Din sökning på "*" gav 530055 sökträffar
Effect of emeriamine on exocrine and endocrine pancreatic function in normal and diabetic rats
The effects of emeriamine, a new anti-diabetic drug, on exocrine and endocrine pancreatic function in normal and diabetic rats have been studied both in vivo and in vitro. It was found that emeriamine dose-dependently normalized the symptoms of hyperingestion and hyperposia in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats, with fasting glucose levels significantly decreased and insulin levels not cha
Conversion to Ca2+-independent form of Ca2+/calmodulin protein kinase II in rat pancreatic acini
CCK rapidly converted Ca2+/calmodulin kinase II (CaMK II) to a Ca(2+)-independent form with peak action at 30 sec followed by decline to the basal level at 10 min. The threshold concentration of CCK for this action was 30 pM and maximum effect occurred at 1 nM, which induced a 6-10-fold increase. Bombesin and carbachol similarly induced CaMK II autonomous activity, whereas secretin and JMV 180 did
Role of red meat and arachidonic acid in protein kinase C activation in rat colonic mucosa.
Two studies were conducted to investigate the role of meat and arachidonic acid in colonie signal transduction, particularly protein kinase C (PKC) activation. In Study 1, 26 male Wistar rats were fed a casein‐ or a beef‐based diet for four weeks. PKC activity was measured from the proximal and distal colonie mucosa and diacylglycerol concentration from fecal samples. The beef diet significantly i
Alkaline sphingomyelinase and ceramidase of gastrointestinal tract
Assessment of "Zero Point" radiation around the ESS facility
The archaeological collection of Ayia Irini (Cyprus) : A 3D digital approach to analyse and reinterpret a 20th century study
This paper focuses on the writer’s doctoral research about the development of a 3D digital approach to study, analyse and (re)interpret archaeological collections. 3D documentation, based on the integration of digital technologies, is applied to a group of small terracotta figurines from the Ayia Irini archaeological excavation (Cyprus).The aim of the research is to enhance the stylistic, typologi
Investigating the potential of an integrated coolant waste heat recovery system in an HD engine using PPC operation
With the increasing focus on reducing emissions and making fuel efficient vehicles within the automotive industry over the past few years, new methods are constantly being investigated to improve the efficiency of the powertrain. One such method is recovering waste heat from the exhaust gases as well as the coolant using a thermodynamic cycle such as a Rankine cycle. However, most studies looking
Kateterablation – mer än bara symtomlindring?
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The incommensurately modulated structure of NiBi
Electrical resistivity of one-dimensional quasiperiodic η8-Cu5Sn4
The electrical resistivity, ρ, of one-dimensional quasiperiodic η8-Cu5Sn4 has been studied, and compared with crystalline Cu6Sn5 of identical basic structure (B8) and closely related atomic structure. ρ was measured between 1.5 and 300 K on needle-shaped crystals with their axes along the base lattice c direction, corresponding to the quasiperiodic direction in η8-Cu5Sn4. ρ (4 K) was found to be n
Iodo-oxyapatite, the first example from a new class of modulated apatites
Iodo-oxyapatite [pentadecacalcium iodide oxide nonaphosphate, Ca15(PO4)9IO] was synthesized by a flux method and the structure was solved from single-crystal X-ray data. The crystal structure was refined in the space group P63/m [a = 9.567 (1), c = 20.754 (2) Å and Z = 2] to wR on F of 0.0459. Iodo-oxyapatite has a typical hexagonal apatite structure but the unit cell is tripled along the hexad ow
Multiple inhibitory effects of genistein on stimulus-secretion coupling in rat pancreatic acini.
Genistein, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, inhibited cholecystokinin (CCK)-induced maximal amylase release from rat pancreatic acini by 18, 31, and 46% at concentrations of 100, 300, and 750 microM, respectively, after 30 min preincubation. Genistein similarly decreased amylase release stimulated by bombesin but not that stimulated by secretin or vasoactive intestinal peptide. The steps of stimulus-s
Geofysiker, drönare och geologer ger tillsammans en bättre bild av berget
Teknisk geologi vid Lunds tekniska högskola har i ett nyligen slutfört projekt, finansierat av Stiftelsen Bergteknisk Forskning (BeFo), undersökt om geofysiska mätningar med DCIP (kombinerade resistivitets- och IP-mätningar) kan ge bättre information om bergmassan i samband med planeringen av tunnlar och andra bergarbeten samt berguttag i bergtäkter. Resultaten bekräftar att DCIP i den undersökta
Att skriva rätt : Goda råd för att skriva uppsats i juridik
Target definition in radiotherapy of prostate cancer using magnetic resonance imaging only workflow
In magnetic resonance (MR) only radiotherapy, the target delineation needs to be performed without computed tomography (CT). We investigated in thirteenpatients with prostate cancer, how the clinical target volume (CTV) was affected, when the target delineation procedure was changed from using both CT and MRimages to using MR images only. The mean volume of the CTVCT/MR was 61.0 cm3 as compared to
Bedöma och åtgärda fattigdom : Om välfärdens skiljelinjer och samhällets yttersta skyddsnät
Recension av antologi, redigerad av Hans Swärd.