Particle Physics, its development and contemporary status. The first chapter represents an introduction to the DELPHI detector at LEP, describing the main features of the LEP machine and the DELPHI detector a

Temporary neonatal exposure to whole and hydrolysed cow's milk proteins. Studies of macromolecular absorption and immunological variables

Popular Abstract in Swedish Intag av födoämnesantigen resulterar normalt i induktion av oral tolerans, men klinisk och immunologisk betydelse av kortvarig neonatal exponering för komjölksproteiner är inte klarlagt. Syftet med detta arbete var att studera prospektivt effekten av olika uppfödningsregimen under de tre första levnadsdagarna. Påverkan på makromolekylär absorption, antikropps produktionThe aim of this work was to study prospectively the effects of different feeding regimens during the first three days of life. A group of 129 infants were randomly assigned at birth to one of three feeding regimens: human milk (HM), cow's milk formula (CMF), or a casein hydrolysate formula (CHF). The formula-fed infants received no human milk until the fourth day of life, after which all infants w

Swedish Butterfly Monitoring Scheme, annual report for 2010

This is the first annual report for the Swedish Butterfly Monitoring Scheme, a new national monitoring programme coordinated by Lund University for the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. The programme was initiated in 2010, and is a partnership between the Entomological Society of Sweden, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Lund University, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sci

Acoustic Energy Generated by Convection: 3-D Numerical Simulations for the Sun

Dissipation of acoustic waves may be an efficient heating mechanism forthe lower and middle chromosphere of the quiet Sun. The basic idea isthat turbulent motions at the top of the solar convection zone generateacoustic waves which propagate upwards and dissipate in the lower andmiddle chromosphere, transporting energy into the higher layers. Butstill the question remains if this amount of energy

Anorexia nervosa 6 years after onset: Part II. Comorbid psychiatric problems

A sample of anorexia nervosa (AN) cases recruited after community screening were contrasted with an age-, sex-, and school-matched comparison (COMP) group with regard to comorbidity at age 21 years, approximately 6 years after the reported onset of the eating disorder. Both groups had originally been examined at age 16 years. Most of the AN cases no longer met criteria for AN, but many continued t

Enzymatic and Immunological Detection Principles for Environmental and Biological Applications

The aim of the thesis was to develop new analytical detection principles based on enzymatic and immunological reactions for sensitive, selective, cost-effective and high sample through-put detection devices. The thesis presents the basic elements and reaction paths necessary for the construction and development of enzyme based amperometric biosensors and immunoassays. The developed biochemical det