

Din sökning på "*" gav 531159 sökträffar

A cyber-crime investigation framework

Epistemic uncertainty is an unavoidable attribute which is present in criminal investigations and could affect negatively the effectiveness of the process. A cyber-crime investigation involves a potentially large number of individuals and groups who need to communicate, share and make decisions across many levels and boundaries. This paper presents an approach adopting elements of the Strategic Sy

On the Static Efficiency of Secondary Bond Markets

The major strand of finance literature understands market efficiency through the market's ability to process information into prices. Another strand of literature refers to the economists’ usual sense of the word, i.e., that markets ensure that resources are allocated to their most profitable expected use, and provide services at the lowest cost. This paper, deploying the second definition, sugges

The role of corticotropin releasing factor and its antagonist, astressin, on micturition in the rat

The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the role of corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) on micturition. CRF is involved in the endocrine and central nervous system responses to stress and is also expressed in sites responsible for the control of micturition. In this investigation, cystometric experiments were performed in awake and unrestrained Wistar rats and on Spontaneous Hypertensiv

Patients with Lewy body dementia use more resources than those with Alzheimer's disease.

Objectives The purpose of this study was to compare resource use and costs in patients with dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and Alzheimer's disease (AD) and to assess determinants of costs of care in DLB. Method Thirty-four patients with DLB were included in a cross-sectional study. The patients were matched with respect to age, gender and Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) score to 34 patients

Mechanisms of leukotriene B-4-triggered monocyte adhesion

Objective - Leukotriene B-4 (LTB4) has been implicated in the trafficking of monocytes to inflammatory pathologicconditions, such as transplant rejection and atherosclerosis. The aim of this study was to determine the mechanisms by which LTB4 contributes to monocyte capture from the circulation. Methods and Results - In in vitro and in vivo vascular models, the lipid chemoattractant LTB4 was an eq

Compress effects on porosity, gas-phase tortuosity, and gas permeability in a simulated PEM gas diffusion layer

Among the parameters to take into account in the design of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), the energy conversion efficiency and material cost are very important. Understanding in deep the behavior and properties of functional layers at the microscale is helpful for improving the performance of the system and find alternative materials. The functional layers of the PEMFC, i.e., the ga

Adsorption of Unstructured Protein beta-Casein to Hydrophobic and Charged Surfaces

In this Monte Carlo simulation study we use mesoscopic modeling to show that beta-casein, an unstructured milk protein, adsorbs to surfaces not only due to direct electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions but also due to structural rearrangement and charge regulation due to proton uptake and release. beta-casein acts as an amphiphilic chameleon, changing properties according to the chemical envir

Copeptin is an independent predictor of diabetic heart disease and death.

We previously discovered that high copeptin is associated with incidence of diabetes mellitus (diabetes), abdominal obesity, and albuminuria. Furthermore, copeptin predicts cardiovascular events after myocardial infarction in diabetic patients, but whether it is associated with heart disease and death in individuals without diabetes and prevalent cardiovascular disease is unknown. In this study, w

Feasibility study of using a "travelling" CO2 and CH4 instrument to validate continuous in situ measurement stations

In the course of the ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observation System) Demonstration Experiment a feasibility study on the usefulness of a travelling comparison instrument (TCI) was conducted in order to evaluate continuous atmospheric CO2 and CH4 measurements at two European stations. The aim of the TCI is to independently measure ambient air in parallel to the standard station instrumentation, thus pr

Genetic differentiation and hybridization between greater and lesser spotted eagles (Accipitriformes : Aquila clanga, A-pomarina)

Greater and lesser spotted eagles (Aquila clanga, A. pomarina) are two closely related forest eagles overlapping in breeding range in east-central Europe. In recent years a number of mixed pairs have been observed, some of which fledged hybrid young. Here we use mitochondrial (control region) DNA sequences and AFLP markers to estimate genetic differentiation and possible gene flow between these sp

Biodegradation and biocompatability of a calcium sulphate-hydroxyapatite bone substitute.

An injectable material consisting of calcium sulphate mixed with hydroxyapatite was investigated as a possible alternative to autograft in the restoration of bone defects. The material was studied both in vitro in simulated body fluid (SBF) and in vivo when implanted in rat muscles and into the proximal tibiae of rabbits. Variation in the strength and weight of the material during ageing in SBF wa

Preferential Interface Nucleation: An Expansion of the VLS Growth Mechanism for Nanowires

A review and expansion of the fundamental processes of the vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth mechanism for nanowires is presented. Although the focus is on nanowires, most of the concepts may be applicable to whiskers, nanotubes, and other unidirectional growth. Important concepts in the VLS mechanism such as preferred deposition, supersaturation, and nucleation are examined. Nanowire growth is feas

A geochronological and geochemical study of rocks from Gjelsvikfjella, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica - implications for Mesoproterozoic correlations and assembly of Gondwana

The Jutulsessen nunataks (72degrees00'S; 2degrees30'E), Gjelsvikfjella, Dronning Maud Land (DML), consist mainly of migmatites of two types. A heterogeneous banded amphibolite facies gneisses; and a more homogeneous part. In the more homogeneous part, partial melts form along axial planes to tight folds. Numerous pegmatitic dykes occur in both migmatites. The homogeneous part of the migmatite has

Detecting migration routes and barriers by examining the distribution of species in an apomictic species complex

Aim The distribution of taxa ('microspecies') in the apomictic species complexes Hieracium L. sect. Hieracium and H. sect. Vulgata (Griseb.) Willk. and Lange have been analysed to test whether the geographical distribution of species within each complex will reflect historical processes and phenomena, e.g. historical barriers to migration and range expansion. It is argued that apomictic species ca

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According to medieval Canon Law the validity of a marriage depended solely on the consent of the parties. No one could legally force a couple to marry if they did not freely consent to do so. At the same time, any kind of sexual relations outside of marriage was prohibited by Canon Law. An unmarried couple could be forced to abjure one another sub pena nubendi. This meant that any future intercour

Spasmolytic flavonols from Artemisia abrotanum

Four flavonols with spasmolytic activity have been isolated from a methanol extract of Artemisia abrotanum L. (Asteraceae), as the principles primarily responsible for the smooth muscle relaxing activity of this plant. The flavonols show a dose-dependent relaxing effect on the carbacholine-induced contraction of guinea-pig trachea, the EC50 values for compounds 1-3 are 20-30 mumol/l while compound