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Ny EU-lagstiftning
The emergence of artificial intelligence in European regions : the role of a local ICT base
The purpose of this study is to investigate how a regional knowledge base of information and communication technologies (ICTs) influences the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in European regions. Relying on patent data and studying the knowledge production of AI technologies in 233 European regions in the period from 1994 to 2017, our study reveals three results. First, ICTs
Samlingsrecension: Religion och diplomati : En översikt utifrån nyare forskning
Uncovering the universality of self-replication in protein aggregation and its link to disease
Fibrillar protein aggregates are a hallmark of a range of human disorders, from prion diseases to dementias, but are also encountered in several functional contexts. Yet, the fundamental links between protein assembly mechanisms and their functional or pathological roles have remained elusive. Here, we analyze the aggregation kinetics of a large set of proteins that self-assemble by a nucleated-gr
Ibrutinib plus Bendamustine and Rituximab in Untreated Mantle-Cell Lymphoma
BACKGROUND Ibrutinib, a Bruton's tyrosine kinase inhibitor, may have clinical benefit when administered in combination with bendamustine and rituximab and followed by rituximab maintenance therapy in older patients with untreated mantle-cell lymphoma. METHODS We randomly assigned patients 65 years of age or older to receive ibrutinib (560 mg, administered orally once daily until disease progressio
Verksamhet, människa och omvärld : Den kulturhistoriska verksamhetsteorin som förståelseram och verktyg i arbetet med människor i utsatthet
Verksamhet, människa och omvärld är den första boken på svenska om den kulturhistoriska verksamhetsteorin för de som arbetar med människor i social utsatthet. Centralt i teorin är att koppla ihop människan och hennes omvärld med begreppet verksamhet. Därigenom framkommer nya teoretiska perspektiv samt en helhetssyn på sociala problem som våld, gäng, sexuella övergrepp, missbruk, kriminalitet, mobb
Synen på organiseringens betydelse i Kriminalvårdens behandlingsprogram
The aim of this study was to show how Swedish criminal justice agencies organizational structure is preventing and/or promoting the work with clients that are convicted. This study is based on five semi-structured interviews with five workers in the criminal justice agency. During the analyzing part the answers of the interviews were connected through Max Weber's bureaucracy theory as well as
Skäligt eller inte? Tredjelandsmedborgarens ställning på dagens arbetsmarknad - En granskning av samverkan mellan migrationsrätt och arbetssätt
The Swedish labour market has over the years developed through minimal intervention from the government. The steady increase of granted work permits shows an increasing demand of foreign skills for all levels of education. Third-country nationals have the right to work in Sweden when a valid work permit has been granted. Work permits are granted by the Migration Board if the employee can support t
Design of cost-efficient joining solution for a composite-metal structure
With an increasing awareness of environmentalism, the transportation sector is also understanding its duty to protect the natural resources given to humankind. For the sector it is increasingly important to decrease the weight of transportation vehicles to save fuel and electrical energy. For a severe weight reduction Volvo Buses plans to launch a lighter bus structure in the coming years. This in
Improving capacity planning in outsourced manufacturing through sales and operations planning: A case study at Axis Communications
This master’s thesis explores how capacity planning in outsourced manufacturing can be improved through sales and operations planning (S&OP). The master’s thesis was done in collaboration with Axis Communications AB, where the capacity planning and S&OP processes were analyzed. Managing manufacturing capacity in high technology industries is one of the most important aspects to consider fo
Datortomografi hjärna perfusions diagnostiska betydelse vid ischemi/infarkt
Datortomografi perfusion är en kompletterande undersökningsmetod vid rädda hjärnan larm. DT perfusion framställer kartor som baseras på flera faktorer, såsom time to peak (TTP), cerebral blood volume (CBV) och cerebral blood flow (CBF). Syftet med studien var att belysa det diagnostiska värdet av DT perfusion av hjärnan vid misstanke om ischemi/infarkt. En litteraturstudie utfördes med integrerad
Underbart är kort, eller? Meningslängdens betydelse för läsförståelse hos barn med lässvårigheter
I den här uppsatsen undersöks meningslängdens betydelse för läsförståelsen hos barn med lässvårigheter. Syftet är att ta reda på om råden om att skriva korta meningar i lättläst skönlitteratur är rimliga eller behöver nyanseras. Med en kvantitativ metod jämförs skönlitterära texter som manipulerats på fyra olika sätt – med långa och korta meningar och med och utan sambandsskapande ord. Materiale
Everything, By Everyone: An archival perspective on the preservation of Flash media
This master’s thesis examines and evaluates different ways of preserving media reliant on the now defunct Adobe Flash technology. The purpose is dual; both to examine and evaluate Flash preservation from an archival point of view, and to contribute to the existing research on Internet communities’ preservation initiatives. The research and data collection for the thesis is focused on the preservat
Understanding views on sufficient clothing consumption: Using Q methodology
Overconsumption of clothes is a global environmental and social problem, where 80 billion new clothing is produced each year. Efficiency measures have focused on improving resource efficiency on the production side and improving clothing care on the consumer side. However, literature shows that these measures are not enough. Sufficiency shifts the focus to affluent societies consuming less, and un
”Jag blir mer validerad i mina känslor som kvinna” En narrativ studie om bemötande före och efter en transition.
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka narrativ från personer som gått från det tilldelade könet pojke eller flicka till den motsatta binära könsidentiteten, kring skillnader i bemötande från andra, före och efter en transition. Data samlades in genom en enkät administrerad online, totalt fjorton frågor kring bemötande av känslor före och efter en transition besvarades i fritext av totalt åtta The purpose of this study was to examine narratives from people who went from the assigned gender boy or girl, to the opposite binary gender identity, concerning differences in treatment from others, before and after a transition. Data were collected through a survey administered online, a total of fourteen questions about how their emotions were met before and after the transition. Questions were
The Construction of Mobile Places : A Study of Digital Nomad in the Chinese Context
This thesis studies the theme of digital nomads in the Chinese context from a communication geography perspective. The discussion of the study focuses on the interrelationships of “digital technologies”, “place”, “space”, and “mobility”. Semi-structured interviews and digital ethnography have been combined as the research method while qualitative text analysis has been utilized to analyze the coll
Barn som anhöriga. En implementeringsstudie av vuxenhabiliteringens stöd till barn som anhöriga ur ett barnombud/kurators perspektiv
The aim of this study was to explore how healthcare counselors in their role as child representatives at adult habilitation clinics in Sweden experience the implementation of support for children as next of kin. Healthcare law in Sweden states that children as next of kin are entitled to information, advice and support by healthcare professionals when living together with an adult relative that ha
The Rotational Centre of the Large Magellanic Cloud
Galaxer formas när enorma gasmoln kollapsar på grund av gravitation. Små ojämnheter får gasen att rotera vilket leder till att molnet pressas ihop till en disk. Stjärnor bildas av gasen som i sin tur fortsätter att rotera. Under tid dör stjärnorna och blir till gas igen som sedan bildar nya stjärnor. Interaktioner mellan galaxersker genom kollisioner och gravitationskrafter. Det kan påverka galaxThe Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC & SMC) are the two largest galaxies orbiting the Milky Way (MW). The interactions between them have affected the evolution of both galaxies. The interactions have affected the galaxies differently depending on how strong they have been. Tidal forces from the interactions are argued to have produced a stream of stars and gas called the Magellanic Bridg
Tunisia’s Gender Digital Divide: A Case Study of Tunisia’s Gender Gap in Internet Usage and the Role of Demographic and Socioeconomic Factors
Today, the digital transformation provides new avenues for women’s empowerment. Information and communication technologies (ICTs), including the internet, can contribute to greater gender equality by enabling everyone access to the same online resources and opportunities. Yet, the prevalence of a gender digital divide means that many women, not least in Tunisia and the Middle East and North Africa