

Din sökning på "*" gav 531351 sökträffar

NMR Observation of Sulfhydryl Signals in SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Aids Structural Studies

The 68-kDa homodimeric 3C-like protease of SARS-CoV-2, Mpro (3CLpro/Nsp5), is a key antiviral drug target. NMR spectroscopy of this large system proved challenging and resonance assignments have remained incomplete. Here we present the near-complete (>97 %) backbone assignments of a C145A variant of Mpro (MproC145A) both with, and without, the N-terminal auto-cleavage substrate sequence, in its na

Polymer Surface Analysis with regards to various Machining Parameters

Polymers have existed in the manufacturing scenario for a long time now. However, the surprising part is that the data for metal cutting is still being incorporated for machining of polymers. Polymers are often machined using the tools on the data available for soft materials like aluminum. There is little research done in the domain of machinability of polymers to find out the best cutting combin

”Jag fick inte utnyttja min potential eller liksom växa känslomässigt” – berättelser om att växa upp med en förälder med borderline

The aim of this study was to find out how adult children describe their experiences of growing up with a parent with symptoms of borderline personality disorder and how the parent's illness has affected their current life. I have used a qualitative method and conducted four semi-structured interviews with respondents whose parents had symptoms of the diagnosis borderline personality disorder d

Hantering av PAH-kontaminerad asfalt

Hantering av PAH kontaminerad asfalt har i denna rapport studerats med syftet att utreda moment som berör hanteringen från de tidiga projekteringsfaserna fram till slutlig förvaring, destruktion eller återvinning av den kontaminerade asfalten. I rapporten följs denna tidslinje från litteraturstudien, där läsaren får med sig en allmän och fördjupad kunskap om det berörda ämnet, till konkreta metodeThe managing of PAH contaminated asphalt has been studied in this report with the aim of investigating elements concerning the managing from the early design phases to the final storage, destruction, or recycling of the contaminated asphalt. The report follows this timeline from the literature study, where the reader gets a general and partially in-depth knowledge of the relevant subject, to more

Flytande bostäder i Oceanhamnen - hur exploatering för bostadsändamål sker på vatten

Flytande bostäder är inte ett nytt koncept, men under de senaste 20 åren har boende på vatten dykt upp i planarbetet i svenska kommuner samt etableras på marknaden. Helsingborgs stad har visat intresse för konceptet och har tankar på att införa flytande villor i det nya området Oceanhamnen - vilket är bakgrunden för denna studie. Den svenska fastighets-, och plan- och bygglagstiftningen är utforThe Swedish laws of property formation and property development presumes that building happens on the ground. When modern technology allows building on water, there are legal questions to tend to. The purpose of this paper is to examine how land development for housing purposes on water is done in Sweden. The city of Helsingborg is interested in implementing floating homes in their new city dist

In Contact with the Public: Swedish police officers’ understanding of consideration, restraint, and confidence

The Swedish population is distinguished by having a high level of trust in the police. This high trust is partly dependent on the numerous everyday interactions between police officers and the public. The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the understanding of how Swedish police officers understand these interactions in relation to the existing legal framework concerning police behaviour.

Redesign of a Production Dashboard under Consideration of Lean and Performance Management Aspects - A case study

Purpose – The purpose of this master thesis is to test the applicability of the dashboard development procedure by Vilarinho, Lopes and Sousa (2017) in the application case of a single case study for a redesign of a production dashboard. In doing so a practical new dashboard layout shall be reached, which considers the needs of all dashboard users. Design/methodology/approach – This thesis was co

Xi Jinping Thought on Rule of What - A content analysis of Xi Jinping Thought on Rule of Law

In 2012, Xi Jinping launched a major legal reform in China. 10 years on “Xi Jinping Thought on Rule of Law” is a well-established and widely used term. This thesis systematically investigates the nature of this legal doctrine through the lenses of rule of law and rule by law. Furthermore, it discusses the feasibility of using Western legal doctrines in non-Western contexts. The data used for the a

Bundle of Powers to Access Solar Energy: Search for an enabling environment for women-to-women network in solar energy enhancement initiatives

Irrespective of the abundance of solar energy resources, its access to the low-income communities of rural Tanzania is challenged by multifaceted barriers. Again, the current access goal in energy ignored the gender perspective of access. There is no alternative to establishing women-led solar energy enhancement initiatives to mitigate those access barriers and equally address gender inequality in

Between Power and Vulnerability: National Human Rights Institutions in Post-Conflict Environments and the Uganda Human Rights Commission

In light of declining multilateralism within the field of human rights since the 1990s, National Human Rights Institutions have been presented by the UN as translators capable of vernacularizing and institutionalizing global human rights ideals within the local. Yet, the global proliferation of National Human Rights Institutions sparked by the adoption of the UN Principles Relating to the Status o

En kartläggning av idrottsskador hos svenska padelspelare – en enkätstudie

Bakgrund Padel är en idrott som har blivit populär i Sverige de senaste åren. Trots alla positiva effekter med idrott innebär padelspel, liksom många andra idrotter, även en risk för en idrottsskada. Det finns dock få epidemiologiska undersökningar gjorda inom padel där man har undersökt skadeförekomst, skademekanism, vilken typ av skador som förekommer och vilka riskfaktorer som finns. Syfte Huvu

A Knight(mare) in Shining Armour: A Foucauldian-Feminist Analysis of Sexsomnia Defence in Swedish Courts

In recent years, several men in Sweden have been acquitted of different sexual offences because the courts deemed that it could have occurred in their sleep. According to a leading expert, several of the Swedish acquitting cases are based on incorrect or irrelevant arguments and reasoning regarding sexsomnia. Therefore, it is important to gain a deeper understanding of how sexsomnia manifests with

Straffansvar gällande psykiskt våld: En analys av gällande lagstiftning från ett kriminologiskt perspektiv

Abstrakt Författare: Love Fors Titel: Straffansvar gällande psykiskt våld: En analys av gällande lagstiftning från ett kriminologiskt perspektiv. Kandidatuppsats inom Sociologi (Kriminologiprogrammet) [SOCK10], 15 hp Handledare: Katinka Johansen Sociologiska institutionen Vårtermin 2022 Våld i nära relationer är ett samhällsproblem som främst drabbar kvinnor och förekommer bakom stängda dörrar.

Chemical recycling, a potential solution for Sweden's plastic recycling industry in the transition to a circular economy?

Although Sweden collects and sorts a large share of plastic waste, a significant part of the separately collected plastic packaging waste is being incinerated and only 8 % of the plastic waste is being recycled into new products. As plastic is the main cause of greenhouse gas emissions from waste incineration, a systematic shift is needed to decrease incineration. Currently, Chemical recycling (CR

DevOps - Inte nytt men långt kvar

DevOps är ett arbetssätt och arbetsmodell som beskriver hur utvecklare och driftpersonal arbetar tillsammans för att säkerställa optimal utveckling, lansering och drift av ett mjukvarusystem. Detta är något som organisationer världen över försöker att implementera för att ligga i fram-kant. Däremot då DevOps inte omfattas av en universell struktur ser det väldigt olika från före-tag till företag.

“Rösthälsa hos äldre” - en enkätundersökning om friska äldre individers rösthälsa kopplat till kön, fysisk aktivitet och tidigare yrke

Syfte: Det generella syftet med denna studie var att utifrån en webbenkät undersöka rösthälsan hos friska äldre individer i åldrarna 65-80 år. Det specifika syftet var att undersöka hur män och kvinnor skattade sin nuvarande rösthälsa och jämföra med hur de uppfattade att rösten fungerat under arbetslivet. Denna studie var också avsedd att undersöka om det gick att finna ett samband mellan äldre iPurpose: The main purpose with this study was to examine vocal health in healthy older individuals aged 65-80 years from an online survey. The specific purpose was to investigate how men and women estimate their own current vocal health and to compare this with how they experience that their voice has functioned during their working life. This study also aimed to investigate if a correlation could

Undersökning av hur penetrationstalet i bitumen påverkar styvheten av cementstabiliserad asfalt i laboratoriepackade prover

A semi-flexible pavement is a composite material consisting of an open-graded asphalt skeleton with an air void content between 25 - 35% that is filled with a cement sludge. Limited research has been done regarding factors which can affect the mechanical properties of this material. Therefore, this study explores the affect the penetration value of a bitumen has on the stiffness of a semi-flexible

Female Internal Migration: The case of Peru

The purpose of this study has been to provide a comprehensive analysis of the socioeconomic situation of migrant women in the context of Peru, a country historically marked by internal migration rates. It has been found that migrant women are socially excluded in relation to three socioeconomic indicators (1) employment sector, (2) educational attainment and (3) healthcare coverage, predominan