

Din sökning på "*" gav 534569 sökträffar

IS security menace : When security creates insecurity

Modern organizations face significant information security violations from inside the organizations to which they respond with various managerial techniques. It is widely believed in IS security literature that enforcing IS security policy compliance on employees through various means is the solution for security effectiveness. Nevertheless, this manuscript challenges that notion and advances a st

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Försök att identifiera den ”Johannes Andrea fil. Bagerús” som står som första namn i Lunds universitets äldsta inskrivningsmatrikel (1667)

Measurement of the photon identification efficiencies with the ATLAS detector using LHC Run-1 data

The algorithms used by the ATLAS Collaboration to reconstruct and identify prompt photons are described. Measurements of the photon identification efficiencies are reported, using 4.9 fb- 1 of pp collision data collected at the LHC at s=7 TeV and 20.3 fb- 1 at s=8 TeV. The efficiencies are measured separately for converted and unconverted photons, in four different pseudorapidity regions, for tran

Frihet under ansvar eller ansvar under tillsyn? : Om dokumentstyrning av professioner

De professionellas arbetssätt befinner sig i förändring. Att följa manualer och standarder, att möta en ny typ av redovisningsansvar, extern kvalitetskontroll och krav på dokumentation utmanar på flera sätt den traditionella bilden av professioner. I Frihet under ansvar eller ansvar under tillsyn belyses erfarenheter av dokumentstyrning från tre professioner, revisorer, lärare och socionomer.Boken

Bilden av revisorn : Förändringar i beskrivningen av professionen 1989-2011

Hur revisorerna ser på sig själva och sin profession har förändrats över tiden. I denna rapport utgår vi från den bild som professionen har gett av sig själva i tidskriften Balans från 1989-2011. Vi följer hur synen på professionella normer, kunskapsbas, yrkesroller, avgränsningar mot andra professioner, organisering av den professionella föreningen, självreglering och hur man ser på andra parters

EHD2 regulates caveolar dynamics via ATP-driven targeting and oligomerization

Eps15 homology domain-containing 2 (EHD2) belongs to the EHD-containing protein family of dynamin-related ATPases involved in membrane remodeling in the endosomal system. EHD2 dimers oligomerize into rings on highly curved membranes, resulting in stimulation of the intrinsic ATPase activity. In this paper, we report that EHD2 is specifically and stably associated with caveolae at the plasma membra

Genetic characterization of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 transmission in the Middle East and North Africa

Background: The HIV-1 spread in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) has not been previously characterised using the phylogenetic approach. The aim of the current study was to investigate the genetic diversity and domestic transmission of HIV-1 in the MENA. Methods: A total of 2036 HIV-1 sequences available in Genbank and collected in the MENA during 1988–2016 were used together with 715 HIV-1

Improving Predictive Models of In-Stream Phosphorus Concentration Based on Nationally-Available Spatial Data Coverages

Spatial data are playing an increasingly important role in watershed science and management. Large investments have been made by government agencies to provide nationally-available spatial databases; however, their relevance and suitability for local watershed applications is largely unscrutinized. We investigated how goodness of fit and predictive accuracy of total phosphorus (TP) concentration m

Synthesis, Structure, and Thermoelectric Properties of α-Zn3Sb2 and Comparison to β-Zn13Sb10

Zn-Sb compounds (e.g., ZnSb, β-Zn13Sb10) are known to have intriguing thermoelectric properties, but studies of the Zn3Sb2 composition are largely absent. In this work, α-Zn3Sb2 was synthesized and studied via temperature-dependent synchrotron powder diffraction. The α-Zn3Sb2 phase undergoes a phase transformation to the β form at 425 °C, which is stable until melting at 590 °C. Rapid quenching wa

A generalized Sibuya distribution

The Sibuya distribution arises as the distribution of the waiting time for the first success in Bernoulli trials, where the probabilities of success are inversely proportional to the number of a trial. We study a generalization that can be viewed as the distribution of the excess random variable (Formula presented.) given (Formula presented.), where N has the Sibuya distribution and k is an intege

Phage display and kinetic selection of antibodies that specifically inhibit amyloid self-replication

The aggregation of the amyloid β peptide (Aβ) into amyloid fibrils is a defining characteristic of Alzheimer's disease. Because of the complexity of this aggregation process, effective therapeutic inhibitors will need to target the specific microscopic steps that lead to the production of neurotoxic species. We introduce a strategy for generating fibril-specific antibodies that selectively suppres

Leukocyte telomere length and depression, anxiety and stress and adjustment disorders in primary health care patients

Background: The primary aim was to examine possible differences in telomere length between primary health care patients, with depression, anxiety or stress and adjustment disorders, and healthy controls. The second aim was to examine the association between telomere length and baseline characteristics in the patients. The third aim was to examine the potential effects of the 8-week treatments (min

Retrospective dosimetry using salted snacks and nuts : A feasibility study

The possibility of using ordinary household table salt for dosimetry is suggested by its high sensitivity to ionising radiation, which generates a readout of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). However, to exploit this finding for retrospective human dosimetry, it would be needed to find salt in close proximity to the exposed individual. Finding salty snacks frequently tucked into handbags, b