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Inverse Problems in Tomography and Fast Methods for Singular Convolutions

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling behandlas två delvis överlappande teman; inversa problem av tomografisk karaktär samt snabba och noggranna metoder för applicering av faltningsoperatorer. Inom det första temat så studeras det inversa problemet inom Dopplertomografi och för detta ändamål så introduceras Dopplermomenttransformen. Genom att undersöka egenskaperna hos denna transform såThere are two, partially interlaced, themes treated in this thesis; inverse problems of tomographic type and fast and accurate methods for the application of convolution operators. Regarding the first theme, the inverse problem of Doppler tomography is considered and the Doppler moment transform is introduced for that purpose. By investigating the properties of the transform, we prove results reg

Glutamate oxidase advances the selective bioanalytical detection of the neurotoxic amino acid beta-ODAP in grass pea: A decade of progress

The search for an enzyme as a reagent for selective bioanalytical detection of the neurotoxic amino acid, beta-N-oxalyl-L-,alpha,beta-diaminopropionic acid, beta-ODAP (found in grass pea, Lathyrus sativus) led to its redox catalytic reaction by glutamate oxidase (GluOx). Homogeneous kinetic studies and an immobilized GluOx reactor-based flow-injection assay were initially made for beta-ODAP with s

Factors associated with history of non-fatal overdose among opioid users in the Swedish criminal justice system.

BACKGROUND: Overdose (OD) is a common cause of death in opioid users. Also, many current opioid users report a history of non-fatal OD. The present study aimed to identify factors associated with a history of non-fatal OD. METHODS: A sample of 7085 Swedish criminal justice clients with alcohol or drug misuse was assessed, using the Addiction Severity Index. Subjects reporting use of opioids during

Injury-induced activation of ERK 1/2 in the sciatic nerve of healthy and diabetic rats.

Phosphorylation of extracellular-signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (p-ERK 1/2) was investigated by immunohistochemistry at 30 min, 1 h, and 48 h after nerve transection in the sciatic nerve of healthy and diabetic [streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes mellitus and BioBreeding (BB; i.e. DR.lyp/lyp or BBDP)] rats. Transection injury increased the intensity of p-ERK 1/2 in nerve stumps at all time points.

No survival benefit associated with routine surveillance imaging for Hodgkin lymphoma in first remission: a Danish-Swedish population-based observational study.

The use of routine imaging for patients with classical Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) in complete remission (CR) is controversial. In a population-based study, we examined the post-remission survival of Danish and Swedish HL patients for whom follow-up practices were different. Follow-up in Denmark included routine imaging, usually for a minimum of 2 years, whereas clinical follow-up without routine imagin

The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY): genetic criteria and international diabetes risk screening of 421 000 infants.

Hagopian WA, Erlich H, Lernmark Å, Rewers M, Ziegler AG, Simell O, Akolkar B, Vogt Jr R, Blair A, Ilonen J, Krischer J, She J, and the TEDDY Study Group. The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY): genetic criteria and international diabetes risk screening of 421 000 infants. Aims: The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) study seeks to identify environm

Improved performance characteristics of the von Willebrand factor ristocetin cofactor activity assay using a novel automated assay protocol.

Summary Background, objectives and methods: An accurate, sensitive and precise assay for reliable determination of the ristocetin cofactor activity of von Willebrand factor (VWF:RCo) in plasma and von Willebrand Factor (VWF)-containing concentrates has been evaluated. The assay is based on a commercially available automated protocol with modifications including a combination of adding additional r

Desertification in Africa - Critique and an Alternative Approach

This article critically reviews the international debate on desertification, its status, rate as well as causes and consequences. The article rejects the commonly used concept of a degrading environment, but tries to explain the environmental problems as symptoms of a wider economic and political crisis. An alternative approach applying systems analysis of the entire socio-eco-system to the study

Signal transduction-related bioinformatics services.

Signal transduction pathways are crucial for the regulation of a very wide variety of cellular functions ranging, for example, from translation to intercellular communication, and from metabolism to apoptosis. Protein kinases and phosphatases, together with their binding partners, are key players in these cascades. They also form a substantial part of the genes in genomes and proteins in proteomes

Influence of prolonged unilateral cervical muscle contraction on head repositioning - Decreased overshoot after a 5-min static muscle contraction task.

The ability to reproduce a specified head-on-trunk position can be an indirect test of cervical proprioception. This ability is affected in subjects with neck pain, but it is unclear whether and how much pain or continuous muscle contraction factors contribute to this effect. We studied the influence of a static unilateral neck muscle contraction task (5 min of lateral flexion at 30% of maximal vo

A Simple Procedure for Determining Order Quantities under a Fill Rate Constraint and Normally Distributed Lead-Time Demand

One of the most common practical inventory control problems is considered. A single-echelon inventory system is controlled by a continuous review (R,Q) policy. The lead-time demand is normally distributed. We wish to minimize holding and ordering costs under a fill rate constraint. Although, it is not especially complicated to derive the optimal solution, it is much more common in practice to use

From cradle to grave: tracking socioeconomic inequalities in mortality in a cohort of 11 868 men and women born in Uppsala, Sweden, 1915-1929.

Ample evidence has shown that early-life social conditions are associated with mortality later in life. However, little attention has been given to the strength of these effects across specific age intervals from birth to old age. In this paper, we study the effect of the family's socioeconomic position and mother's marital status at birth on all-cause mortality at different age intervals in a Swe

When time is not space: the social and linguistic construction of time intervals and temporal event relations in an Amazonian culture

It is widely assumed that there is a natural, prelinguistic conceptual domain of time whose linguistic organization is universally structured via metaphoric mapping from the lexicon and grammar of space and motion. We challenge this assumption on the basis of our research on the Amondawa (Tupi Kawahib) language and culture of Amazonia. Using both observational data and structured field linguistic

Proteomics data collection--4th ProDaC workshop 15 August 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

ProDaC (Proteomics Data Collection), a Coordination Action within the 6th EU framework programme, was created to support the collection, distribution and public availability of data from proteomics experiments. Within the consortium standards are created and maintained enabling an extensive data collection within the proteomics community. Important elements of ProDaC are workshops held twice a yea

Cystatin C Rescues Degenerating Neurons in a Cystatin B-Knockout Mouse Model of Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy.

In vitro studies have shown that cystatin C (CysC) is neuroprotective. Here we demonstrate that CysC is neuroprotective in vivo, in a mouse model of the inherited neurodegenerative disorder, progressive myoclonic epilepsy type 1 (EPM1). Loss-of-function mutations in the cystatin B (CysB) gene, an intracellular cysteine protease inhibitor, lead to this human disease. A CysB-knockout (CysBKO) mouse

Liver and gallbladder cancer in immigrants to Sweden.

BACKGROUND: The changes of cancer incidence upon immigration can be used as an estimator of environmental influence on cancer risk. We studied site-specific liver and biliary cancers in first-generation immigrants to Sweden with an aim to search for aetiological clues and to find evidence for indigenous incidence rates. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We used the nation-wide Swedish Family-Cancer Database t