Patient expectations for a multimodal pain rehabilitation programme: active participation and coping skills. A qualitative study.
To describe what patients with chronic pain expect from a multimodal pain rehabilitation programme.
To describe what patients with chronic pain expect from a multimodal pain rehabilitation programme.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen har ambitionen att på empirisk grund öka vår förståelse av lässvårigheter bland skolbarn. En allmän uppfattning bland läsforskare är att svaga läsare har svårigheter med snabb, säker och automatisk ordavkodning. Avhandlingen inkluderar ett antal studier som jämför svaga och goda läsare med avseende på olika aspekter av visuell ordavkodning. Drygt 100 svaga The primary ambition of this doctoral thesis is to provide an empirical basis for a better understanding of reading disability among school children. The current consensus in the research community is that most disabled readers fail in the acquisition of fast, accurate and automatic word recognition. The thesis includes a number of studies where normal and disabled readers are compared on various
A fermented, oat-based product with properties resembling those of the traditional, Swedish, fermented milk product "filmjoelk" (sour milk) was developed. Com., mixed-strain, mesophilic starter cultures were grown in the oatbases M30, G40, and Oatly, which differed in the compn. of their carbohydrates. The exopolysaccharide-producer Pediococcus damnosus 2.6 was included to increase the viscosity o
It has been possible to sensitize the rat urethra without cutting its nerves. This was achieved by hypertrophy or disuse. Hypertrophy of the urethra (2-4-fold weight increase) was caused by the presence of an intraluminal paraffin bolus. Disuse was caused by diverting the flow of urine from the lower urinary tract. When examined in vitro after an experimental period of 1 to 4 weeks the EC50 value
Artikeln rör den historiekulturella frågan huruvida folkmordet på judarna skall skrivas Förintelsen eller förintelsen.
The polyamines are polycationic compounds essential for cellular proliferation and transformation. In addition to a well-defined biosynthesis pathway, polyamines are internalized into cells by as yet incompletely defined mechanisms. Numerous reports have shown that efficient polyamine uptake depends on the presence of polyanionic, cell surface-associated heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs). In t
In the article, the issue of environmental sustainability criteria in the coffee sector is researched. Such important aspects in this topic are highlighted and discussed as reasons for the emergence of sustainability criteria for coffee and factors that make the production of coffee sustainable. Two widely used sustainability standards for coffee, the Fair Trade Coffee sustainability standard and
We report experimental measurements of high-order harmonic spectra generated in Ar using a carrier-envelope-offset (CEO) stabilized 12 fs, 800 nm laser field and a fraction (less than 10%) of its second harmonic. Additional spectral peaks are observed between the harmonic peaks, which are due to interferences between multiple pulses in the train. The position of these peaks varies with the CEO and
The collagen phase in bone is known to undergo major changes during growth and maturation. The objective of this study is to clarify whether Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microspectroscopy, coupled with cluster analysis, can detect quantitative and qualitative changes in the collagen matrix of subchondral bone in horses during maturation and growth. Equine subchondral bone samples (n = 29) fro
Cyclins and CDKs play critical roles in DNA synthesis and cell division. Alterations in their function may lead to the disruption of normal cell growth and apoptosis, and subsequently, result in carcinogenesis. Elevated levels of cyclins and CDKs are frequently observed in a wide range of different types of human cancers. Understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying the cell cycle effects in r
The taxonomy of the dogroses (Rosa sect. Caninae) is notoriously problematic and all the members of the section are characterized by a form of unbalanced meiosis (so-called "canina meiosis"). We used a novel combination of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers and elliptic Fourier analysis of leaflet shape to investigate relationships within and between the seven common dogrose tara in t
Summary: The image of St. Birgitta in the liturgy Since the liturgy was the principal locus for the commemoration of Birgitta in the Middle Ages, the image which liturgical texts conveyed of her is of considerable interest. The essay analyzes the two offices in honour of Birgitta written by Archbishop Birger Gregersson (1367-1383) and Bishop Nils Hermansson (1374-1391,). First, what may be called
A reduced protein model with five to six atoms per amino acid and five amino acid types is developed and tested on a three-helix-bundle protein, a 46-amino acid fragment from staphylococcal protein A. The model does not rely on the widely used Go approximation, which ignores non-native interactions. We find that the collapse transition is considerably more abrupt for the protein A sequence than fo
Background: Clearance of tissue granulocytes is central to the resolution of airway inflammation. To date the focus has been on apoptotic mechanisms of cell removal and little attention has been given to alternative processes. The present study explores transepithelial migration as a mechanism of cell clearance. Method: Guinea pig tracheobronchial airways where eosinophils are constitutively pres
BACKGROUND: The benefits of critical care follow-up services include increased understanding of the long-term consequences of intensive care and entail helping patients and their next of kin to come to terms with their problems and distress following critical illness and intensive care treatment. AIMS: To establish an intensive care after-care programme and to conduct a preliminary evaluation of t
Mirror therapy has been used as an alternative stimulus to feed the somatosensory cortex in an attempt to preserve hand cortical representation with better functional results.
AIMS: Despite a wealth of clinical trial data supporting use of the premixed insulin analogue, biphasic insulin aspart 30 (BIAsp 30) in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), there is limited documentation of its use in primary care-based clinical practice. METHODS: An observational study investigating the safety and efficacy of BIAsp 30 in routine clinical practice was conducted. Patie