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New topics in bradykinin research.
To cite this article: Maurer M, Bader M, Bas M, Bossi F, Cicardi M, Cugno M, Howarth P, Kaplan A, Kojda G, Leeb-Lundberg F, Lötvall J, Magerl M. New topics in bradykinin research. Allergy 2011; DOI: 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2011.02686.x ABSTRACT: Bradykinin has been implicated to contribute to allergic inflammation and the pathogenesis of allergic conditions. It binds to endothelial B(1) and B(2) recep
Regular column on performing arts in the weekly newspaper Arbetaren (The Worker).
Laser-Induced Incandescence for Soot Diagnostics: Theoretical Investigation and Experimental Development
Popular Abstract in Swedish Mer än 75 % av energianvändningen i världen kommer idag från förbränning av fossila bränslen, biobränslen och avfall. Trots att alternativa energikällor är på framfart kommer förbränning stå för den största andelen av världens energianvändning även de kommande decennierna. Tyvärr medför förbränning flera negativa konsekvenser, såsom ökad koldioxidhalt i atmosfären och uLaser-induced incandescence, LII, is a laser-diagnostic technique that can be used to measure the volume fraction and the sizes of soot particles suspended in a gas, such as within a combustion process or in its exhausts. The technique is based on the facts that the time-decay of the radiation from laser-heated soot particles is directly related to the particle size in the probed volume, and that
Markers of inflammation in patients with coronary artery disease are also associated with glycosylated haemoglobin A(1c) within the normal range.
All that's mine I carry with me. Early life disease and adult health in Sweden during 250 years
The aim of this thesis is to study early life risk exposures in relation to adult health and mortality in Sweden during 250 years. A number of causal mechanisms by which exposure to diseases and stressful economic and social conditions early in life may lead to increased morbidity and mortality later in life are discussed (paper I). The early life exposures investigated are the foetal origins (nut
Revisiting Software Requirements Specifications - What could we learn
Redovisningsfrågor i skattepraxis
Properties and applications of low conductivity composite Terfenol-D
Results of a Fifteen-Year Follow-up Program in Patients Operated with Unilateral Neck Exploration for Primary Hyperparathyroidism.
Since the introduction of unilateral parathyroidectomy for primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT) it has been debated wherever this approach is associated with greater long-term risk for recurrence compared to bilateral neck exploration.
Testing for unit roots in panel data using wavelet ratio method
Köp, sälj och platta till! : organisationsförändringar, arbetsmiljö och omsorgskvalitet i hemtjänsten under 1990-talet
Den fetmadrivande miljön. Kulturella föreställningar om samhället i populärmedicinska texter om övervikt och fetma.
I den här artikeln analyseras hur samhället beskrivs i svenska populärmedicinska texter om övervikt och fetma. Syftet är att placera de här beskrivningarna i ett historiskt och kulturellt sammanhang för att visa hur medicinska texter influeras av kulturella föreställningar och underliggande tankefigurer. Tydligt är att synen på samhället präglas av idén om en distinktion mellan ett förmodernt förr
Description of mechanical response including detachment using a novel particle model of biofilm/flow interaction
Review of Signums svenska kulturhistoria, vol. 2, Renässansen
BRCA1-mediated repression of select X chromosome genes
Recently BRCA1 has been implicated in the regulation of gene expression from the X chromosome. In this study the influence of BRCA1 on expression of X chromosome genes was investigated. Complementary DNA microarrays were used to compare the expression levels of X chromosome genes in 18 BRCA1-associated ovarian cancers to those of the 13 "BRCA1-like" and 14 "BRCA2-like" sporadic tumors (as defined