

Din sökning på "*" gav 531412 sökträffar

Risker och konsekvenser med Li-jonbatteribränder i hemmiljö

Litium-jonbatterier är ett laddningsbart batteri med en hög energitäthet som sedan 90-talet blivit en allt viktigare batteriteknologi allt eftersom den utvecklats och använts i allt från mobiltelefoner och datorer till både bilar och bussar. Efterfrågan på Li-jonbatteri har alltså stegvis ökat och gjort det möjligt att skapa en enorm tillväxt på marknaden och därmed ökat andelen Li-jonbatteri som Li-ion batteries are rechargeable batteries with a high energy density. The demand for this kind of products has gradually been rising in Sweden, which has increased the proportion of Li-ion batteries available in people’s homes. Due to the high energy density of the Li-ion batteries in combination with the toxic gases that can be emitted from them if ignited there is a risk that this kind of bat

The Sustained Economic Development of Singapore

Inward Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) is a factor of sustained economic development (UNCTAD, 2020). Developing nations have been eager to attract inward FDI in an attempt to stimulate their domestic economy. Since its independence in 1965, Singapore has transitioned from a developing country to one of the world’s strongest economies whilst consistently attracting inward FDI as an intrinsic part

Riskkapitalisters inträde på bostadsmarknaden - En förståelse utifrån ett nyliberalt perspektiv

I samhällsdebatten har riskkapitalisterna fått mycket kritik i samband med att de tagit över och drivit före detta traditionellt allmännyttiga verksamheter. Ett sådant exempel är riskkapitalister som köpt hyresfastigheter från kommuners allmännytta för att sedan förvalta dem. Kritiken mot riskkapitalisterna går ut på att de köpt fastigheter, renoverat lägenheterna samt höjt hyrorna för att kortsik

Evaluation of Nanoscale Deformation Fields from Phase Field Crystal Simulations

Different methods for evaluation of displacement and strain fields based on phase field crystal (PFC) simulations are shown. Methods originally devised for molecular dynamics (MD) simulations or analysis of high-resolution microscopy images are adapted to a PFC setting, providing access to displacement and strain fields for systems of discrete atoms, such as in MD, as well as to continuous deforma

Widespread variation in salt tolerance within freshwater zooplankton species reduces the predictability of community-level salt tolerance

The salinization of freshwaters is a global threat to aquatic biodiversity. We quantified variation in chloride (Cl−) tolerance of 19 freshwater zooplankton species in four countries to answer three questions: (1) How much variation in Cl− tolerance is present among populations? (2) What factors predict intraspecific variation in Cl− tolerance? (3) Must we account for intraspecific variation to ac

Production Costs Calculation Model in Crushing and Screening : Using a technical-economic approach tool for finding the optimal production costs when comparing technical and economical solutions

Gruv- och ballastindustrin utgör en mycket viktig sektor i den svenska ekonomin. Där gruvindustrin operar på den globala arenan medan sten branschen operar på regional/lokal basis. Efterfrågan av metaller- och byggnadsmaterial har ökat under det senaste decenniet och mängden fasta mineraler och stenar som tas ut ur jordskorpan är nästan 80 miljarder ton per år, med ballast som den största delen.DeThe mining and quarrying industries represent a highly important sector of the Swedish economy. The mining industry operates globally, whereas the quarrying industry operates on a regional/local basis. Demands for metal and construction aggregates have increased over the last decade, and almost 80 billion tons of solid minerals and rocks are extracted from the earth’s crust each year. Construction

Nutrient and Silicon Isotope Dynamics in the Laptev Sea and Implications for Nutrient Availability in the Transpolar Drift

Realistic prediction of the near-future response of Arctic Ocean primary productivity to ongoing warming and sea ice loss requires a mechanistic understanding of the processes controlling nutrient bioavailability. To evaluate continental nutrient inputs, biological utilization, and the influence of mixing and winter processes in the Laptev Sea, the major source region of the Transpolar Drift (TPD)

Are Forest Occupations only about Protecting Forests? Exploring Forest Occupiers´ Plural Valuation of Forests in Germany

Forests are vital for life on Earth. However, they are increasingly threatened, mainly by economic growth. Valuation of forests is dominantly viewed through instrumental values, which is highly problematic as forests are not seen in their complexity. This thesis understanding is based on criticising paradigms of the dominant economic and political system by mainly focusing on economic growth and i

A Biphasic Pattern of Reproductive Hormones in Healthy Female Infants : The COPENHAGEN Minipuberty Study

CONTEXT: Minipuberty, a period of a transient activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis in both sexes, enables evaluation of gonadal function in infants suspected of hypogonadism. However, female minipuberty remains poorly elucidated. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to establish continuous reference ranges for the most commonly used reproductive hormones and to evaluate the dynamics of the H

Disease Progression in Multiple System Atrophy—Novel Modeling Framework and Predictive Factors

Background: Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a rare and aggressive neurodegenerative disease that typically leads to death 6 to 10 years after symptom onset. The rapid evolution renders it crucial to understand the general disease progression and factors affecting the disease course. Objectives: The aims of this study were to develop a novel disease-progression model to estimate a population-level

Best Practices to Promote Data Utility and Reuse by the Non-Traditional Model Organism Community

The dramatic increase in accessibility to sequencing technologies has opened new avenues into studying different processes, cells, and animal models. In the amphibian models used for regeneration research, these new datasets have uncovered a variety of information about what genes define the regenerating limb as well as how genes and cells change over the course of regeneration. The accumulation o

Varieties of exceptionalism: A conversation

This chapter explores discourses of exceptionalism, their embeddedness in particular contextual landscapes, exclusions, and transnational circulations across the global North, East and South. Based on a conversation between the authors around the ways in which national exceptionalism is articulated in three seemingly different landscapes – Scandinavian countries, Russia, and Turkey – the chapter h

Four walls and beyond - hybrid spaces delivering content and community

Refuse and reduce are amongst the most influential actions within Circular Economy and refer to the act of using less, reducing consumption. Within the spatial context, sharing is one way of reducing the need for physical space. Recently, other ways have emerged, such as, virtual or hybrid solutions enabling users to be part of a community and access content which would otherwise be delivered with


This chapter is devoted to introducing degrowth to anyone interested in environmental politics and making connections between the two areas. It articulates critiques of growth, alternatives associated with degrowth and the politics of pursuing them. It is argued that economic growth, with GDP being its key indicator, comes with environmental degradation and is rooted in injustices. Degrowth schola

Relationship Between Neighborhood Food Environment and Diet Variety in Japanese Rural Community-dwelling Elderly : A Cross-sectional Study

Background: Food access is an important aspect of health promotion for the elderly. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between distance to the nearest food store and diet variety in rural community-dwelling elderly Japanese. Methods: This cross-sectional study analyzed data from 1,103 elderly participants surveyed by mail in rural areas of Japan. Diversity of food intake was