

Din sökning på "*" gav 536564 sökträffar

GABA(A) receptor blockade inhibits Aβ fibre evoked wind-up in the arthritic rat

To clarify the mechanisms of allodynia we have examined whether 'wind- up' of nociceptive withdrawal reflexes (NWR), a phenomenon characteristic of nociceptive C fiber spinal processing, can be mimicked by stimulation of tactile Aβ fibers in monoarthritic decerebrate spinal rats. Knee joint monoarthritis was induced by carrageenan/kaolin under halothane anaesthesia 5 h before recordings. In arthri

Functional and topographical properties of field potentials evoked in rat dorsal horn by cutaneous C‐fibre stimulation.

Extracellular field potentials in the lumbosacral dorsal horn evoked by stimulation of cutaneous C fibres in the sural nerve were explored in the halothane‐anaesthetized rat. C‐fibre‐evoked field potentials were prominent in lamina II and lamina V of the dorsal horn. These potentials had a latency of 80‐130 ms and a duration of more than 200 ms. A peak in the C‐fibre‐evoked field potential, termed

Cutaneous inputs to dorsal horn neurones in adult rats treated at birth with capsaicin

Single unit electrical activity has been recorded from dorsal horn neurons in the lumbar spinal cord of adult rats which had been treated at birth with either capsaicin (50 mg kg-1) or with the solvent-vehicle only. The responses of these neurones to electrical stimulation of A- and C-fibres in the sural nerve and to natural stimulation of their cutaneous receptive fields have been studied. In veh

Actio som förkroppsligad attityd : En burkesk och multimodal metod för analys av ickeverbal kommunikation

Denna artikel presenterar en studie av attityder som visas i en medlings­situation i en svensk reality-teveserie om grannkonflikter. Syftet är att utveckla en teoretisk och metodologisk ram för retorisk analys av icke­verbala yttranden. I artikeln skisseras en teori baserad på retorikens actio och Kenneth Burkes syn på förkroppsligad attityd. Actio utforskas genom en multimodal analys, det vill sä

Wishing for deburdening through sustainable control after bariatric surgery

The aim of this study was an in-depth investigation of the change process experienced by patients undergoing bariatric surgery. A prospective interview study was performed prior to as well as 1 and 2 years after surgery. Data analyses of the transcribed interviews were performed by means of the Grounded Theory method. A core category was identified: Wishing for deburdening through a sustainable co

Perceptions of complementary therapies among Swedish registered health care professions in surgical care.

There is increasing interest in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) among healthcare professions. However, no studies have been conducted in Sweden or in a surgical context. The aim of this study is to describe different perceptions of complementary therapies among registered healthcare professions in Swedish surgical care. Sixteen interviews were conducted with registered physicians, nur

Vanilloid receptors on sensory nerves mediate the vasodilator action of anandamide

The endogenous cannabinoid receptor agonist anandamide is a powerful vasodilator of isolated vascular preparations, but its mechanism of action is unclear. Here we show that the vasodilator response to anandamide in isolated arteries is capsaicin-sensitive and accompanied by release of calcitonin- gene-related peptide (CGRP). The selective CGRP-receptor antagonist 8-37 CGRP (ref. 5), but not the c

Säkerhetsutbildningar och säkerhetskulturarbete vid forskningsanläggningar med strålningsrisker och många tillfälliga internationella användare - ett fortsättningsprojekt

Det övergripande syftet med detta projekt har varit att ge ett konkret underlag somkan användas som stöd för att utveckla välfungerande kortare säkerhetsutbildningar i säkerhetskritiska verksamheter.Utgångspunkten har varit forskningsanläggningarna MAX IV och EuropeanSpallation Source (ESS) där forskare, dvs användare, från hela världen vistas tillfälligt för att genomföra experiment. Användarna k

Vårt energirika universum

Högenergiastrofysik spelar en nyckelroll för vår förståelse av Universum. Den mest energirika strålningen avslöjar heta och våldsamma fenomen. Vi undersöker het gas i galaxhopar, som är de största och tyngsta objekten i Universum. Vi undersöker också het gas som samlas i skivor omkring supermassiva svarta hål i galaxers centra.Men högenergiastrofysik ger oss också viktig information om vår egen gaHigh Energy Astrophysics plays a key role in understanding the universe. These radiations reveal the processes in the hot and violent universe. High Energy Astrophysics probes hot gas in clusters of galaxies, which are the most massive objects in the universe. It also probes hot gas accreting around supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies.Finally, high energy radiation provides importa