Near-haploid and low hypodiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia - two distinct subtypes but consistently poor prognosis
Background: Eosinophils are innate immune cells present in the intestine during steady state conditions. An intestinal eosinophilia is a hallmark of many infections and an accumulation of eosinophils is also observed in the intestine during inflammatory disorders. Classically the function of eosinophils has been associated with tissue destruction, due to the release of cytotoxic granule contents.
The growing complexity of digital signal processing applications make a compelling case the use of high-level design and synthesis methodologies for the implementation on programmable logic devices and embedded processors. Past research has shown that, for complex systems, raising the level of abstraction of design stages does not necessarily come at a penalty in terms of performance or resource r
Action Plan B3 of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) focuses on the integrated care of chronic diseases. Area 5 (Care Pathways) was initiated using chronic respiratory diseases as a model. The chronic respiratory disease action plan includes (1) AIRWAYS integrated care pathways (ICPs), (2) the joint initiative between the Reference site MACVIA-LR (Contre
This case study of development in a technical university situates distributed leadership in higher education in an organizational perspective. Analysis of documentation from development programs and interviews with 10 faculty members showed that leadership practices were related to different institutional logics prominent in four key activities in this specific university: education, research, for
The changes in life-style with increased access of food and reduced physical activity have resulted in the global epidemic of obesity. Consequently, individuals with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease have also escalated. A central organ in the development of diabetes is the pancreas, and more specifically the pancreatic beta cells within the islets of Langerhans. Beta cells have been assi
Goal of the project CARIBIC (Civil Aircraft for the Regular Investigation of the atmosphere Based on an Instrumented Container) is to carry out regular and detailed observations of atmospheric composition (particles and gases) at cruising altitudes of passenger aircraft, i.e. at 9-12km. Mercury has been measured since May 2005 by a modified Tekran instrument (Tekran Model 2537 A analyser, Tekran I
Lenalidomide is a highly effective treatment for myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) with deletion of chromosome 5q (del(5q)). Here, we demonstrate that lenalidomide induces the ubiquitination of casein kinase 1A1 (CK1α) by the E3 ubiquitin ligase CUL4-RBX1-DDB1-CRBN (known as CRL4CRBN), resulting in CK1α degradation. CK1α is encoded by a gene within the common deleted region for del(5q) MDS and haploi
The sub-cycle dynamics of electrons driven by strong laser fields is central to the emerging field of attosecond science. We demonstrate how the dynamics can be probed through high-order harmonic generation, where different trajectories leading to the same harmonic order are initiated at different times, thereby probing different field strengths. We find large differences between the trajectories
Öresundsregionen har under decennier utvecklats till ett viktigt samarbetsprojektkring arbetsmarknad, bostadsmarknad, näringsliv, konsumtion, turism och kulturlängs den svensk-danska gränsen. Men under senare år har det skett en nedgång ibland annat pendling mellan den danska och den svenska sidan. I detta kapitel kanvi med hjälp av de sydsvenska SOM-undersökningarna visa att skåningarna tycks bry
Medborgarnas ögon på makten och en grundpelare i vårt demokratiska styrelseskick. Så beskrivs ibland den statliga revision som bedrivs vid riksrevisioner runt om i världen. Här genomförs oberoende granskningar som ska säkerställa att medborgare och deras företrädare i parlamenten får kunskap om hur statligt finansierade verksamheter använder sina medel.Idag står den statliga revisionen inför en ra