Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Swirling Flows in Combustor Related Geometries
Popular Abstract in English The concern about pollutant emissions from combustion devices has stimulated the development of modern combustion devices. As one of the major power generation machines, modern gas turbine engine has been designed to run at fuel-lean and premixed mode of combustion in which the combustion temperature is moderate so that NOx emission is low. Combustion in premixed mode rThis thesis deals with the physics of turbulent swirling flows. Large eddy simulation (LES) method is used to investigate the vortex breakdown process, the precessing vortex core (PVC), and the effect of swirl number and flow field configuration on swirling flows. The study is based on an open source CFD code, \textit{OpenFoam}. Turbulent swirling flows are widely used in combustion devices such a