G. D. Björcks predikan vid svensk-norska unionens 50-årsjubileum 1864
A short presentation of a sermon from the tradition of Schartau at the 50 years' celebration of the Swedish-Norwegian union.
A short presentation of a sermon from the tradition of Schartau at the 50 years' celebration of the Swedish-Norwegian union.
Objective. According to epidemiological studies, smoking habit is strongly associated with inflammatory bowel disease. Non-smokers, and especially recent ex-smokers, have an increased risk of ulcerative colitis (UC). Conversely, concerning Crohn's disease, the risk is increased among smokers. Pouchitis is the major long-term complication of restorative proctocolectomy for UC, and seems to be patho
Background: Pharmacodynamic investigations with antimicrobials define the relationship between the infecting organism and achievable drug concentrations with clinical outcome. Objective: To examine this relationship for meropenem in a population of patients who are at high risk of infection-related morbidity and mortality. Methods: The study was a retrospective analysis of a multicenter, randomize
Heterologous genes for xylose utilization were introduced into an industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae, strain A, with the aim of producing fuel ethanol from lignocellulosic feedstocks. Two transformants, A4 and A6, were evaluated by comparing the performance in 4-l anaerobic batch cultivations to both the parent strain and a laboratory xylose-utilizing strain: S. cerevisiae TMB 3001. During growth
Two recurrent arguments levelled against the view that enduring objects survive change are examined within the framework of the B-theory of time: the argument from Leibniz's Law and the argument from Instantiation of Incompatible Properties. Both arguments are shown to be question-begging and hence unsuccessful.
Leachate treatment is one of the major environmental issues faced by landfill owners. One promising method for reduction of pollutant discharge is reverse osmosis (RO). RO technology was tested at a pilot plant at Hedeskoga Landfill in southern Sweden. This landfill receives municipal solid waste (MSW) and industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I) waste, and produces about 3000 m3/ha of
A batch of 16 CsI(TI) scintillator crystals, supplied by the Bicron Company, has been studied with respect to precise energy calibration in pulse-shape identification technique. The light corresponding to pulse integration within the time interval 1.6-4.5 mus (long gate) and 0.0-4.5 mus (extra-long gate) exhibits a power law relation, L(E, Z, A) a1 (Z, A)Ea2(Z-4), for (1.2.3) H isotopes in the mea
Thrombolysis is a highly promising treatment in acute ischaemic stroke. There is evidence of positive effects at least up to three hours and most probably up to six. The risk of intracranial haemorrhage is increased fourfold with thrombolysis; risk factors other than the treatment as such have not been identified for certain; the risk is not related to giving thrombolysis during the 0-3 as opposed
study several 2D and 3D math models have been tested in order to correct slant range SAR data geometrically. Some of these models consider the imaging geometry at the time of imaging while the others relate the ground space to the image one by mathematical polynomials. The images used here are 3 ENVISAT ones of Bam area. In order to extract the 3D GCPs, a topographic map with a scale of 1:25000 an
Kan man bli en bättre läsare med hjälp genom någon av alla de snabbläsningskurser och hjälpmedel för snabbläsning som florerar på marknaden? Och fungerar det i så fall även för personer med läs- och skrivsvårigheter? - I denna artikel redogör docent Kenneth Holmqvist för myter och fakta kring ögat, hjärnan och snabbläsning. Kenneth är verksam vid Institutionen för kognitionsforskning vid Lunds uni
The use of the extracting syringe (ESy), a fully automated membrane-based extraction technique, for analysis of phthalate esters in complex aqueous samples has been investigated. The ESy, working as an autosampler that combines the extraction process and injection into the gas chromatograph (GC) in one single step, is placed on top of the GC equipped with a flame ionisation detector. The aqueous s
Vibrationally resolved C1s photoelectron spectra of benzene and d(6)-benzene have been recorded using monochromated synchrotron radiation at photon energies of 330 eV. The spectrum of normal benzene displays considerable vibrational structure. Particularly noteworthy is the strong excitation of a combined CCH-bending and CC-stretching mode which splits the main peak into two well-defined maxima. I
Abstract in UndeterminedIndividuals with the diagnosis of autism need well-functioning home environment to make progress and achieve an acceptable level of quality of life (QoL). Long-term mapping of the daily life of individual persons with disabilities with the purpose of understanding their living situation is rare. The present study deals with the QoL of an adolescent boy with autism and intel