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Abstract in Undetermined Pre-stressed concrete is used to increase the load capacity in many civil engineering structures. There is a need for non-destructive methods to estimate the potential loss of pre-stress in these structures. In this study we investigate the acoustoelastic effect on the natural resonance frequencies of a pre-stressed concrete beam. Measured resonant frequencies increase wit

Voluntary Activation of the Knee Extensors in Chronic Poststroke Subjects.

Miller M, Flansbjer U-B, Lexell J: Voluntary activation of the knee extensors in chronic poststroke subjects. OBJECTIVE:: To assess the extent to which knee extensor muscle weakness in subjects with chronic mild to moderate poststroke hemiparesis is caused by a decreased voluntary activation. DESIGN:: Forty community dwelling and ambulant men and women (mean age, 59.8 +/- 5.5 yrs) with residual he

Therapist attitudes and strategies to client-centred approaches in the provision of mobility devices to older clients.

Abstract Purpose: This study explored therapists' attitudes to and strategies for developing client-centred approaches in relation to the provision of mobility devices. Method: Four physiotherapists and eight occupational therapists in a Swedish municipality context were interviewed according to a semi-structured interview guide. Data collection and analysis were guided by a qualitative approach,

The propagation of positive streamers in a weak and uniform background electric field

The results of numerical simulations of a positive streamer development in air in a weak and uniform electric field are presented. Streamer dynamics is considered in an electrode gap of 33 mm in length and the configuration was 'protrusion on a plate-plate'. This particular configuration was chosen in order to perform direct comparison between simulated results and experimental data. The electrost

Retinal function and PKC alpha expression after focal laser photocoagulation.

PURPOSE: To examine the effects of focal laser photocoagulation on general and local retinal function and to relate electrophysiological findings with changes in protein kinase C (PKC) alpha expression. METHODS: Twelve rabbits were treated with 70 spots of laser photocoagulation in the central cone-rich retina. The operated eyes were investigated with electroretinography (full-field ERG and multif

An electrically small frequency reconfigurable antenna with a wide tuning range

An electrically small frequency-reconfigurable antenna with a very wide tuning band is proposed. Three varactor diodes are used to achieve the tunable capacitance. With a modifled feeding structure, the measured tuning range of the fabricated antenna reaches from 457.5 to 894.5 MHz, and the tuning band enhancement is also explained through an equivalent circuit analysis.

Leukocyte count is associated with incidence of coronary events, but not with stroke: A prospective cohort study.

OBJECTIVE: Elevated leukocyte count is a classic marker of systemic inflammation. This study examined whether the leukocyte count is associated with incidence of coronary events (CE) and stroke during a long follow-up period. METHODS: A total of 17,131 men and 2932 women, aged 27-61 years, without history of cardiovascular disease (CVD), were enrolled. Incidence of CE and stroke was studied in rel

Fatty acids and glucose in high concentration down-regulates ATP synthase beta-subunit protein expression in INS-1 cells.

Chronic hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia exert deleterious effects on beta-cell function and impair glucose-induced insulin release, referred to as glucotoxicity and lipotoxticity. These abnormalities are associated with decreased glucose-induced ATP production; ATP serves as an important signal for insulin secretion. To investigate the mechanism of the impaired ATP formation, we examined the effe

På spaning efter idrottsdidaktik

Popular Abstract in Swedish För ämneslärarexamen krävs att studenterna ska kunna bidra till kunskapsutvecklingen inom ämnesdidaktik. För lärarprogram med inriktning mot undervisning i Idrott och hälsa medför det att begreppet idrottsdidaktik behöver tydliggöras. I denna avhandling behandlas idrottsdidaktik som begrepp och som redskap för reflektion över idrottsundervisning. Idrottsdidaktik härledsIn search of sport didactics The aim of this thesis is to examine sport didactics as a concept and tool for reflecting on PE education. An additional aim is to analyze course literature and teaching models. Special focus is given to mandatory course literature devoted to dance, orienteering, swimming and ball games. The thesis starts by considering the concept of didactics. Further, different tra