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Konkurrerande culpakriterier

Popular Abstract in Swedish Skadeståndsrätten innehåller alternativa definitioner på culpa. Den innehåller tre Konkurrerande culpakriterier. Enligt normalitetskriteriet föreligger culpa om den som orsakat en skada inte har vidtagit de försiktighetsåtgärder som en normalt aktsam person hade vidtagit i motsvarande situation. Enligt det ekonomiska kriteriet föreligger culpa om skadan hade kunnat förhThe concept of negligence in tort law can be defined in (at least) three different ways. Negligence can be defined in terms of normality, i.e. as failing to act in accordance with custom or failing to meet the level of care taken by normally careful citizens. It can be defined in terms of efficiency. In that case it would mean refraining from taking a precaution that costs less to take than it sav

High-Order Harmonics- Characterisation, Optimisation and Applications

Recent advances in laser technology, with the development of extremely short-pulse, high-intensity lasers, have opened doors to new areas in atomic physics. By focusing light from an intense, short-pulse laser into a gas jet, the emission of high-order harmonics of the laser frequency has been studied. The aim of this work has been two-fold: to better understand the underlying physics of the harmo

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Lucian Blaga started to write his drama having a very strong philosophical and anthropological background, at least subconscious if not literary expressed. Thus his aesthetics within the ten plays is influenced by his primary concern to resuscitate a supposed ancestral mentality. The first aspect that strikes the reader is the omnipotence of the sacred, be it divine or demonic. Anyhow, each of his

Experimental Evaluation of the Effect of BS Antenna Inter-Element Spacing on MU-MIMO Separation

In this paper, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel measurements in an outdoor micro-cell environment are used to study the effect of base-station (BS) inter-element spacing on multi-user MIMO signal separation. Users with two dual-polarized patch antennas at the mobile station (MS), and four equally-spaced dual-polarized patch antennas at the BS are considered. At the BS, the inter-eleme

A 100-fJ/cycle Sub-VT Decimation Filter Chain in 65 nm CMOS

Measurements of a sub-threshold (sub-VT) decimation filter, composed of four half band digital (HBD) filters in 65 nm CMOS are presented. Different unfolded architectures are analyzed and implemented to combat speed degradation. The architectures are analyzed for throughput and energy efficiency over several threshold options. Reliability in the sub-VT domain is analyzed by Monte-Carlo simulations

Beyond the Usual Suspects: Critically Informed Research.

A number of researchers have attempted to define and encapsulate the essence of ‘critical research’. It has been suggested to encompass interpretation of social phenomena, and seeks for understandings that could support efforts to bring about beneficial change. It has been further suggested that such work is characterised by: concern with substantive social issues (e.g. power, values); foundation

Personlighetspsykologi och religion

Kapitlet introducerar forskningen kring personlighet och religion som den bedrivits från 1950-talet fram till nu. Resultat från studier kring den auktoritära personligheten (Adorno), dogmatism (Rokeach), rigiditet–flexibilitet (Rubenowitz), extrinisikal-intrinsikal religiositet (Allport) och religion som medel, mål och sökande (Batson, Ventis och Schoenrade) presenteras.

Executive summary: End-user survey, autumn 2008

In June 2008, 53 top-tier security directors belonging to a security association responded to an on-line survey. There were several purposes of the survey: first, addressing end-user attitudes towards the digitalisation of security systems; second, understand what behaviour was associated with a role model security capability and, third, to formulate an understanding of the interaction between the