

Din sökning på "*" gav 535740 sökträffar

Teaching Heterodox Economic Magazine : Collection of Stories. Classroom and Real-World Engagement

This special edition magazine is a collection of short essays aiming to empower students and teachers who advocate for heterodox economics teaching. The magazine presents innovative ways to introduce heterodox content in the classroom and shares exercises that incorporate real-world issues. It is also a collective thinking exercise on how to strategize for needed curriculum changes, notably throug

Väveriets Spa - Arkitektur i Tid och Rum

Det här arbetet är gjort i kursen Tid och Rum där vi har besökt ett gammalt fabriksområde utanför Eslöv. Arbetet undersöker möjligheten att transformera en del av fabriksområdet till spa. Projektet utforskar allt ifrån de tekniska utmaningarna till hur den arkitektoniska upplevelsen kan te sig utifrån de givna förutsättningarna.

Safety and Security in Sudan: Humanitarian Aid Workers’ Risk Perception

Protection of humanitarian aid workers (HAWs) is a challenging task. There are various reports on the topic where much research seems to focus on traditional physical attacks and intentional violence against HAWs (security) rather than the accidental event risks (safety) or discussing it separately. These risks are usually defined by the organization’s security risk management holding the power in

6 compared with 12 weeks treatment in the von Rosen splint is sufficient for Barlow and Ortolani positive hipsa comparative study of 237 neonates

Background and purpose — At our institution, new-borns with Barlow or Ortolani positive hips have been treated for 12 weeks with the von Rosen abduction splint until 2012 when the treatment length was halved. We inves-tigate whether acetabular development at 12 months of age and complications differ between hips treated with the von Rosen splint for 6 compared with 12 weeks. Patients and methods —

Heterocontact-Triggered 1H to 1T′ Phase Transition in CVD-Grown Monolayer MoTe2 : Implications for Low Contact Resistance Electronic Devices

Single-layer molybdenum ditelluride (MoTe2) has attracted attention due to the smaller energy difference between the semiconducting (1H) and semimetallic (1T′) phases with respect to other two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs). Understanding the phenomenon of polymorphism between these structural phases is of great fundamental and practical importance. In this paper, we report a

Numerical study on thermal performance of cold plates with leaf type channels for lithium-ion batteries

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to design a new type of cold plate to improve the thermal performance of liquid-cooled thermal management system of lithium-ion batteries. Design/methodology/approach: A cold plate with leaf type channels is proposed to enhance the cooling performance. Effects of the leaf type channel parameters (i.e. channel angle 20°, 40°, 60°, 80°; coolant mass flow rate 0.

Can active sun exposure decrease the risk of giant cell arteritis and polymyalgia rheumatica in women?

ObjectivesTo study if active sun exposure among women affects the risk of developing GCA or PMR in a prospective cohort study with restricted latitudinal variability.MethodsWe linked the response to questions relating to sun exposure from the Melanoma Inquiry in Southern Sweden (MISS) prospective cohort study in women to the risk of developing GCA or PMR. Healthcare data were gathered from the Skå

Overcoming challenges in rare disease registry integration using the semantic web - a clinical research perspective

The growing number of disease-specific patient registries for rare diseases has highlighted the need for registry interoperability and data linkage, leading to large-scale rare disease data integration projects using Semantic Web based solutions. These technologies may be difficult to grasp for rare disease experts, leading to limited involvement by domain expertise in the data integration process

Cortical changes during the learning of sequences of simultaneous finger presses

The cortical alterations underpinning the acquisition of motor skills remain debated. In this longitudinal study in younger adults, we acquired performance and neuroimaging (7 T MRI) measures weekly over the course of 6 weeks to investigate neural changes associated with learning sequences of simultaneous finger presses executed with the non-dominant hand. Both the intervention group (n = 33), whi

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For nogle kan det tekstkritiske arbejde nok opleves både teknisk utilgængeligt og som bærer af en iboende form for skepticistisk bibelkritik, men sådan forholder det sig ikke. Den bibelske tekstkritik er derimod den uundværlig første del af den arbejdsproces, der munder ud i at den enkelte får adgang til Bibelen. I denne artikel vil jeg give tre eksempler på, hvordan beskæftigelse indenfor nytesta

From Evaluation to Valorising : Three Moments in the Making of Social Impact Value

Value creation is central to entrepreneurship. Within social entrepreneurship research, value is discussed in relation to impact assessment as either pertaining to the thing assessed or dependent on the assessor. T hese are two perspectives that are blind to the value creation effects of the impact assessment process itself. Following pragmatist developments in the sociology of valuation, the arti

Protein Shift – How Membrane Technology Can Contribute

Proteins are not only important for our daily diet but also one of the most important food ingredients worldwide. Since the 1970ies membrane processes have established themselves as a key unit operation in protein processing, e.g., in the dairy industry. The recent trend of the protein shift moving consumption of animal-based to plant-based proteins provides new applications for membrane processes

Hitler’s National Socialist Democracy Concept 1919–1933

A conceptual study of Hitler's development of the National Socialist democracy concept between 1919 and 1933 is presented. Despite the voluminous literature on Hitler and Nazism, our knowledge of the NS democracy concept is seriously incomplete. This article makes a substantial historiographical contribution by providing a more profound understanding of Hitler's NS democracy concept and his positi

The design of transformative research and innovation policy instruments for grand challenges : The policy-nesting perspective

Several countries have created policy instruments seeking to direct research and innovation (R&I) toward addressing societal challenges. However, the design of such instruments might not always live up to their proclaimed transformative rationale. The aim of this paper is to examine empirically this matter. In a unique cross country comparison of four Grand Challenge-oriented R&I programs

Det absoluta gehörets betydelse i gehörsundervisning – En intervjustudie utifrån både elevers och lärares perspektiv på gymnasieskolan och musikhögskolan

Denna studie fokuserar på gehörs- och musiklära-undervisning på gymnasienivå och högskolenivå där fenomenet absolut gehör är i fokus. Studien är gjord utifrån två gruppers perspektiv: elever med absolut gehör, och lärare med erfarenhet av att under visa av elever med absolut gehör. Studien belyser framför allt hur lärare anpassar undervisningen till elever med absolut gehör samt vad elever med absThis study focuses on ear training at secondary and university level where the phenomenon of absolute pitch is in focus. The study is partly from the perspective of two groups: students with absolute pitch, and teachers with experience teaching students with absolute pitch. Above all, the study highlights how teachers adapt their teaching to students with absolute pitch and what students with abso

Dashboard for the State of the Environment

The Environmental Research Infrastructure (ENVRI) community is a cluster of European research infrastructures focused on the environment and Earth system science. The ENVRI-FAIR project aims to advance the FAIRness of their data and services with emphasis on interoperability and connect the ENVRI community to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). In this article, we present a proposal for a scie