

Din sökning på "*" gav 532236 sökträffar

Scanian bumble bee trends- positive, negative or neutral?

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Vart tog alla humlorna vägen? När såg du senast en humla? Har du en känsla av att du egentligen borde ha sett dem oftare? Det kan finnas en fullkomligt naturlig förklaring till den här känslan: humlorna minskar i antal och håller långsamt på att försvinna. Jag vill undersöka om detta verkligen håller på att hända. Riskerar vi att få leva i en framtid helt utaAbstract Bumble bees pollinate a wide range of crops; many of them being of importance to the global economy. It is believed that pollinators, including bumble bees, are declining due to habitat loss and transformation of high quality habitats into low quality habitats; a phenomenon often associated with modern agricultural practices. Some sources, however, claim that not all bumble bee species a

Förusättningar för miljömålsarbetet i små kommuner - en fallstudie av kommuner i nordvästra Skåne

This study examines the work with the environmental goals in five small municipalities in northwestern Skåne, Sweden. The environmental goals are set nationally and are adjusted at a regional level. The municipalities then adjust the national and regional goals in varied extent to meet the local circumstances. The implementation and success of the work with environmental goals at local level is cr

The Policy Formation Process in Sweden: The Case of Granting Individuals from Syria Permanent Residence

Sweden has a history of being seen as a tolerant and generous country when it comes to receiving refugees from countries suffering from war. In times of increased influence of radical right-wing parties across Europe, Sweden as the first country decided to grant permanent residence permits to refugees escaping the Syrian war. By applying the Multiple Streams Framework and treating Sweden as a devi

”Hur vet man att barnet far tillräckligt illa?” - En studie om lärares inställning till, och tankar om, anmälningsskyldigheten (14:1 SoL)

The aim of this study was to examine teachers' attitudes to the notification requirement of 14:1 SoL. It also aimed to examine the factors that influence their tendency to report, and what might constitute obstacles to report, according to the teachers themselves. The study is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with four secondary school teachers in a municipality in Sweden. In

Stratigrafin i Hanöbukten under senaste glaciationen : en studie av borrkärnor från IODP’s expedition nr 347

Hanöbuktens utveckling under den senaste istiden har studerats med hjälp av borrkärnor från IODP’s Baltic Sea Palaeoenvironment expedition i Östersjön. Genom att analysera förekomsten av IRD, korrelera en varvig enhet till Ringbergs (1991) regionala lervarvskronologi från sydöstra Sverige, göra pollenanalyser och glödförlustbestämningar har en del luckor i Hanöbuktens historia fyllts i. I borrkärnThe development of Hanö Bay during the last ice age has been investigated by analyzing cores from IODP’s Balitc Sea Palaeoenvironment expedition in the Baltic Sea. By analyzing the presence of Ice Rafted Debris, correlating one of the varved clay units to Ringbergs (1991)regional varve chronology from southeastern Sweden, analyzing pollen grains and measuring loss on ignition a few gaps in the his

Neurofeedback Treatment for Traumatized Refugees - A Pilot Study

The aim of this quasi-experimental pilot study was to examine if neurofeedback is associated with a reduction in some of the common symptoms suffered by traumatized refugees who have been exposed to war and/or torture. Furthermore, an ambition was to develop and test methods for conducting research with this group. Twenty-one individuals were divided into either a treatment-group (n=12) or a non-e

Vulkanism : en fara för vår hälsa?

Det senaste århundradet har cirka 380 vulkaner varit aktiva. Vid vulkanisk aktivitet förs naturliga ämnen upp från jordens inre. Dessa ämnen kan sedan släppas ut i form av bland annat gaser och askor. De ämnen som frigörs kan ha en skadlig effekt på människors hälsa och orsaka både tillfälliga och kroniska åkommor. Partiklarnas farlighet beror bland annat på sammansättning, storleksfördelning, konThe last century approximately 380 volcanoes have been active. Volcanic activity brings up natural ele-ments from deep within the Earth. These elements can then be released into the atmosphere in the form of gases and ash, etc. The released elements may be harmful to humans and cause both temporary and chronic diseases. How hazardous the particles in the emissions are depends, among other things,

Hiatus : Sveriges första sällskapsspel i sedimentologi

Kandidatarbetets syfte har varit att ta fram ett hjälpmedel för studenter på sedimentologikursen vid Geologiska institutionen på Lunds universitet. Hjälpmedlet är tänkt att kunna användas utan lärares hjälp då ett ökat studentantal och försämrad ekonomi på institutionen begränsar lärarnas möjlighet att kunna ge alla studenter den hjälp de behöver för att nå kursmålen. Enkätundersökningar och kursvThe purpose of this Bachelor thesis has been to create an aid for the students at the Department of Geology at Lund’s University. The resource is supposed to be usable without assistance from a teacher. This since the number of students has increased markedly over the last few years while the economic means of the department have decreased. This has reduced the teachers abilities to give all the s

The Characteristics of Patterns in Simple Discrete Reaction-Diffusion Systems of Different Dimensionality and Number of Species

The formation of smooth quasi-periodic patterns in static discrete reaction-diffusion systems of various kinds is here studied from a mathematical point of view. The regularity of the patterns can be attributed to the integrability of the system, so that, when searching for such patterns in a system, it is important to investigate whether or not there exist any conserved quantities. The work prese

Nationalistiska idéer i ett överstatligt EU : en fallstudie över hur Sverigedemokraterna kan följa sina nationalistiska idéer i ett Europaparlament

This thesis aims to examine if the Swedish Democrats base their criticism against EU on their nationalistic ideas and if these can be pursued in the European Parliament. The theory describes nationalism as an ideology and the European Union as a integration project. By describing these two from different angles a clear opposition can be found. A critical idea analysis is used on the collected data

Ekonomiska incitament i primärvården - en jämförande studie mellan Sverige och Nederländerna

Syftet med uppsatsen är att jämföra ekonomiska incitament för patienter och vårdgivare att konsumera och producera vård i primärvården i Sverige och Nederländerna och dess konsekvenser för vårdutnyttjande och kostnader. Fokus ligger på patientavgifter och ersättningsmodeller för allmänläkare i primärvården. Länderna skiljer sig åt i såväl patientens egenbetalning, ersättning till läkare och konkur

Det är en snygg flaska, men den är ju inte miljövänlig! Alkoholproducenternas utmaning att vara konkurrenskraftiga och samtidigt ta miljöansvar.

Corporate Social Responsibility har inte fått genomslag bland företagen. Detta beror främst på att företagen är små och intresset för miljöansvaret relaterat till alkoholprodukterna är lågt. Samhällsansvaret och miljöansvaret är däremot en viktig del av producenternas vardagliga arbete, men det är inte attraktivt nog för att användas i marknadsföringen eller som en del av varumärket. Av samma anle

Mer än bara dataspel : hur kulturarvsinstitutioner i Sverige resonerar kring dataspelsbevarande

This Master’s thesis investigates how Swedish cultural heritage institutions discuss their work and their role in the preservation of computer games as a cultural expression. The organizations investigated for this thesis is Gamevaults in Malmö, Museum of Technology in Stockholm and the audiovisual department at the National Library of Sweden in Stockholm. The first question in this thesis invest

The Social Chimera of the Economic and Monetary Union : Social Policy in the Context of European Economic Governance

The European Union (EU) in its current shape and form is primarily a product of deepening economic integration, whereas a social dimension of European integration that would be comparable in ambition to its economic dimension has failed to manifest itself despite repeated attempts to give the social dimension greater weight. Based on a neo-Gramscian theoretical perspective of hegemony, this can be

”Slut i hyllan”– En studie om den interna kommunikationen och beslutsfattandets roll för produkttillgängligheten

Det finns idag omfattande forskning om försörjningskedjans roll för produkttillgängligheten (Aastrup & Kotzab, 2010; Corsten & Gruen, 2003; Grant & Fernie, 2008; Trautrims et al. 2010). Dessvärre är forskningen på butiksnivå och ”de sista 20 metrarna” mindre uppmärksammad. Detta trots konstateranden om butiken som den felande länken, vilket resulterat i att personalens roll inte beakta

Privatisering av public libraries : en argumentationsanalys av material publicerat i amerikansk dagspress, 2000-2014

The American public libraries rest on a foundation that dates back into the mid-19th century and are often talked about as a democratic institution. In later years some of these libraries have been outsourced or privatized and are now run and operated by private, for-profit companies. The aim of this study is to examine the arguments for and against the privatization of American public libraries a

"Då måste jag lita på tjänstemännen" - En studie av förhållandet mellan tjänstemän och politiker i Eslövs kommun

This thesis addresses the relationship between politicians and officials in the Swedish municipality of Eslöv. The study investigates the conditions for officials to exert informal influence over politicians. The aim is not to conclude whether this influence is good or not, rather, it sees the influence as a part of the system that is possible to misuse. It is based on interviews with politicians

Högerpopulism - en fallstudie över Finland och Ungern

This master thesis discusses the growth of radical right wing political parties in Europe. The point of departure is the theoretical framework, which consists of four chosen theories, trying to explain the reason behind the increasing support for radical right wing parties among the voters in Finland and Hungary. The theories are postindustrial developments, a legitimacy crisis for political insti

Outsourcing Border Control: A normative analysis of the externalization of migration policy in the Mediterranean region

The externalization of migration policies, also known as the externalization of border control, has emerged as an increasingly popular way for more developed countries to tackle the issue of irregular migration. In the Mediterranean region, increasing migration from North Africa to Europe is closely associated with the concept of security – security for the countries that must face constant flows

Malmö och säkerhet - En diskursanalys

In Malmö today there is a situation, which is represented by a high rate of organized crime. Due to that situation there have been a large number of killings in the city, often associated with organized crime. These killings have lead to a negative debate about Malmö. And due to the negative focus on the debate surrounding Malmö I decided to evaluate how the discourse about Malmö is presented in t