Inverse Problems in Tomography and Fast Methods for Singular Convolutions
Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling behandlas två delvis överlappande teman; inversa problem av tomografisk karaktär samt snabba och noggranna metoder för applicering av faltningsoperatorer. Inom det första temat så studeras det inversa problemet inom Dopplertomografi och för detta ändamål så introduceras Dopplermomenttransformen. Genom att undersöka egenskaperna hos denna transform såThere are two, partially interlaced, themes treated in this thesis; inverse problems of tomographic type and fast and accurate methods for the application of convolution operators. Regarding the first theme, the inverse problem of Doppler tomography is considered and the Doppler moment transform is introduced for that purpose. By investigating the properties of the transform, we prove results reg