

Din sökning på "*" gav 533373 sökträffar

Med informationsarenan som slagfält - En studie om engelskspråkig kinesisk statsmedias hotkonstruktion av väst efter Rysslands invasion av Ukraina

The war in Ukraine has rocked the international security order with a changed threat picture as a fact. The relationship between China, Russia and the West is complex due to that China agrees with Russia in a common adversary; Western democratic values, while having economic interests in continuing exporting their goods to the West. The united West, including its sanctions against Russia, can put

Facebook, Ukraina och Ryssland : framing i nyhetsrapporteringar

Denna uppsats är skriven som en del av Medie och Kommunikationsvetenskap fortsättningskurs (MKVA22) vid Institutionen för kommunikation och medier vid Lunds universitet. Uppsatsens författare är Hugo Granstedt Hillve och Cecilia Malmberg. Uppsatsen ämnar att närmare undersöka och analysera ett antal artiklar berörande det nyligen uppkomna kriget mellan Ukraina och Ryssland, våren 2022, samt den r

Kriminella organisationers counterintelligence: En fallstudie om Södertäljenätverket

Kriminella organisationers användning av counterintelligence är relativt outforskad inom underrättelsevetenskapen, och de studier som gjorts inom området handlar om terroristgrupper eller kriminella grupper i icke-demokratiska stater med svaga institutioner. Denna uppsats utgår från Södertäljenätverket som ett fall av en kriminell organisation i en demokratisk stat med starka institutioner och und

Storebror bestämmer - En flerfallsstudie om tillämpningen av EU taxonomin i svenska företag

Problem: Problem som uppstår vid tillämpningen av internationella standarder, såsom EU taxonomin, är av vikt för standardsättare att förstå då ett mer utvecklat forskningsområde förbättrar förutsättningarna för nya internationella standarder att uppnå sitt syfte. Syfte: Syftet med flerfallsstudien är att bidra med ett nytt perspektiv till forskningsområdet implementering av internationella standaProblem: Problems that arise with the application of international standards, such as the EU taxonomy, are important for standard-setters to understand as a more developed research field will improve the qualifications for new international standards to attain their purpose. Purpose: The purpose of this multiple case is to contribute with another perspective within the research field implementing

Konsten att ropa efter hjälp och vara knäpptyst samtidigt

Idag står vi med facit i hand över hur Covid-19 pandemin har påverkat samhället i stort men också hur olika organisationer har hanterat en långvarig samhällskris som de själva inte har haft något ansvar för, från början till slut. Studien undersöker restaurangbranschen, som är en av de branscher i Sverige som drabbats hårdast av pandemin. Mer specifikt analyseras vilka responsstrategier restaurangToday we are finally able to look back at how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected our society, but also how different organizations have handled this prolonged crisis they held no responsibility for. The study examines the restaurant industry, one of the industries in Sweden most affected by the pandemic, and their crisis communication. More specifically, the response strategies used by restaurants

Zooma ut?: Studenters användaracceptans för digitala onlineföreläsningsverktyg efter Covid-19-pandemin

Digitalisering inom högre utbildning är ett länge pågående projekt som fått sig en upptrappning under Covid-19-pandemin. Lärosäten världen över fick snabbt anpassa sig och ställa om till onlineundervisning för att skydda folkhälsan. Efter perioden av påtvingad onlineundervisning har högskolor och universitet mestadels återgått till campus-undervisning med en fortsatt strategi för digitalisering avDigitalization in higher education is a long-running project that has escalated during the Covid- 19 pandemic. Higher education institutions around the world had to adapt quickly and switch to online teaching to protect the public health. After this period of forced online teaching, universities have mostly returned to campus teaching with a continued strategy for digitization within higher educat

Förvarsmaktens viktigaste vapen?

Studien syftar till att undersöka medarbetares uppfattningar om intern kriskommunikation. I fallstudien studeras den svenska Försvarsmakten under de två första månaderna av kriget i Ukraina. Då tidigare forskning främst har fokuserat på det externa perspektivet av Försvarsmaktens kommunikation, avser denna studie att fylla det identifierade gapet gällande det interna perspektivet inom forskningsfäThe study aims to examine employees’ perceptions of internal crisis communication. The case study examines the Swedish Armed Forces during the first two months of the war in Ukraine. As previous research has focused on the external perspective of the Armed Forces’ communication, this study intends to fill the identified gap regarding the internal perspective. Through qualitative interviews, the re

The Arctic Governance Mosaic and Sustainability: A corpus-based discourse analysis of documents on the Arctic by the Chinese State Council between 2013 and 2021

In 2013, China became observer for the Arctic Council, and in 2018, its first official Arctic Policy Paper was published. In view of the Arctic’s fragile ecosystems and climate change, this thesis conducts a corpus-based discourse analysis on China’s narrative on the environment and sustainability between 2013 and 2021. Oran B. Young's framework, the 'Arctic Governance Mosaic' detangle

Måste ett krig bryta ut för att finansmarknaden skall påverkas signifikant?

Political shocks are unexpected events that could cause great consequences depending on the seriousness of the shock. These shocks do not only harm the stock market but also the foreign exchange market. Thus, I aimed to investigate how and whether political shocks show significant effects in the weekly profit of categorized currency pairs, such as English-speaking countries’ currencies, Asian coun

Prototyping of an automated cyclic Neutron Activation Analysis setup

A prototype Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) setup based on a Deuterium-Tritium (DT) neutron generator is under development at Lund University. It serves as proof-of-principle for NAA based on a Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Source. One purpose of the setup is to test the possibility of providing environmental monitoring of pure alpha-emitters for the European Spallation Source currently und

Comparative Analysis of Europeanization in the pre-accession Visegrad Four and Associated Trio

Associated Trio is the newest sub-regional format of cooperation in Europe, counting only a year since its foundation in May 2021 by the three member states: Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova. It shares some similarities with the Visegrad Group, the most prominent cross-country cooperation format of the Central European states. The most important common feature of these two groups is that their member

Extraction of avenanthramides from oats (Avena sativa) using pressurized hot water extraction

Introduction: Avenanthramides are antioxidants present in oats, which are interesting as a food additive for functional foods. Background: The most common method used for extraction of avenanthramides is a relative time consuming solid-liquid extraction with aqueous ethanol, which is not suitable for large scale extraction. A greener alternative could be pressurized hot water extraction (PHWE).

The Evaluations of Native English Speakers Toward Two Native and Two Non-native English Accents - A study of Language Attitudes Toward English Accents

This paper examined the language attitudes of native English speakers recruited from Reddit toward two native and two non-native English accents by applying the verbal-guise technique and using speech audio files from The Speech Accent Archive (Weinberger, 2017). The two native English accents are General American and Received Pronunciation. The two non-native English accents are German and Mexica

Åsiktsrepresentation och Europeisk Integration

The thesis researches opinion representation in Sweden in regards to the EU, with the goal of finding out if Swedish voters are represented in regards to the EU. This is done by researching what the Swedish voters’ as well as the Swedish politicians’ opinions are on increased European integration. Theories of representation and opinion representation are presented. Two different studies are compar

Politik och expertis: En studie av politikers förhållande till expertkunskap inför beslutet att avskaffa straffrabatten vid allvarlig brottslighet

There is a consensus among criminologists that an increase in the severity of punishments does not lead to a decrease of crime rates. Despite this fact many western countries have imposed more severe punishments over the last decades. The aim of this essay is to study the relationship between expertise and politics. I will use a content analysis to examine how the politicians in Sweden related to

Utländska militärbaser - ett säkerhetshot?

Previous research has indicated that foreign military bases harm states and its residents. The thesis paper seeks further evidence for military bases’ consequences on residents' perceived safety in Niger. The study aims to investigate the impact states with no previous presence of foreign military bases are affected by newly implemented bases. The results are based on a regression on geospatia

Role Conceptions in Sweden’s Foreign Policy: A Textual Analysis of the China-strategy

Research on Sweden’s foreign policy often highlights its exceptionalism regarding activism and value promotion. Yet, I detect a less idealistic side in its foreign policy towards China, characterized by a protection of national interests. In addition, contemporary trends of liberalization suggest an entirely different dimension as well. This paper seeks to better understand Sweden’s foreign policy

Komplexa och volatila hotbilder. En kvalitativ studie om hotbilder i den militära underrättelse- och säkerhetstjänstens årsöversikter.

Conflicts, crises, and acts of violence in Europe have marked the twentieth century, which has led to a change in the view of threats. The Swedish military intelligence and security service (Must) is one of the operations that work to identify and report threats to the Swedish armed forces and the Swedish government. Therefore, Must has the power to control how others view threats. This essay aims

Democratic Backsliding In Terms of Political Instability, Egypt

In this qualitative case study, I aimed to explain the phenomena of Democratic Backsliding in Egypt in the context of the Arab Spring. I do so by answering the following questions: “To what extent was democratization in Egypt marked by political instability?” and “What were the consequences of political instability for democratic backsliding in Egypt?”. I answer these questions by using relevan