

Din sökning på "*" gav 533437 sökträffar

Man måste förstå : Talar ungdomar och Svenska kyrkan samma språk?

Is the language and terminology used in the Church of Sweden understandable to young people? Many scientists have investigated the religiosity of youth and the liturgical language, but there is no completed study on the relationship between the language that young people use in discussions about existential issues and the language of the representatives of the Church of Sweden. This study examine

Forum shopping in the context of the European Insolvency Regulation and Freedom of Establishment post Interedil - C 396/09

Where debtors seek to open insolvency proceedings in a Member State that have the most favourable insolvency regime it is referred to as "forum shopping". According to Article 3 (1) in conjunction with Article 4 of the European Insolvency Regulation the appropriate jurisdiction and the applicable law are determined by the core element of the Regulation the debtor´s "centre of main i

Inre driv och autonomi: En studie om motivation och arbetsprestation bland sjuksköterskor i Skåne

En studie genomfördes för att undersöka relationen mellan intern (intrinsic) motivation och upplevd arbetsprestation bland sjuksköterskor i Region Skåne. Sjuksköterskor valdes som fokus då deras tämligen unika yrkesroll kan te sig specifikt intressant ur motivationssynpunkt. En enkät med relevanta mätskalor förmedlades till olika vårdavdelningar och 68 respondenter uppgav svar. Resultatet visade p

Pricing with flexibility as vertical product differentiation and peak-load pricing

Introducing flexibility as a factor that determines prices is something that is possible by giving different types of contracts different levels of flexibility. This is in particular very apparent when one starts to analyze domestic flight tickets. The flight ticket is today a good that is vertically differentiated and this thesis will address the problem of pricing with flexibility as vertical pr

Kupongskatt och EU-rätten – en analys av de svenska kupongskattereglernas förenlighet med EU-rätten vad gäller utdelning till utländska pensionsfonder

I upprepade avgöranden har EU-domstolen på senare tid slagit fast att det strider mot unionsrätten att ta ut källskatt på utdelning i gränsöverskridande situationer då jämförbara, rent inhemska transaktioner inte belastas med något motsvarande skatteuttag. Med anledning härav har möjligheten att ta ut källskatt på utdelning varit föremål för omfattande diskussioner, särskilt i utländsk litteratur.Lately, in repeated rulings, the European Court of Justice has held that it is contrary to EU law to levy withholding tax on dividends in transnational situations when comparable, solely domestic transactions are not burdened with a corresponding tax levy. In respect thereof the possibility to levy withholding tax on dividends has been the topic of extensive scholarly discussions, especially in fo

No Documents, No Rights - Exploring agency and vulnerability in the experiences of irregular migrant women from Zimbabwe in South Africa

This research draws attention to the way irregular migrants in South Africa experience their journey towards a better life, the vulnerability they face, and their capacity to adapt and to be agents of change. Qualitative interviews were held with 10 irregular migrant women, which were analyzed through an analytical framework of vulnerability and agency, while keeping a focus on their illegal migra

Dancing through the ages in Greece. A comparative study on Bronze Age-, Classical period- and Folk dancing

This thesis has dealt with dancing in the Greek Bronze Age from an anthropological perspective. The main question was whether any similarities in dancing in the Bronze Age through to the Classical period could be seen. By using an archaeological material and modern research on dance in the Classical period and on folk dancing in Greece today, the aim was to easier be able to interpret the Bronze A

Skattetillägg vid tillämpning av skatteflyktslagen

Skattetilläggsbestämmelserna och skatteflyktslagen utgör var för sig till viss del kontroversiella metoder för att skydda den svenska skattebasen. Skatteflyktslagen infördes till att börja med som medel för att åstadkomma en jämlik och korrekt beskattning i fall då de skattskyldige på ett lagenligt vis kringgått skattebestämmelser. Som tiden gått har skatteflyktslagen fått ett utvidgat tillämpningThe regulations on tax surcharge and the Tax Evasion Act are both considered to be controversial ways of protecting the Swedish tax base. The Tax Evasion Act was passed in order to achieve an equal and correct taxation even though the taxpayer in a legal way has evaded tax. Over the years the scoop of application of the Tax Evasion Act has increased and with the ruling in the case RÅ 2010 ref. 51

Utvärdering av barn- och ungdomspsykiatrisk behandling: Analys av prevalens & effektstorlek i fyra behandlingsteam på en Barn- och ungdomspsykiatrisk klinik

This study will provide an investigation of the prevalence of psychiatric symptoms in children and the efficiency of child psychiatric treatments at an open children’s and adolescent’s psychiatric clinic in Sweden. Quantative analysis of 1190 semi structured, normed interviews were conducted which make this sample including every intake patient at the clinic during a given time. 206 follow-up inte

From Mundane to Remarkable Consumption: The Transformation of Bottled Water

The study investigates how the consumption of bulk commodities has transformed from mundane to remarkable and reveals how people, events, meanings and ideas from the past have affected this change in consumers’ attitude. The paper discusses how mundane products have become a center of consumer interest and provides theoretical explanation of the phenomenon. The research focuses on bottled water as

Examining the sources of financial flexibility: A study of firms listed in Sweden

This study aims to determine the significance of different sources of financial flexibility that enables firms to respond to negative shocks or investment opportunities in form of unexpected periods of insufficient resources. The empirical study is based on a model that proxy for firms’ investment and dividend policies to further examine how possible cash shortfalls is resolved. The sample covers

Ethics Naturalized : Naturalism as Explanatory Structure in Metaethics

The purpose of this essay is to investigate what implications a naturalized account of metaethics could have for our understanding of ethics and to advance a type of ethical naturalism that is non-reductionist. During the course of the study several different approaches to metaethics are investigated and critically evaluated, before a positive account of ethical naturalism is delivered. It is argu

Squaring the Circle : The Role of the OECD Commentaries For the Interpretation of Tax Treaties Between the OECD and non-OECD States

The thesis attempts to assess the role of the OECD Commentaries in tax treaty interpretation process concluded between Non-OECD and OECD states. In order to reach the goal of the thesis the thesis discusses the legal status of the OECD Commentaries under public international law, in particular the interrelation of the Commentaries with the Articles of 31 and 32 of the Vienna Convention. The thesis

"Alla bryr sig om miljön!" - En analys av hur dagens miljöproblem kommer till uttryck i reklam

Vi lever i ett postmodernt samhälle där miljöproblem är ett stort fenomen som präglar vår kultur. I denna uppsats har vi studerat hur marknadsföring drar nytta av människors oro för miljön, genom grön marknadsföring. Vi har använt Ben & Jerry’s som fallstudie och gjort en semiotisk och retorisk analys av deras hemsida. En semiotisk analys synliggör tecken, symboler och associationer typiska fö

VAT Frauds in the European Union: The Reverse Charge Mechanism, Joint and Several Liability and the “Knowledge Test”

Summary The EU and the Member States are concerned about VAT fraud and they consider it necessary to reduce the gap the VAT fraud makes. The purpose of this thesis is to describe three methods that are used in the fight against VAT fraud. Those methods are the reverse charge mechanism, joint and several liability and the knowledge test. Those methods are described, defined how they are used and wh

Democratization and War - The Relation between Democratization and Conflicts in Georgia

This paper examines the relation between violent conflicts and democratization in Georgia. Since independence in 1991, Georgia has grown towards increased democratization but within the political transition, many obstacles, in form of violent conflicts and war have threatened the country. In the Democratization and War theory, Mansfield & Snyder argues that increased democracy increases the ri

Fred eller Rättvisa - Om kvinnors deltagande i fredsprocesser i Bosnien-Hercegovina

Denna uppsats undersöker kvinnors deltagande I fredsprocesser och transitional justice processer I Bosnien-Hercegovina efter undertecknandet av Daytonavtalet 1995. Kvinnors deltagande i processerna analyseras ur ett genusperspektiv med hjälp av feministisk teori och maktbegreppet. Uppsatsen bygger på en fallstudie som undersökts genom empiriskt material som utgörs av tidigare forskning inom ämnet.

Mandating For Peace - An analysis of two UN peacebuilding mandates through a critical approach

This essay examines the nature of contemporary UN peacebuilding mandates and the critique aimed at incorporating Western liberal ideas in postconflict peacebuilding missions. A critical discussion is provided to highlight the problems inherited in promoting liberal peacebuilding in peace operations, followed by an analysis and comparison of the mandates for UNAMSIL and UNMIS through an analytical