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Granskning av RCT-studiers träningsbeskrivningar vid rotaturcuffsyndrom med Consensus om Exercise Reportníng Template (CERT) och frekvens, intensitet, tid, typ, volym, progression (FITT-VP-konceptet) - en semi-systematisk litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Träning är en vetenskapligt beprövad behandling vid rotatorkuffsyndrom och även förstahandsinterventionen i de flesta fallen. Hur träningen ska läggas upp är dock inte helt klart vilket bland annat beror på den undermåliga beskrivningen av träningsinterventioner i vetenskapliga studier. Consensus on Exercise Reporting Template (CERT) och FITT-VP-konceptet (frekvens, intensitet, typ, tid,

How the Choice of Primary Treatment Affects the Biogas Potential of Primary Sludge

Stigande energianvändning och global uppvärmning har lett till en ökad efterfrågan av förnyel-sebara energikällor. Ett alternativ är att utnyttja avloppsvatten för att producera biogas. Avlopps-vatten kan därav ses som en resurs snarare än avfall. I biogasproduktion används anaerob ned-brytning där mikroorganismer bryter ner organiskt material till metan. Primär rening är första steget inom avlopThe global heating has resulted in rising temperatures and more extreme weather conditions around the world. In combination with increasing energy demands, this has led to an increasing demand of renewable energy. One option is utilizing the wastewater to produce biogas. There-fore, wastewater can be seen as a resource rather than waste. Biogas production is based on anaerobic digestion where micr

Barns rätt på änglamakerskornas tid

I denna text diskuteras hur fosterbarnsvården utvecklats från en enskild angelägenhet till en kollektiv angelägenhet. Under denna period fortsatte ett sen tidigare etablerat fördömande av den utomäktenskaplig sexualiteten. Detta leder till att många mödrar lämnar bort sina oäktingar till fosterhem, dels för att slippa försörjningen, dels för att undkomma skammen. Detta kan göras på grund av en anoOver the last two centuries, foster care in Sweden has undergone immense changes. Various societal and political views have shifted from individual to collective responsibility on this issue. Extramarital relations are both religiously and civilly condemned. To avoid being shamed, extramarital mothers often left their children in foster care. This was possible due to their newfound right to remain

Går det åt skogen? En kvalitativ studie om skogsägande, kalhyggen och Sveriges självbild som friluftsland

Den bild som målas upp av den svenska skogen är ljus. Skogsbruket sägs vara både hållbart och klimatsmart. Vid första anblick verkar bilden också stämma. Eller? Skogen är om omdebatterat territorium. Börjar man skrapa på ytan märker man att mycket av bilden lämnas utanför. Dagens skogsbruk är långt ifrån så ljus som skogsindustrin, och till viss del politiken, vill få det att verka. En allt mer esThe Swedish forestry sector has been dominated by clear-cutting methods for many decades and wood production has been of great importance for the economic development. Forests and its social values have also formed an important basis for the country’s identity with its recreation opportunities. Societal demands on forests are however many and increasing with an escalating climate crisis and the ne

Bosniska flyktingars beskrivningar av sitt sociala nätverk - De första levnadsåren i jämförelse med idag

This paper will examine the Bosnian refugees social network, the first years of living in Sweden and the social network they have today. The study aims to compare the changes described in the Bosnian refugees' social networks in Sweden over time. We are striving to identify what differences the group describes but also what similarities can be distinguished. We have approached this study with

Macroprudential Policy Activity and Financial Inclusion: Cross-country analysis of macroprudential tool use

Research suggests that multiple trade-offs and synergies characterise the relationship between financial inclusion and financial stability. For example, expanding access to financial services can lead to a more stable banking system but also excessive credit growth and decreased stability. The outcome is determined by policy and management and depends on institutional factors and other country cha

Analysis of Process Technologies to Preserve Berries

From all the wild berries that grow in Sweden only 2-5% is utilized (RISE, 2022). The United Nation has 17 goals for sustainable development, and many of those goals are related to sustainable food production (United Nations, 2022). A sustainable food product should have low environmental impact, social equity, and economic viability, while still containing essential nutrients (Woodhouse et al, 20

Molecular Characterization of High β-Glucan Lines in Oats

Oats (Avena sativa) are part of the cereal whole grain family, and their production is on the rise for the past few years due to extensive research done on the health benefits it can provide to humans. ScanOats project in Sweden is one of the research groups across the world that has done extensive work on oats. The lines CT-BG-53, CT-BG-21, and CT-BG-37 are mutant lines harvested by Crop Tailor A

Effects of plant polar lipids on postprandial appetite sensations, mood, and cognition in healthy humans

Background Dietary intervention is an effective way to prevent pandemic non-communicable diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes which can probably raise the risk of depression and Alzheimer's disease. Although considerable numbers of intervention studies focus on metabolic effects and physiological benefits of the intake of plant lipids, the function in appetite, mood, and cognition modu

Delayed Demographic Transitions - The Natural Resource Curse Extended? A case study for Bolivia 1900--2010

This thesis investigates if dependence on natural resources causes a delayed demographic transition. The Plurinational State of Bolivia is taken as an example as it is a country with a high share of Mining \& Oil activities in its economy. The method of investigation is a time series analysis covering the period 1900--2010. The results suggest that Bolivia's resource-depleting activities d

Exploring improvements of wind power forecasts using Convolutional Neural Networks and Time Series Analysis

Due to environmental considerations, volumes of renewable power production are rapidly growing, and its share of the energy pool is increasing. The inter- mittent nature of wind power, being one of the main renewable energy sources, is a challenge when generating production forecasts. Accurate forecasts are nec- essary for the electrical grid to be kept in balance as the development of wind power

Inner Mongolian Students’ Self-Identification during Preparatory Education

Chinese preparatory education is a specialized higher education programme for students from ethnic minorities. Minorities in remote areas are eligible for a preferential education policy that permits entry into universities as "ethnic minority preparatory students " (少数民族预科学生). At school, these ethnic students encounter not only the challenge of their role as preparatory students but als

Varje ord ett vägskäl: en komparativ studie av de styrdokument som reglerar utbildning för nyanlända elever i Sverige och i Andalusien

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka likheter och skillnader det finns i de styrdokument som reglerar utbildningen för nyanlända elever i Sverige och i den autonoma regionen Andalusien i Spanien. Det svenska styrdokumentet utgörs av de allmänna råd som Skolverket publicerade 2016 och det spanska dokumentet är en lagtext som reglerar undervisningen för nyanlända från 2007. Studien är en kompThe aim of this study is to investigate what similarities and differences there are to be found in those policy documents that regulate the education for immigrant students in Sweden and in the autonomous region Andalucia in Spain. The Swedish document consists of “general advices” that are provided by the Department of Education of Sweden from 2016 and the Spanish document is a legal text that re

Digital Twin, development of a monitoring and analytical tool

Tillverkning av batterier är en mycket komplex process och det är en process som Saft AB är väl förtrogen med. För att kunna producera det antal batterier Saft AB gör måste de se till att alla led i produktionen håller en viss standard. Detta projekt hade i mål att utveckla ett användarcentrerat, interaktivt verktyg för Saft AB med förmågan att övervaka och analysera data som samlas in av sensorerThe production of batteries is a substantially complex process, and it is a process with which Saft AB is greatly familiarised. In order to produce the number of batteries Saft AB does, they need to ensure that all stages of production adhere to a certain standard. This project’s purpose aimed to develop a user focused, interactive tool for Saft AB with the capability to monitor and analyse the da

YAWN: one night in nature

This project got inspired by Alastair Humphreys‘ book ”Microadventures. Micro adventures are small escapes from daily life which should be ”short, simple, close to the home and cheap” as Humphreys writes. For me, the epitome of micro-adventures is staying one night out in nature - an activity that shouldn’t afford a lot of gear, knowledge, money, or time and should be accessible for everyone. Foc

Narrative analysis of the effects of the Russo-Ukrainian war on first-generation Russian migrants in Finland

The aim of this study is to explore the ways in which the Russo-Ukrainian war influences and is manifested in first-generation Russian migrants’ narratives of belonging, the purpose of which is to further explore the relationship between homeland conflict and the ways in which migrants construct deterritorialised narratives of belonging. The research is based on seven in-depth interviews analysed

Att hyra lycka: En kulturanalytisk studie om konsumenters affektiva upplevelser vid konventionell klädkonsumtion och vid konsumtion av hyrkläder

To Rent Happiness: A cultural analytical study about consumers’ affective experiences of conventional clothing consumption and consumption of rented clothes, Klara Ekstrand The purpose of this study was to investigate consumers’ affective experiences of conventional clothing consumption and renting of clothes and how these experiences affected consumers’ willingness to engage in access-based fash

A Meta-Synthesis of Architecture

The built environment will soon continue to develop as virtual and augmented reality become increasingly integrated into how we work, play, and learn. My degree project explores the many possibilities of combining architecture with augmented virtuality by looking into this new medium of technology that is constructing mixed reality with the built environment. It talks about the metaverse in bri

Quality Assurance of Generative Dialog Models in an Evolving Conversational Agent Used for Swedish Language Practice

Due to the migration megatrend, efficient and effective second-language acquisition is vital. One proposed solution involves AI-enabled conversational agents for person-centered interactive language practice. We present results from ongoing action research targeting quality assurance of proprietary generative dialog models trained for virtual job interviews. The action team elicited a set of 38 re