

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Chromosome ends in Chironomus pallidivittatus contain different subfamilies of telomere-associated repeats

Tandemly repeated 340 bp sequences, TA repeats, are present in seven of the eight pairs of chromosome ends in Chironomus pallidivittatus, being absent from the telocentric left end of chromosome four. We have previously shown that the family of TA repeats consists of four main subfamilies. One subfamily is composed of a master unit and the other three contain derived units, each of which has a sma

Decreased inducibility of TNF expression in lipid-loaded macrophages.

BACKGROUND: Inflammation and immune responses are considered to be very important in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Lipid accumulation in macrophages of the arterial intima is a characteristic feature of atherosclerosis which can influence the inflammatory potential of macrophages. We studied the effects of lipid loading on the regulation of TNF expression in human monocyte-derived macrophag

En empirisk vetenskap om duet : Om Alfred Schutz bidrag till sociologin

Popular AbstractDenna avhandling behandlar Alfred Schutz (1899-1959) sociologiska ansats, tidigt av honom själv benämnd som en empirisk vetenskap om duet, med fokus på den teori han utarbetade i syfte att förstärka den förstående sociologin. Baserat på metodologiska resonemang om möjligheten att nå en vetenskaplig kunskap om den meningskontext den andre, duet, handlar utifrån fördjupade Schutz denThis dissertation examines Alfred Schutz's (1899-1959) approach to sociology, which early in his work he called an empirical science of the thou, with an emphasis on the sociological theory he worked out to strengthen interpretive sociology. Based on a methodological understanding about the possibility of being able to achieve scientific knowledge of the other's, the thou's, context within which m

Low serum level of soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor p55 predicts response to thalidomide in advanced multiple myeloma

Background and Objectives. Thalidomide modulates the production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha). Soluble TNF receptors, TNFR p55 and TNFR p75, modify TNF-a activity. In this study, we explored the relation between soluble TNF receptors and outcome in patients with advanced multiple myeloma treated with thalidomide. Design and Methods. The levels of soluble TNF receptor p55 and p75 were assess

Secondary limonene endo-ozonide: A major product from gas-phase ozonolysis of R-(+)-limonene at ambient temperature

A 16 s old gas-phase ambient temperature and 1% relative humidity reaction mixture of ozone and R-limonene (ca. 1:10) was sampled on XAD-2 resin followed by pressurized liquid extraction with dichloromethane at ambient temperature. Low temperature on-column injection and gas chromatography (GC) revealed equal amounts of diastereomeric secondary endo-limonene ozonides, in addition to 4-acetyl-l-met

Caring and relations : On emotional interaction in home help

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vad händer i samspelet mellan vårdbiträden i hemtjänsten och äldre människor de hjälper? Hur förhåller man sig till varandras förväntningar på relationen? Vilken inverkan har den äldres familj och vårdbiträdets arbetsgrupp på den äldres och vårdbiträdets relation? Detta är centrala frågor i denna avhandling, som handlar om omsorgssituationen i hemtjänsttagarens hem utiThis dissertation examines the interaction between municipal home-helpers and care re-cipients from a social psychological perspective. One of the starting points is a critique of some classical works in the caring science inspired by women’s studies for not taking into consideration that care-giving work constitutes social interaction. The aim is to analyse how elderly people and the home-helpers

Analysis of C, N and O in aerosol collected on an organic backing using internal blank measurements and variable beam size

A method with low MDL (minimum detection limit) was developed for analysis of carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and oxygen (O) in aerosol samples collected on an organic backing. An accelerator-produced beam of protons interacting with the sample and the detection of elastically scattered protons (PESA; particle elastic scattering analysis) and emitted X-rays (PIXE; particle-induced X-ray emission) were th

A randomized controlled trial of haemoglobin normalization with epoetin alfa in pre-dialysis and dialysis patients

Background. Partial correction of renal anaemia with erythropoietin improves quality of life (QoL). We aimed to examine if normalization of haemoglobin with epoetin alfa in pre-dialysis and dialysis patients further improves QoL and is safe. Methods. 416 Scandinavian patients with renal anaemia [pre-dialysis, haemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis patients] were randomized to reach a normal ha

Mercury emissions from the Idrija mercury mine measured by differential absorption lidar techniques and a point monitoring absorption spectrometer

Mercury emission measurements from the ldrija mercury mine in Slovenia were performed during an early November 2003 campaign, where the differential lidar technique was used to map mercury concentrations and an attempt was made to quantify the total mercury flux from the most contaminated area, the abandoned cinnabar roasting oven complex. Lidar concentration data were compared with data recorded

Methanol modification of the electron paramagnetic resonance signals from the S0 and S2 states of the water-oxidizing complex of Photosystem II

The Mn-derived electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) multiline signal from the S0 state of the water-oxidizing complex is observable only in the presence methanol. In the present study, we have characterized the effect of methanol on the EPR signals from the S0 and S2 states as well as on the EPR Signal IIslow originating from the TyrosineDox radical. The amplitudes of the S0 and S2 multiline sign

Development and application of monoclonal antibodies in studies of the human leukotriene B4 receptor, BLT1

Infection and inflammation are characterized by the release of chemotactic substances that activate cells of the immune system. One of these important mediators is LTB4, an arachidonic acid derivate that attracts e.g. monocytes and granulocytes to inflammatory sites and induces phagocytosis and degranulation. LTB4 binds to BLT1 which is a 7-transmembrane receptor that belongs to the superfamily of

Sedation during mechanical ventilation in intensive care - Sedation practices and patients' memories, stressful experiences and psychological distress

Popular Abstract in Swedish Sedering vid respiratorbehandling inom intensivvård ? praxis av sedering och patienters minnen, påfrestande upplevelser och psykologiska problem Akut svårt sjuka patienter i behov av respiratorbehandling på en intensivvårds-avdelning (IVA) utsätts för akut stress och diverse obehag från sjukdomen och/eller skadan, behandlingen, andningstuben och IVA-miljön. MinnesstörnThe overall aim of this thesis was to describe and determine intensive care sedation in adult mechanically ventilated patients with the emphasis on patients? memory, stressful experiences and psychological distress. The results are based on a nationwide postal survey (Paper I) including 89 Swedish intensive care units (ICUs) followed by a prospective cohort study (Papers II?IV) conducted over 18 m

Use of colour and spectral Doppler ultrasound examination in gynaecology

Objective: To review and sum up the published literature on gynecological Doppler ultrasound examination. Methods: Publications on gynecological Doppler ultrasound examination already known by the author, publications found in the bibliographic database Medline, and publications found in the reference lists of available studies were read, and relevant information was extracted and summarized. Resu