

Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar

Global brand image creation by Swedish born globals

Introduction: Born globals are increasingly prevalent and very successful in doing business globally, which is quite remarkable when keeping in mind they operate with limited human and financial resources and international business experience. They have to utilise capabilities in a unique way in order to internationalise rapidly and successfully. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to gain insig

Reinforcement learning for planning of a simulated production line

Deep reinforcement learning has been shown to be able to solve tasks without prior knowledge of thedynamics of the problems. In this thesis the applicability of reinforcement learning on the problem ofproduction planing is evaluated. Experiments are performed in order to reveal strengths and weak-nesses of the theory currently available. Reinforcement learning shows great potential but currentlyon

The Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive and its Compatibility with Primary EU Law (Competence: Subsidiarity and Proportionality)

The EU has adopted to the anti-tax avoidance package to implement the OECD action plan on Base Erosion Profit Shifting. The Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive (ATAD) is a legislative element e of anti-tax avoidance package proposed by the Commission. The Directive stipulates anti-abusive rules and is designed to protect functioning of the internal market. The ATAD and its implementation has raised numbe

The Philanthropic Brand? An exploratory study of consumers’ perceptions of brands communicating moral messages on social media

Thesis Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to provide an understanding of how brands relaying moral messages in their communication are perceived by consumers. Therefore, it investigates consumers’ brand meaning resulting from exposure to brands’ moral messages on social media. This thesis thereby enhances knowledge regarding the consumer perspective of moral branding and furthermore contribute

Investigating the effect of salt concentrations on the immune cell membrane protein CD45 D1-D4 in a supported lipid bilayer using hydrodynamic trapping

Många av dem mest spektakulära händelserna som sker i vår värld kan inte ses med blotta ögat. Vid varje andetag sker miljontals reaktioner, saltkoncentrationen i cellerna regleras, signaler skickas genom kroppens nervsystem, och receptorer plockar upp signalmolekyler likt hur post skickas till brevlådan och läses av oss i hemmet. Immunförsvaret är en otroligt viktig del av vår kropp som dagligen The immune system is a very complex system, aimed to protect the body from the many dangers that loom around us. A well-functioning immune system can fight of most invaders, remove foreign particles that entered our bodies, and take care of dead cells. The aim in this work is seeing how the protein CD45 (also known as PTPRC, protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, C) is affected by salt conc

Vive la République! Vive la France! En fallstudie om kandidaterna inför det franska presidentvalet 2017

During long time, France have had a history of representing right- and left wing parties in their presidential election. In the presidential election of 2017 this changed with a representation of centrist Emmanuel Macron and Extreme Right Marine Le Pen. Since Front National’s often named in the context of nationalist and populist extreme right parties, the aim of this thesis is to examine what it

How working as a Global Virtual Team affects capability-building in a Born Global

This thesis aims to understand how a Born Global company that works as a Global Virtual Team, operates to develop and reconfigure the organizational processes and routines, in order to stay competitive in a dynamic environment. It is examined from a Resource Based View, with a focus on the resource-picking and capability-building mechanisms. In the case study company the Global Virtual Team is a c

Social intelligens och personlighet

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om vissa personlighetsdrag korrelerar med vissa delar av social intelligens. Då både social intelligens och personegenskaper är breda begrepp så valdes inom social intelligens en avgränsad del att undersökas, nämligen förmågan att identifiera emotioner och förståelse av de bakomliggande orsakerna till emotioner. Inom personegenskaperna valdes Big Five teorThe purpose of this study was to examine whether there was a correlation between some Personality Traits and parts of Social Intelligence. Since both Social Intelligence and Personality Traits are broad constructs it was decided to narrow down what was examined. The Ability to Identify Emotions and Understanding the Underlying Causes of the Emotion was specified for Social Intelligence. The Big Fi

Utvärdering av vägkonstruktioner med stabilisering

Swedish transport administration has over the past few years changed its way of purchasing contractors. The new way is totalentreprenad, which gives the contractor the opportunity to develop and renew the construction methods. Stabilization is one of the outcomes of that development. It is an unusual method in Sweden and therefore it is important to learn more about its characteristics. Analyses o

Stor i orden, liten på jorden?

Organisationers personalfunktion har sedan dess tillkomst förändrats från att handla om ett mestadels social arbete till ett agerande i företagsledningen tjänst. Detta har inneburit ett ständigt förändrat fokus, från den enskilde medarbetaren till de mer övergripande affärsmålen. Numera vänder sig allt fler HR-praktiker till de senaste vetenskapliga forskningsrönen för hur de bäst kan operera straSince organizations started to include dedicated personnel departments some hundred years ago, its function has gone from mainly social work to acting as a strategic partner to the management team. This has resulted in a steady change in focus, from the individual worker towards the overall objectives of the business. Nowadays, more and more HR-practitioners turn to the latest scientific research

Taking Innovative Products to the Market: Development of a Working Model for Adoption in Collaboration with Sony Mobile Communications

Background/Problem Description: Creating innovative products and take them to the market is a struggle for many companies around the globe. At the Department of Security & Enterprise at Sony Mobile Communications in Lund it was believed that the innovation process could be enhanced if more focus would be put on pricing, adoption and timing. The belief at the department was that these three fac

Performance of frozen meal packaging system in the cold supply chain

Packaging helps to protect the product and safety handover the product from producer to end user. When the packaging leaves the closed loop it creates environmental issues. Also, the material focused packaging development process creates trade-off among supply chain actors. The sustainable packaging would reduce the overall cost and environmental impact, increase the value of the packed product in

A Novel Avian Model in the Search for the Initiating Events in Neuroblastoma

Kycklingembryo visar uppkomsten av barncancer Barncancern neuroblastom är tumörer som huvudsakligen uppkommer i magområdet hos barn under 5 år, särskilt i binjuren. Neuroblastom är en ovanlig cancerform och faktum är att majoriteten av barn med lågrisktumör räddas med hjälp av dagens behandlingar. Trots det överlever inte cirka hälften av barnen med högrisktumör. Genom att skapa ett levande mode

The Ground as a Facilitator of Collaborations: Organizational Design and Cultural Analysis

This thesis is based on the research that I conducted in a co-working space called The Ground, located in Slussen, Malmö, Sweden. The aim of the research is to investigate how The Ground (and other co-working spaces, as well) can become more pro-active in facilitating collaborations, especially inside its own community. The Ground is a small host organization itself. Parallel to its future growth,

”Tolkarna blir nog förvånade när de förväntas sjunga Mormors lilla kråka”- en tematisk analys av psykologers och auktoriserade tolkars upplevelser av sitt samarbete inom barn- och ungdomshabilitering i Region Skåne

Denna uppsats undersökte hur psykologer och tolkar upplever samarbetet sinsemellan inom ramen för barn- och ungdomshabilitering samt hur samarbetet kan utvecklas. Utifrån en tolkande hållning i likhet med tolkande fenomenologisk ansats genomfördes en tematisk analys utifrån semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra legitimerade psykologer och fyra auktoriserade språktolkar. Resultatet sammanfattades iThis empirical study aspired to explore how registered psychologists and authorized interpreters perceived their collaboration in the children and adolescent habilitation center, and how this collaboration could be developed. After interviewing four registered psychologists and four authorized interpreters using semi-structured interviews, a thematic analysis was performed using an interpretative

Use of LCA for buildings

The increasing focus on the environmental classifications and energy certification systems as well as LCA in the building industry nowadays has raised the interest in the life cycle perspective of buildings among countries, municipalities, builders and researchers. This thesis shows how Sweden is dealing with this topic comparing to the Netherlands and Turkey. By presenting a detailed literature

Talking About Participation - A Study of Participatory Development Discourse in Sweden’s International Support to Civil Society

This thesis focuses on participatory development discourse in Sweden’s support to civil society in developing countries, channelled through Swedish civil society organisations with which Sida has framework agreements. The thesis uses a modified version of Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis, with an operationalisation of participatory development discourse that defines it as either for

Att anmäla eller avvakta : En kvalitativ studie av lärares tolkning av anmälningsskyldigheten vid misstanke om att ett barn far illa.

The aim of this study was to examine how teachers understand and interpret their obligation to report child maltreatment to Social Services. In Sweden, the obligation to report as a govern-mental employee is bound by law. More specifically, the study’s aim was to gather infor-mation about whether or not the teachers were abiding the law. The study originated from the semi structured method and fou

Spelberoende : En studie om före detta spelberoendes syn på problematiken kring stöd och behandling

The purpose of this study was to examine and understand how members of a non-profit organization for gambling addiction describe and view problems concerning support and treatment for gambling addiction. The study was based on in-depth interviews with six representatives from non-profit organizations for gambling addiction. The empirical material was analyzed based on social constructivism. As a c