

Din sökning på "*" gav 531352 sökträffar

Legitimation och profession - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur hälso- sjukvårdskuratorer upplever sitt yrke efter att de fått legitimation

This study aims to investigate how health care social workers experience their license relative to the professionalization of the occupation. Seven qualitative semi-structured interviews were performed with licensed hospital social workers. The framework in this study consists of theory about profession through a set of concepts that constitute criteria for an occupation to be considered a profess

CAPM Beta and Geopolitical Risk

Recent years, geopolitical risks have dominated the news feed for the financial markets. There have historically been some geopolitical events that have resulted in major declines in the stock market and such a market day can be classified as a geopolitical Black Swan. The purpose of this essay is to investigate the area of CAPM beta and geopolitical risk where the main investigation is if beta is

New work behaviour on the rise? - A mixed-method study concerning stress levels and work related characteristics of HR-professionals within Staffing- and recruitment when working from home

The purpose of this study was to develop an understanding of how the perception of stress for HR-professionals within staffing- and recruitment, might differentiate when working more or less from home. An additional ambition was to develop an understanding of how the work characteristics, job-demand, control and support, could have an impact on the above association. To examine this, an explorator

A generic system for adhering cells to supported lipid bilayers

One of the main contributors in the immune system are T cells. The exact molecular mechanisms behind T cell activation are not yet fully understood but it starts through the contact between the T cell and an infected cell. In order to study such interaction, supported lipid bilayers (SLBs) are used to mimic cell membranes and to reduce its complexity but still retaining the fundamental property of

Climate change and Banking regulation: How Swedish professionals think about regulating climate-related risk drivers

Syfte: Denna masteruppsats ämnar att deskriptivt beskriva hur bankanställda och experter på bankregleringsområdet ser på de regleringen av de finansiella risker som härrör från klimatförändringarna. Material och metod: Semistrukturerade expertintervjuer genomfördes med fem bankanställda från svenska banker av olika storlek samt med fyra experter på bankreglering och en expert på översvämningar ocPurpose: This master thesis aims to describe how bank employees and experts in the field of banking regulation view the regulation of financial risks incorporating climate-related risk drivers. Material and method: Semi-structured expert interviews were conducted with five bank employees from Swedish banks of various sizes, as well as with four experts on banking regulation and one expert on floo

“De har mer att vinna på det kriminella livet än vad de har att förlora” - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialarbetares upplevelser av att arbeta med unga män som har varit inblandade i gängkriminalitet

The purpose of our study is to understand how social workers work with young men who have previously been involved in gang crime and what risk factors the social worker considers to be the basis for young men's previous involvement in gang crime. We also want to research the difficulties social workers experience while working with this group. The study was based on qualitative semi-structured

The EU Waste Shipment Proposal and Its Implications for the Secondary Route Steel Production - A scenario analysis considering energy use, CO2 emissions, and environmental costs

The steel industry is one of the most polluting industries globally. There exists an EU waste shipment proposal that aims to restrict the EU export of waste in order to raise safe, environmental standards and circularity within the EU. Under this proposal, steel scrap is defined as waste and since the EU is the largest exporter of steel scrap globally, this has implications for the EU steel indust

Vikten av det sociala och psykosociala stödet till efterlevande - Kuratorers perspektiv på sitt arbete kring att stödja efterlevande i specialiserad palliativ vård

The purpose of this study was to investigate how counsellors in specialised palliative care view and relate to social and psychosocial support for bereaved relatives. The study's empirical material was obtained through qualitative semi-structured interviews with nine counsellors within specialised palliative care and was conducted in one of Sweden's southern health care regions. To analyse

Effect of a whole grain cereal product on glucose regulation and subjective appetite in an overnight perspective

Background With obesity levels on the rise globally, it is necessary to create a healthier food environment and increase access to nourishing and palatable foods. Dietary fibre consumption has been proven to be one of the best ways to prevent cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. Glucanova AB developed an oat bran and barley-based product and investigated the daylong effect on glucose respo


Motivated by bridging the dichotomy between photography and science, this thesis considers how the selected group of scholar-practitioners view the role of critical environmental photography. Particularly, it surveys whether they think it can be used as a tool for raising awareness of environmental issues and whether it’s significant enough to encourage collaboration between photography and scienc

The Role of Excessive Social Media Usage in Autobiographical Memory

The present study investigated the relationship between excessive social media usage in everyday life and autobiographical memory recollection. Previous studies have investigated the effect of social media on autobiographical memory in terms of distinct events, while research regarding the cumulative effect of this is lacking, which is the main focus of the present study. This was investigated by

Vägen till en vällyckad integration

This qualitative study is based on interviews with seven Afghan refugees in Sweden, and the aim is to shed light on their experiences and perspectives regarding their integration journey in Sweden. To clarify, the focus of the study is to gain knowledge on the significant factors and barriers related to the integration process. Thereby it is possible to gain a deeper understanding of the integrati

Fysioterapeuters erfarenheter av att arbeta med behandling av kvinnor med bäckenbottendysfunktion efter graviditet och förlossning - en intervjustudie

Bakgrund: I Sverige föder runt 110 000 - 115 000 kvinnor barn varje år. Vid en graviditet och förlossning sker många förändringar som innebär en ökad påfrestning på moderns kropp, bland annat på bäckenbotten. Exempelvis får omkring 90% av de kvinnor som förlöser vaginalt någon typ av bristning i underlivet. Flera av de förändringar som sker kan leda till olika dysfunktioner i bäckenbotten, som exe

Linking Forecast-based Financing to Shock-responsive Social Protection Programmes to Scale Up Assistance against Climate Hazards

Climate hazards are increasing globally both in their intensity and frequency, requiring more integrated approaches that also strengthen national leadership over disaster management. Mobilizing resources ex-ante has been demonstrated as an effective way of reducing the impacts of hazards on livelihoods and protecting development gains, while social protection (SP) has also been demonstrating capac

Stellar kinematics in surveys and simulations

Vi studerar stjärnors rörelser i Vintergatan med N-body simuleringar och stora astrometriska dataset från ESAs rymdteleskop Gaia. Vi identifierar två kinematiska populationer för vita dvärgar i Solens kvarter. Vi undersöker även ansamlade halon och avslöjar två nya hastighetsstrukturer. Slutligen, våra simuleringar visar att radiell migrering som en funktion av vertical action beror på diskmassa.We study stellar motions in the Milky Way with N-body simulations and large astrometric samples from ESA's Gaia mission. We identify two kinematic populations for white dwarfs in the Solar neighbourhood. We also investigate the accreted halo and reveal two new structures. Finally, our simulations show that radial migration as a function of vertical action depends on disc mass.

Perceptions and Experiences of Individuals With Neck Pain : A Systematic Critical Review of Qualitative Studies With Meta-Summary and Meta-Synthesis

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed at exploring the perspectives and experiences of individuals with neck pain by synthesizing all available qualitative studies. METHODS: A systematic, qualitative meta-summary and meta-synthesis was conducted following the 5-step methodology proposed by Sandelowski and Barroso. A systematic search of 9 electronic databases was conducted in May 2021. Methodological qualit

"There's always people around to help". A study of worldviews, social practices, and autonomy in Freetown Christiania

Sustainability science has recently seen a growth of literature focused on individuals’ “inner dimensions” as a vehicle for transformative social change, an approach argued to be too individualistic. This thesis fits between both excessively structural and individualistic models of social transformation by framing inner dimensions into a theory of social change through collective action. Christian