

Din sökning på "*" gav 526776 sökträffar

Kortsiktiga lösningar på långsiktiga problem: om ansvar vid automatiserad körning

This thesis analyzes and illustrates the legal prerequisites for liability regarding self-driving vehicles, with the objective to contribute with new knowledge, an understanding of how technology impacts on the content of Swedish Criminal Law. By applying a perspective of sociology of law this study problematizes the legal constructions of responsibility and how its principles and concepts are aff

The influence of Sweden’s place image on the decision-making process of queer migrants

The queer experience has only become relatively recently a topic of study within migration scholarship. Despite it being seen as a ‘special interest’ field, a lot can be learned about processes of migration decision-making overall, by applying queer theory to it. Furthermore, the concept of place image, which is most often applied to research concerning tourist destinations and the ‘country of ori

The Impact of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) on Listed European Football Clubs

The purpose of this paper is to investigate and shed light on the critical success factors for investors, management and academia for listed European football clubs. This paper is the first of its kind in that it analyses the Key Performance Indicators and their respective impact on the stock price for 23 listed European football clubs. The quantitative methodology approach utilised the FGLS regre

Simulations of Astrocyte Induction by Transient Overexpression

Alla celler i samma kropp har samma genetiska information lagrad i DNA. Olika delar av den genetiska informationen är lagrade i en otillgänglig form. Vilken del av cellens DNA som är tillgänglig avgör sedan vilken specialisering cellen har. Genom att kontrollera vilken information som används kan man omprogrammera celler, till exempel kan en hudcell bli en hjärncell. En metod för att åstadkomma deAstrocytes are one of the most common types of cells found in the central nervous system, and they play an important supportive role for neurons and other brain cells. In order to obtain astrocytes for medical or experimental purposes, some protocols enable the production of astrocytes from stem cells, but it is of interest to be able to produce astrocytes from fibroblasts, a cell type found in th

Arbetsterapeuters upplevelser av rehabiliteringsmetoden “Tidig understödd utskrivning med fortsatt rehabilitering i hemmet” vid stroke

Bakgrund: 2018 publicerades nya riktlinjer för vård vid stroke i Sverige. Riktlinjerna har ökat prioriteringen av rehabiliteringsmetoden Tidig understödd utskrivning, även kallat Early Supported Discharge (ESD). ESD innebär att samma multidisciplinära team, där arbetsterapeuter utgör en väsentlig roll, både koordinerar utskrivning och utför hemrehabilitering. Tidigare studier har undersökt effekt Background: The rehabilitation method Early Supported Discharge (ESD) has gained in priority according to the new Swedish stroke-care guidelines that were published year 2018. ESD implies that the same multidisciplinary team, where occupational therapists constitutes an important role, both coordinates discharge and performs the home rehabilitation. Even though there are earlier studies examining

Examining German road supply chain triads with subcontractors - A sender’s perspective

Purpose – The road freight industry is becoming more and more complex. An increasing number of actors participating in the transport process has been highlighted. Simultaneously, transport constellations become more fragmented. With transport as feature of the product-offer, sending companies face new challenges. While transport has as part of the product offer influence on the customer satisfacti

Sakkunnigas rättsliga och sociala uppfattningar: en kvalitativ studie av 2018 års sexualbrottsreform

Our interest to conduct this study emerged from the intense debate, which took place prior to the law reform regarding sexual crime. The aim is to review selected parts of the new legislation from a functionalistic perspective to tell if the legal norm fulfills its purpose. This was possible with the help from a selected group of expert witnesses and their comprehension of the modifications that s

Finns Mozarteffekten? Ett experiment om inverkan av klassisk musik på matematisk problemlösning

Syftet med den här kvantitativa studien är att undersöka om Mozart-effekten har någon inverkan på matematisk problemlösningsförmåga, self-efficacy och arousal och om dessa tre variabler kan manipuleras med Mozarts sonata för två pianon. Mozarts sonata K448 är den oberoende variabeln. Matematiska resultat, vakenhetsgrad och Self efficacy undersöktes som beroende variabler. Studiens population var sThe aim of this quantitative research study was to investigate if the Mozarteffect had any impact on mathematical problem-solving ability, self-efficacy and arousal, and if these three variables can be manipulated with Mozarts sonata for 2 pianos. Mozart’s sonata K448 is the independent variable. Mathematical results, arousal and self-efficacy were investigated as dependent variables. The populati

Transformational Leadership and Management Students: A study of the leadership style in relation to personality traits and perceived stress

The study aimed to investigate the relationship between the leadership style of future leaders, their personality, as well as their perceived stress level. The Full Range Leadership model with a focus on the transformational leadership dimension, as well as the Five-Factor personality model were used as a theoretical basis. The study was conducted with eighty- seven participants enrolled in a Mast

Remote sensing based analysis of linkages between urban green space dynamics and social-economic factors : a case study in Malmö, Sweden

The global rapid growing urban inhabitants and urbanization promotes a conflict with natural resources conservation, sustainable urban structure establishment, and urban expansion. Urban green space (UGS) plays an essential role in sustainable communities, human health promotion, and economic development, however, is gradually replaced by the basic infrastructures in the context of densification s

Jämförelse mellan olika certifieringssystem för byggnader

Uppförandet av nya byggnader och renoveringar av befintliga byggnader har lett till större intresse för certifieringssystem med hårdare krav än lagstiftningen. Ökad kunskap om hållbarhet och att brukandet av jordens resurser måste reduceras har lett till miljö- och hälsocertifieringar, bl a Miljöbyggnad 3.0 som är en nationell miljöcertifiering som ställer krav på byggnaden och WELL Building StandThe development of new buildings and renovations of existing buildings has led to greater interest in certification systems with more stringent requirements than the legislation. Increased knowledge about sustainability and how the use of the earth's resources led to an increased interest of environmental- and health-certifications. Miljöbyggnad 3.0, which is a national environmental-certifica

"Äh sugardejting i sig det är ju alltså prostitution". En rättssociologisk studie om sugardejting

Sugar dating is a phenomenon in which peoples’ company and intimacy is traded for gifts and luxurious consumption. This study investigates what difficulties and possibilities exist for the regulation of sugar dating. In order to answer this question, the study also investigates how representatives of the Swedish police and the County Administrative Boards of Sweden(länsstyrelser) perceive the phen


Artistic freedom is recognised as a universal human right and a constitutional right in most national laws. Under the auspices of article 10 of the ECHR, the right to freedom of expression guarantees everyone a right to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority, subject to the limitation clauses outlined in Article 10(2). Whilst the text

Oh my god, she’s a boy! The online afterlife of Sleepaway Camp (1983, Robert Hiltzik)

This study aims to examine the online afterlife of the slasher film Sleepaway Camp (1983, Robert Hiltzik) and how this afterlife relates to the queer elements in the film and its role as a cult film. By combining analytical perspectives and tools deriving from film studies and media studies, through applying film analysis as a method and using a netnographic approach, the fields complement each ot

Disability and the “art” of interpretation: Treaty interpretation methods followed by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in the Gonzales Lluy et al. v. Ecuador case

This study is focused on the relationship between treaty interpretation methods and the protection granted to the plaintiffs by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in its judgment of Gonzales Lluy et al. v. Ecuador. Based on a case law analysis of the Courts jurisprudence, this study explores judicial interpretation and the possible consequences of this landmark judgment in the protection of

The Effects of Economic Growth, Energy Consumption, Trade, Urbanization, and Financial development on CO2 Emissions in Canada

A noteworthy cause of climate change is the amount of CO2 emissions released into the atmosphere. This study´s objective, therefore, is to examine the relationship between CO2 emissions, economic growth, energy consumption, urbanization, trade and financial development in the case of Canada, one of the largest CO2 emitters both in per capita and in absolute terms, over the period 1960-2014. For th

Patienters upplevelser av overklighet under vårdtiden på en intensivvårdsavdelning - en systematisk litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Patienter kan drabbas av overkliga upplevelser i form av vanföreställningar, hallucinationer, paranoia, mardrömmar och drömmar inom intensivvården. Det är inte ovanligt att PTSD utvecklas av dessa upplevelser efter sjukhusvistelsen. Syftet: Att beskriva patienters upplevelser av overklighet under vårdtiden på en intensivvårdsavdelning. Metod: Systematisk litteraturöversikt där åtta artik

Understanding Credit Ratings and their Drivers: An Empirical Study of U.S.-based Corporations

This text sets out to examine what the general quantitative drivers of corporate credit ratings are. The result from an OLS regression identifies the following drivers: sales, the size of EBITDA in relation to debt, profitability, and interest coverage. When comparing the ratings from the agencies on a stand-alone basis, there are some differences. While interest coverage is a driving factor of S&