Fysisk aktivitet och fysisk självkänsla hos ungdomar med juvenil idiopatisk artrit
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Fulltext är ej tillgänglig i elektronisk form. För lån/kopia av tryckt uppsats kontakta Medicinska fakultetens bibliotek, Lunds universitet
Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is to design a capacity flexible assembly line with as few wastes as possible in the internal material supply chain. The reports secondary purpose is to show the advantages of involving logistics in the design phase of an assembly line. Method: The study starts of with an explanative approach as assembly line six is investigated and wastes are identified.
Tourism is one of the world’s biggest industries; it accounts for 11% of the global GDP, and is responsible for between 5 to 14% of the world’s global warming caused by human activities. Due to the large economic, social and environmental impacts that this activity has, attempts have been made to make it more sustainable. Nevertheless, the focus has traditionally been on the supply side. Tourism’
Severe environmental degradation worldwide calls for imperative action from human society. Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), which constitute an important component in almost every economic entity in the world, are subject to growing concern, as their environmental performance is essential to regional and global environmental protection and sustainable industrial development. Due to the
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