

Din sökning på "*" gav 533333 sökträffar

Preinvasion Assessment of Exotic Bark Beetle-Vectored Fungi to Detect Tree-Killing Pathogens

Exotic diseases and pests of trees have caused continental-scale disturbances in forest ecosystems and industries, and their invasions are considered largely unpredictable. We tested the concept of preinvasion assessment of not yet invasive organisms, which enables empirical risk assessment of potential invasion and impact. Our example assesses fungi associated with Old World bark and ambrosia bee

Political Bioethics

If bioethical questions cannot be resolved in a widely acceptable manner by rational argument, and if they can be regulated only on the basis of political decision-making, then bioethics belongs to the political sphere. The particular kind of politics practiced in any given society matters greatly: it will determine the kind of bioethical regulation, legislation, and public policy generated there.

Innovation och samverkan för förbättrad välfärd

Inledningskapitel till forskningsantologin "De (ut)forskande staden - En FoU-innovation i offentlig sektor" med fokus på hur innovation i offentlig sektor förhåller sig till begreppet livskvalitet och hur medborgarinvolvering och sektorsövergripande arbete kan påverka kvaliteten i offentlig sektor.

Peritoneal restoration by repurposing vitamin D inhibits ovarian cancer dissemination via blockade of the TGF-β1/thrombospondin-1 axis

Ovarian cancer (OvCa), a lethal gynecological malignancy, disseminates to the peritoneum. Mesothelial cells (MCs) act as barriers in the abdominal cavity, preventing the adhesion of cancer cells. However, in patients with OvCa, they are transformed into cancer-associated mesothelial cells (CAMs) via mesenchymal transition and form a favorable microenvironment for tumors to promote metastasis. Howe

The multitaper reassigned spectrogram for oscillating transients with Gaussian envelopes

Joint time-frequency representations are important tools when estimating the instantaneous frequency. The widely used spectrogram is known to have poor energy localisation, which the reassignment method improves. However, the reassignment method is sensitive to noise. In this paper we present a multitaper reassigned spectrogram (MTRS) that is robust to noise and tailored to short duration transien

High-speed planar imaging of OH radicals in turbulent flames assisted by deep learning

High-speed planar imaging of key combustion species, like hydroxyl radicals (OH), is crucial for understanding the complex chemistry–turbulence interactions in turbulent flames. However, conducting high-speed (kHz) diagnostics is challenging due to the requirements on advanced optical system, including both fast lasers and cameras. In this paper, we report a computational imaging method to artific

Interactions between conducting surfaces in salt solutions

In this work, we simulate interactions between two perfectly conducting surfaces, immersed in a salt solution. We demonstrate that these forces are quantitatively different from those between (equally charged) non-conducting surfaces. There is, for instance, a significant repulsion between net neutral surfaces. On the other hand, there are also qualitative similarities, with behaviours found with

Generating hardware and software for RISC-V cores generated with Rocket Chip generator

This paper presents the hardware/software generation backend of a code generation framework. The backend aims at synthesizing complete systems based on RISC-V cores with accelerators from a single-language description. The framework takes the dataflow description of an algorithm as input and generates a combination of hardware (in Chisel) and software (in C) that interacts with the hardware. The h

Short- and long-distance avian migrants differ in exercise endurance but not aerobic capacity

Background: Migratory birds differ markedly in their migration strategies, particularly those performing short- versus long-distance migrations. In preparation for migration, all birds undergo physiological and morphological modifications including enlargement of fat stores and pectoral muscles to fuel and power their flights, as well as cardiovascular and biochemical adjustments that improve lipi

A Model of Social Duties

We develop a formal model of social duties. Duties to respect entitlements (duties of justice) differ from duties to promote well-being (duties of charity). A situation- specific version of our model takes entitlements as primitives. A fully portable ver- sion derives entitlements from situational characteristics. Utility functions obtain kinks where duties of justice and charity are exactly satis

Den (ut)forskande staden : En FoU-innovation i offentlig sektor

Den här boken riktar sig till ”utvecklande praktiker” samt till alla som är intresserade av innovation i offentlig sektor och förändringsarbete i samverkan mellan forskning och praktik. Den riktar sig även till dem som har intresse av sakfrågor som berörts av de fem hypoteslabb som ingått i projektet Den (ut)forskande staden:• Gestaltad livsmiljö – om hur vi kan samverka mellan olika värden, exemp

Bara de inte upptäcker att du är pervers : Att förhandla stigmatiserad identitet och professionalism inom akademin

In this article I use autoethnographic method to assess two situations in which my kink identity and my non-monogamous identity clash with my role as a university teacher. Both identities are norm-breaking and stigmatized. They are coded as private in contrast to the professional ideal of the teacher. I ask how it affects me to keep part of my lived reality hidden and discuss what conflicts are obIn this article I use autoethnographic method to assess two situations in which my kink identity and my non-monogamous identity clash with my role as a university teacher. Both identities are norm-breaking and stigmatized. They are coded as private in contrast to the professional ideal of the teacher. I ask how it affects me to keep part of my lived reality hidden and discuss what conflicts are ob

Selection into experiments : New evidence on the role of preferences, cognition, and recruitment protocols

We study selection into lab experiments based on data from two cohorts of first-year university students. We combine two experiments: a classroom experiment in which we elicit measures of time and risk preferences, overconfidence, trust, reciprocity, altruism, and cognitive reflection and a recruitment experiment with four treatment conditions that randomly vary the information provided in the e-m

Odorant receptor orthologues in conifer-feeding beetles display conserved responses to ecologically relevant odours

Insects are able to detect a plethora of olfactory cues using a divergent family of odorant receptors (ORs). Despite the divergent nature of this family, related species frequently express several evolutionarily conserved OR orthologues. In the largest order of insects, Coleoptera, it remains unknown whether OR orthologues have conserved or divergent functions in different species. Using HEK293 ce