Din sökning på "*" gav 533657 sökträffar
Utifrån sett - Inifrån upplevt Några unga kvinnor som kom till Sverige i tonåren och deras möte med den svenska skolan
Popular Abstract in Swedish I avhandlingen beskrivs och analyseras 12 kvinnors skolkarriärer och deras möte med svensk skola. Syftet är att identifiera och belysa mönster, processer och vändpunkter på olika nivåer som utifrån kvinnornas perspektiv mobiliserat respektive begränsat deras skolkarriärer. Kvinnorna kom som flyktingar till Sverige i tonåren och återupptog sin avbrutna skolgång i svenskThe purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyse some foreign women s perspectives on their first meeting with the Swedish school and to identify and illuminate patterns and processes on different levels that facilitate respectively obstruct the development of their school careers. The women arrived in Sweden in their teens and attended Swedish upper secondary school, completed their educatio
Violaxanthin De-epoxidase and the Xanthophyll Cycle
Popular Abstract in Swedish Allt liv kräver energi. Energin kan komma från olika källor, såsom nedrytning av organiska eller oorganiska föreningar, värme eller ljus. Fysikens lagar säger oss att energi inte kan nyskapas eller förbrukas, bara omvandlas mellan olika former. På så sätt tillgodogör vi oss energin i mat när vi omvandlar kemiskt bunden energi till värme, då den förbränns i kroppens muskThe xanthophyll cycle is a mechanism for short term adaptation of plants to varying light intensities. It involves a reversible conversion of violaxanthin to zeaxanthin, via the intermediate antheraxanthin, upon high light intensities. This conversion is catalyzed by violaxanthin de-epoxidase (VDE) and the product after de-epoxidation, zeaxanthin, is involved in non-photochemical quenching of exce
Tänkandets aktivitet
Staten, IT och infrastrukturen
We provide clear-cut evidence for economically and statistically significant multivariate jumps (multi-jumps) occurring simultaneously in stock prices by using a novel nonparametric test based on smoothed estimators of integrated variances. Detecting multi-jumps in a panel of liquid stocks is more statistically powerful and economically informative than the detection of univariate jumps in the mar
The EU and Global Inbalances
Observer-Based Strictly Positive Real (SPR) Variable Structure Output Feedback Control
This paper considers switching output feedback control of linear systems and variable structure systems. Theory for stability analysis and design for a class of observer-based feedback control systems is presented. A circle-criterion approach can be used to design an observer-based state feedback control which yields a closed-loop system with specified robustness characteristics. The approach is r
Numerical examination of potential drop technique for crack closure measurements
Köpstad, kungamakt och kyrka - några tankar om medeltidens Laholm
The article discusses several aspects of the town Laholm in southern Halland in the Middle Ages, and it is put forward that royal influence may have been a significant factor in the urbanization process. The possible importance of the king in the introduction of the Christian faith in the Laholm area is also hinted, but the exact nature of Laholms medieval parish structure is difficult to comprehe
Rhetorical Defence Strategies in Sweden after the Tsunami
Motion from the Frontier of Curved Surfaces
Porous Cerium Dioxide for Catalytic Applications
Mesoporous cerium dioxide with high crystallinity has been synthesized and studied by TEM, SEM, nitrogen adsorption, PXRD, AFM, and SAXS. The catalytic properties of the materials have been investigated The results of the catalysis experiments were correlated with high resolution TEM investigations of the corresponding material, and it was found that the exposed crystallographic facets play an imp
Landskrona 1990 - Finansieringsfrågor
Social and environmental challenges in the MECIBS cities
Svensk senmedeltida påskpredikan: tre exempel
The article provides an overview on preaching in Sweden during the Middle Ages, then analyzes three fifteenth-century sermons composed for Easter Day, two preserved in Old Swedish and one in Latin. At the end, by way of comparison, an Easter sermon found in an early thirteenth-century manuscript from the Cistercian monastery of Alvastra is considered more briefly.
Like the Bloom on Youths: How Pleasure completes our Lives
Dumb Beasts in Hallowed Tombs : Swedish Funerary Poetry for Animals 1670–1760
The study examines a hitherto neglected genre in Swedish poetry of the 17th and 18th centuries: the animal epitaph. From 1670 to 1760 a considerable number of such poems were composed by several of the leading poets of the day. Besides tracing the history of the genre back to its origins in the ancient Greek epigram, I am chiefly concerned with the functions that the writing of such epigrams had i