

Din sökning på "*" gav 533074 sökträffar

Hyperlocal journalism and PR : Diversity in roles and interactions

Hyperlocal media has repeatedly been framed as a potential saviour of local journalism, but the democratic and civic role that often is ascribed to hyperlocals is not obvious or uncomplicated. The hyperlocals’ vulnerable economic situation makes them dependent on free content, for example material produced by local councils or organizations. This paper investigates the role of hyperlocal media ent

Familial risks of second primary cancers and mortality in ovarian cancer patients

Background: With improving survival in ovarian cancer, second primary cancers (SPCs) and their etiological foundations are becoming an issue. The ways in which family history may influence the occurrence of SPCs and the related mortality are not well known. Methods: Based on the Swedish Family-Cancer Database, we identified 11,300 ovarian cancer patients and followed them for diagnoses of SPCs unt

Poly(propylene imine) dendrimers with histidine-maltose shell as novel type of nanoparticles for synapse and memory protection.

Poly(propylene imine) dendrimers have been shown to be promising 3-dimensional polymers for the use in the pharmaceutical and biomedical applications. Our aims of this study were first, to synthesize a novel type of dendrimer with poly(propylene imine) core and maltose-histidine shell (G4HisMal) assessing if maltose-histidine shell can improve the biocompatibility and the ability to cross the bloo

CADdy - Colposcopy learning machine for computer aided diagnosis

The study and development of a decision support system for doctors and students is presented, aiming to ease the diagnosis of the cervix cancer through an automated smart system: using a web application, a medical expert can upload colposcopic images feeding an expert system that carries out a deep analysis by a processing system on images uploaded by doctors; results coming out of the processing

Carcinosarcoma of the ovary : Analysis of 13 cases and review of the literature

Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate our experience with patients affected by ovarian carcinosarcoma. Patients and Methods: During a 16-year period, data on 13 patients with ovarian carcinosarcoma were collected. They were obtained from hospital charts and follow-up visits. Survival curves were estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method and compared using the log-rank test. All tests were t

Intracoronary near-infrared spectroscopy and the risk of future cardiovascular events

Objectives The objectives of this study were to investigate if findings by intracoronary near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) are associated with future cardiovascular events and if NIRS can differentiate culprit from non-culprit segments in patients with coronary artery disease. Methods The study included 144 patients with coronary artery disease undergoing percut

Utilizing Urban Living Laboratories for Social Innovation

Cities have long been recognized as potential hubs of knowledge, social and cultural diversity, jobs, education, public services, and infrastructure. Alongside these opportunities, however, cities also face a changing climate, reduced availability of raw materials and natural resources, and dwindling physical space for the built environment. These challenges are accompanied by increasing dispariti

Cost-effectiveness of internet-based cognitive-behavioural therapy and physical exercise for depression

Background Both internet-based cognitive-behavioural therapy (ICBT) and physical exercise are alternatives to treatment as usual (TAU) in managing mild to moderate depression in primary care.Aims To determine the cost-effectiveness of ICBT and physical exercise compared with TAU in primary care.Method Economic evaluation of a randomised controlled trial (N = 945) in Sweden. Costs were estimated by

Observation of aerodynamic instability in the flow of a particle stream in a dilute gas

Forming macroscopic solid bodies in circumstellar discs requires local dust concentration levels significantly higher than the mean. Interactions of the dust particles with the gas must serve to augment local particle densities, and facilitate growth past barriers in the metre size range. Amongst a number of mechanisms that can amplify the local density of solids, aerodynamic streaming instability

Så infiltrerar islamister de svenska partierna

Det är angeläget att svenska partier nu utreder infiltrationen av islamister och återgår till sina ideologiska värdegrunder. För varje nytt avslöjande förlorar partierna förtroende. Bland förlorarna hittar vi inte minst de muslimska väljare som inte håller med islamisterna. Det är dags att utreda saken nu – innan det är försent.

Förvaltningsrätten missar samband : Väst­fobiska, homofobiska och antisemitiska predikanter har inbjudits

Sum är en elitistisk förening och bidrag från Ungdomsstyrelsen utgör cirka 98 procent av Sums intäkter, där 70 procent av inkomsterna går till Sums centrala kontor. Av min studie framgår att söner till ledande personer i Ifis sitter på ledande poster i Sum. Till exempel finner man att den tidigare ordförande för Ifis, Chakib Benmakhloufs son, Mohamed Benmakhlouf, också var ordförande för Sum.

Fetal iGRASP cine CMR assisting in prenatal diagnosis of complicated cardiac malformation with impact on delivery planning

Limited visualisation of the fetal heart and vessels by fetal ultrasound due to suboptimal fetal position, patient habitus and skeletal calcification may lead to missed diagnosis, overdiagnosis and parental uncertainty. Counseling and delivery planning may in those cases also be tentative. The recent fetal cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) reconstruction method utilising tiny golden angle iGRASP (i