

Din sökning på "*" gav 533466 sökträffar

Vem får vara missbrukare? Om den process där anabola androgena steroider etableras som ett socialt problem.

The law that banned doping substances in Sweden was founded in 1991 and was strengthened in 1999 and 2011. The use of anabolic androgen steroids (AAS) however, is still increasing. Research about AAS is limited and the approximation of the number of AAS users is uncertain. On the gyms there are warnings about punishments risked if one is caught using AAS. But those warnings are without any informa

Application of the full-function criteria to joint ventures under the EU Merger Regulation

The thesis discusses the European Commission's application of the full-function criteria to joint ventures based on the method of their establishment. While the Commission's practice is clear when a new joint venture is established, it has been very inconsistent regarding operations when joint control is acquired over pre-existing undertakings, thus transforming them into joint ventures. T

Rösten i ansträngning: En explorativ studie av träningsinstruktörers röstanvändningRösten i ansträngning: En explorativ studie av träningsinstruktörers röstanvändning

De studier om röstkvalitet hos träningsinstruktörer som hittills genomförts har alla innefattat subjektiva skattningar. Tidigare har inga objektiva mätningar utförts på träningsinstruktörer under pågående träning. Syftet med den här studien var att genomföra en explorativ studie gällande träningsinstruktörers röstanvändning och den ljudmiljö de vistas i. Objektiva röstmätningar utfördes med hjälp Previous studies of voice use in aerobics instructors have all been based on subjective ratings of the voice function. No studies have included objective measurements of the voice during a workout. The purpose of this work was to make an explorative study of voice use in aerobics instructors and the acoustic environment in the halls where they instruct. The objective measurements were made with th

Rätten till mat om skyldigheter, institutioner och matsvinn

One third of all food that is globally produced is wasted every year. This essay develops a duty approach to the growing global food waste. Is there a duty not to waste food? The theoretical perspective of this essay is based on the correlative between rights and duties and on Thomas W. Pogge’s theories of global institutional duties. The thesis is that there is a global duty not to contribute to

Sugar mamas och snuskiga gubbar - en genuskritisk diskursanalys om den offentliga framställningen av den kvinnliga sexturismen

This essay seeks to critically examine the differences in perception of women and men who pay for sexual experiences abroad. It is a discourse analyses that investigates the similarities and differences between the female and male sex industry. The main focus of this essay is to examine the language that is being used to describe the female sex tourists that travel abroad to engage in sexual relat

Access and benefit sharing: a valid instrument for compensation?

Patents on traditional knowledge and the issue of biopiracy has been a debated issue since the Uruguay Round in the early 1990s. In order to handle this problem, the United Nations established the Convention on Biological Diversity and a subsidiary working group on Access and Benefit Sharing. This is supposed to help traditional knowledge holders claim their rights to benefit sharing when commerci

Direktiv 2002/14/EG om information och samråd - påverkan på svensk arbetsrätt

Sammanfattning Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur EU-rätten påverkar den svenska arbetsrättsliga modellen, särskilt arbetsgivarens generella informationsplikt och om Sverige har levt upp till de krav som EU-rätten ställer vid införlivandet av direktiv 2002/14/EG om införlivande av allmän ram för information till och samråd med i Europeiska gemenskapen, gällande nationella förhållanden. The purpose of this paper is to examine how EU law influences the Swedish labour law model, particularly the general obligation of employers to provide information and concerning, whether Sweden has lived up to the requirements imposed under EU law regarding the implementation of the directive 2002/14/EC establishing a general framework for informing and consulting employees in the European Commun

WHO:s checklista - för mer än säker kirurgi? En kvalitativ intervjustudie om operationssjuksköterskors upplevelse av WHO:s checklista

I avsikt att öka patientsäkerheten inför allt fler vårdgivare i Sverige Världshälsoorganisationens, WHO:s, checklista för säker kirurgi. Syftet med studien var att belysa operationssjuksköterskors upplevelse av WHO:s checklista för säker kirurgi. Metoden var kvalitativ intervjustudie. Materialet analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. I studien ingår tretton intervjuer. Resultatet i studien v

Konsensus eller handlingsfrihet? En komparativ studie av den svenska regleringen avseende beslutanderätt vid gemensam vårdnad och den engelska regleringen gällande parental responsibility

Syftet med förevarande uppsats är att utifrån en komparativ studie av svensk och engelsk rätt beskriva hur respektive lands regleringar gällande beslutanderätten vid gemensam vårdnad och parental responsibility är utformade samt vad ifrågakommande lagstiftningar innebär. Huvudregeln i svensk rätt avseende beslutanderätt vid gemensam vårdnad är att konsensus ska föreligga mellan vårdnadshavarna nThe purpose of this essay is to describe and compare the Swedish regulation concerning joint custody and the English regulation regarding parental responsibility. In Swedish law the principle rule is that both parents should make all decisions regarding a child together, if they have joint custody. In English law the starting point is that each person with parental responsibility may act alone a

”Parternas förhållande har varit stormigt” – en studie av formuleringar i svenska hovrättsdomar om grov kvinnofridskränkning och våldtäkt i nära relationer utifrån ett genus- och rättighetsperspektiv

This paper focuses on the distinction between the private and the public in relation to violence and sexual crimes against women in relationships and intimate relationships. Historically, violence and sexual abuse in intimate relationships has been placed in the private sphere away from the law. Concepts such as "family matter" and "family violence" has expressed that a certain

Contagion from the US debt crisis: the relationship between integration and contagion and the mitigating effect of anti-crisis measures

The aim of the paper is to draw a conclusion about the effect that integration has on the (in)stability of the linkages between international stock markets. To measure this (in)stability we focus on the contagion effect caused by the US debt crisis. Furthermore, we take the anti-crisis policies of the different countries into account and discuss whether this could have a mitigating effect on the r

Neoliberal Health Reforms in Latin America: The Public Private Model in Uruguay

For the last decades Latin America has been the target for several neoliberal health system reforms. Public Private Partnership models in health care provision are increasingly advocated on both national and global scales. Foremost the public private partnerships are suppose to enhance is equity in health system regarding distribution of resources and reaching out to poorer parts of populations. I

To what extent are tax incentives for research & development compatible with European Union Law?

The paper deals with the question to what extent tax incentives especially designed to promote research and development are compatible with European Union Law. Therefore tax incentives are analysed with special regard to the Fundamental Freedoms and the State aid provision. It can be found that legislators have three basic possibilities given by European Union Law, which differ in the freedom of d

Point of Purchase TV Screens In Retail Environment

The purpose of this paper is to deliver a clearer picture regarding the possible effects of the in-store TV screens on consumers’ impulse purchase decision and how factors such as the gender and generation can influence the consumers’ behavior towards this digital signage. Therefore this objective academic paper will contribute to bring discernment and relevant material for future studies through

The Relationship Between the General Legal Principle of Equality and the Equal Treatment Principle in the Direct Tax Judgements of the Court of Justice of the European Union: the Consequences for National Sovereignty

The Legal Principle of Equality underpins most national tax systems and encompasses both substantive and procedural equality. In its substantive form, the principle requires that equal treatment of equal situations. This does not mean however that unequal situations always merit unequal treatment. Political will may determine that particular distinguishing criteria should be discounted. Gender and

Agendan bakom Agenda - En kritisk diskursanalys i struktur och intention bakom svenskt nyhetsinnehåll

Uppsatsen Agendan bakom Agenda – en kritisk diskursanalys i struktur och intention bakom svenskt nyhetsinnehåll är författad av Helena Johansson och Elin Jonsson i ämnet för Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid institutionen för kommunikation och medier vid Lunds universitet. Uppsatsen är en studie i svenskt nyhetsinnehåll och de faktorer som påverkar detta. Genom kritisk diskursanalys analyser

Rekommendationskulturens spelregler - En studie i individers inflytande över vänner i valet av film

Film är ett ämne som berör och konsumeras av indivier från olika bakgrunder, kön och ålder. Uppsatsförfattarna har identifierat en tendens att individer gärna rekommenderar filmer till varandra och genom detta påverkar individers beslutsprocess. Denna rekommendationskultur påverkar individers val av film, vilket intresserar uppsatsförfattarna. Uppsatsen ämnar undersöka hur individer engagerar sig