Din sökning på "*" gav 526466 sökträffar
Review of Sune Zachrisson, "Sankt Lars i Linköping - en tusenårig historia" (2007)
Review of Sune Zachrisson, "Sankt Lars i Linköping - en tusenårig historia" (Linköping 2007)
The Swedish Building Cycle and other Cycles.
Familial risks in understanding type 1 diabetes genetics.
Detection of Carbon-atoms In Flames Using Stimulated-emission Induced By 2-photon Laser Excitation
Ett ordkrig om Ukraina
A High-Resolution Powder Diffraction and Small/Wide Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS/WAXS) Beamline on MAX IV
Polymorphism in NEDD4L Is Associated with Increased Salt Sensitivity, Reduced Levels of P-renin and Increased Levels of Nt-proANP.
Michal Starke's Move Dissolves into Merge: A Theory of Locality
not available
Dans med ideologisk koreografi
Frälsets födelse
Degenerate Cases and Closed-form Solutions for Camera Calibration with One-Dimensional Objects
A statistical score for assessing the quality of multiple sequence alignments.
Multiple sequence alignment is the foundation of many important applications in bioinformatics that aim at detecting functionally important regions, predicting protein structures, building phylogenetic trees etc. Although the automatic construction of a multiple sequence alignment for a set of remotely related sequences cause a very challenging and error-prone task, many downstream analyses still
Cognitive semiotics: an emerging field for the transdisciplinary study of meaning
The article provides an overview of ongoing research and key characteristics of Cognitive Semiotics, an emerging field dedicated to the transdiciplinary study of meaning, involving above all researchers from semiotics, linguistics, developmental and comparative psychology and philosophy. The combination of the following features distinguishes it from other synthetic approaches: (a) integration of
Semiotics inside-out and/or outside-in : how to understand everything and (with luck) influence people
Jerusalem Pilgrims and the Holy Cross in the Fourth Century
Pilgrimage is an important element of Christianity right from the start, being rooted in the Jewish religion. Pilgrimage to sites in the Holy Land develops strongly in the fourth century as the sites are made accessible and are adorned with sanctuaries by the Emperor. The Cross of Christ becomes an important object of devotion to pilgrims, but the story of its discovery is considered by many schol
Faxeholm i maktens landskap : en historisk arkeologi
Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur gick det till när det svenska riket expanderade norrut och införlivade Hälsingland? Denna bok är uppställd som en generalhypotes över denna långt utdragna process, som tar sin utgångspunkt i den samhälleliga kollaps som är skönjbar under 500-talet. De inhemska maktstrukturer som gradvis byggdes upp efteråt kom under medeltidens inledande århundraden att få känna på In which way did the power structures of central Sweden expand into the territories north of the forest Ödmården during the Middle Ages? This text reads like a general hypothesis for this process, which attempts to incorporate all relevant elements in the Medieval landscape of power. The study area chosen is the province of Hälsingland. The chronological take-off is the 6th century AD, when settle
BASE--2nd generation software for microarray data management and analysis.
BACKGROUND: Microarray experiments are increasing in size and samples are collected asynchronously over long time. Available data are re-analysed as more samples are hybridized. Systematic use of collected data requires tracking of biomaterials, array information, raw data, and assembly of annotations. To meet the information tracking and data analysis challenges in microarray experiments we reimp