

Din sökning på "*" gav 533701 sökträffar

Källa på det? – En beskrivande studie om Sverigedemokraternas användning av expertkunskap inom klimat- och kriminalpolitisk riksdagsdebatt

While the schism between the Swedish Democrats and the scientific community is a well-known fact, the demand for scientific evidence in policymaking is growing ever more evident. By textual idea analysis, this thesis explores the scientific usage of the Swedish Democrats in the context of climate change and crime policy. By applying the theoretical framework, drawn mostly from Christina Boswell, t

Moderaternas nya migrationspolitik

The thesis aims to investigate the Swedish Moderate Party in their changed migration policy during 2014-2019 based on Gunnar Sjöblom's theory of arena competition. The main material of the study consists of the party's party- and committee motions on the subject and are analyzed on the basis of a descriptive qualitative idea analysis of ideas and content. The analysis is organised on the b

RTs roll inom rysk psykologisk krigföring. En studie av retoriska angreppssätt för psykologisk krigföring

The Russian state-funded news media RT, formerly Russia Today, has since its start in 2005 created a reputation for acting as Kremlin's propaganda machine and part of Russia's political hybrid warfare. Previous research indicates that RT actively conducts psychological influence operations with the aim of legitimise Russia’s politics among the readers. By adopting a theory-developing appro

Organizational failure and intelligence: A framework for understanding intelligence failure

Failure often captures public attention, especially in an intelligence context were the consequences can be devastating and the successes are rarely visible. Understanding failure is important if we are to prevent it and both the field of organizational theory and the field of intelligence have been interested in the nature of failure. This study aimed to further the understanding of intelligence

Object Detection Using Synthetic Training Data

Två olika artificiella intelligenser har tränats för att kunna känna igen leksaker i bilder och film. För att undvika processen att annotera tusentals bilder används ett program som kan generera annoterade bilder med 3D modeller av leksakerna i realistiska och orealistiska datorgjorda miljöer. Vi testar vilka miljöer som ger oss bäst resultat och kommer fram till att en kombination av realistiska Annotating data for machine learning purposes can be very inefficient and time-consuming. In this paper we introduce a pipeline for generating a 3d scene from a simple image. We discuss and develop the first step which includes a 3d network being able to recognise any particular object. We focus on how synthetic data can be used to make the annotating process simpler. We use generated synthetic im

Kan self-efficacy, socialt stöd och stress förutsäga arbetstillfredsställelse? - En korrelationsstudie.

Arbetstillfredsställelse har under lång tid varit ett omtalat ämne inom forskning och det har visat sig att arbetstillfredsställelse korrelerar med många olika konstrukt, såsom self-efficacy, socialt stöd och stress. Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur mycket self-efficacy, upplevelsen av socialt stöd och stress tillsammans predicerade arbetande personers arbetstillfredsställelse. Syftet var ävenJob satisfaction has long been a popular topic in previous research and it has been shown that job satisfaction correlates with many different constructs such as self- efficacy, social support and stress. Therefore, the study aimed at examine how much employees’ self-efficacy, experience of social support and stress together predicted job satisfaction. The aim was also to examine whether self-effi

Does FDI from China matter for Growth in African Economies?

The outcomes of FDI have been examined in several studies throughout recent years. Most examinations acknowledge that FDI is a usual positive for the host country. FDI can create direct effects such as wealth flow to the acquiring country, job production, and technology transfer as well as a show impacts in the form of improved productivity, innovation and education. Adverse effects emerge when th

Pauli Crystals

In this thesis, previously demonstrated results in the literature regarding Pauli Crystals have been replicated, specifically from the confinement of three and six spin-polarized non-interacting fermions in an isotropic harmonic oscillator. The crystals were visualized using the Monte Carlo algorithm as well as the Metropolis algorithm. Furthermore, the distribution of particles was examined using

Giltigheten av process- och bevisöverenskommelser i skiljeförfarande

Skiljeförfarande som tvistelösningsform har på senare år blivit allt vanligare mellan kommersiella parter. Även om förfarandet liknar en process i allmän domstol finns det vissa väsentliga skillnader mellan dessa tvistelösningsformer. En sådan väsentlig skillnad är principen om partsautonomi vilken innebär att parter kan träffa avtal om hur handläggningen av tvisten skall tillgå. Sådana avtal kan In recent years, arbitration as a form of dispute resolution has become increasingly common between commercial parties. Although the procedure is similar to a civil court process, there are some significant differences between these dispute resolution forms. One such significant difference is the principle of party autonomy, which implies that parties can enter into agreements on how the dispute s

Framing the Reforms to the Kafala System in Qatar: Observations from a Qatari Newspaper

As the reforms to the Kafala system in Qatar in recent years are witnessing substantial achievements, the international communities expressed their appreciations to Qatar on what was happening in favor of the labor rights. However, the public discourse towards the reforms as well as the migrant workers in recent years remains understudied. This paper aims at studying this point by investigating th

Revisorn har ordet - En kvalitativ studie som undersöker hur revisorer resonerar kring sina professionella bedömningar

Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur revisorer gör sina professionella bedömningar och därigenom skapa en djupare förståelse för varför revisorer tolkar och granskar företags finansiella rapporter på detta sätt. Denna tvärsnittsstudie grundar sig i konstruktivism där materialet samlats in enligt kvalitativ forskningsdesign. Vidare bidrar uppsatsen med ett hermeneutiskt synsätt på revisorns be

"Socialtjänsten har uppenbarligen tappat greppet om ärendet" - en kvalitativ innehållsanalys om socialtjänsten gällande barnomhändertagande i media

The aim of this study was to examine how the Swedish news media portrays children, their next of kin and social services in articles related to child care. To conduct the study we examined five different newspapers from 2017 until 2018. From those five we selected 18 different articles. To select these articles we used keywords such as “child care”, “social services'', “report of concern”

Machine-learning and Discrimination: Procedural Challenges of Algorithmic Decision-making

The emergence of artificial intelligence, especially machine-learning methods, challenges the set of legal guarantees put in place in Europe to combat discrimination and ensure equal treatment. This paper will focus on cases of algorithmic discrimination in the context of recruitment as a business practice. Particular in the field of recruitment of workers, which has always been a field where EU n

Robusthet i forensisk bevisning – En kritisk granskning av NFC:s sakkunnighetsutlåtanden

I takt med den tekniska utvecklingen i samhället har forensisk bevisning, eller kriminalteknisk bevisning som det också kallas, fått en allt större betydelse inom rättsväsendet. Med forensisk bevisning avses bevis som upptäckts och värderats med hjälp av en naturvetenskaplig och/eller teknisk metod (även kallat forensisk metod). Det handlar vanligtvis om någon typ av fysiskt spår (DNA, skoavtryck,The technical development in society has made forensic evidence to become increasingly important in the judiciary. Forensic evidence refers to evidence that has been discovered and evaluated using a scientific and/or technical method (also called as a forensic method). It is usually about some type of physical trace (DNA, shoe prints, fibers, bullets from firearms, etc.) that has been left at a cr

Managing innovative talents

Innovation is the means for successful implementation of new ideas in the company to produce materials, processes, outputs, or services which are new to the company. The vision of any innovation driven company is accomplished with a good inflow of innovative talents blessed with the capabilities of thinking out of box and generating new ideas with the entrepreneurial mindset. Thereby, managing inn

Shooting for the Sun: A feasibility assessment of Lebanon’s renewable electricity targets

Most electricity in Lebanon is produced by burning fossil fuels, which produces more than one half of domestic greenhouse gas emissions, and the state-owned electricity companies are unable to meet the demand. To increase the country’s generation capacity and simultaneously combat the effects of climate change, the government aims to produce 30% of its electricity from renewables by 2030. It is ho

Modelling and simulation of vibratory driven sheet piles - Development of a stop criterion

During excavations, steel sheet piles are often installed through vibratory driving, to establish a retaining wall that resists soil instability and ground water leakage. The method of vibratory driving is that the sheet pile is driven into the soil with a vertical vibratory motion. This is especially effective in soft soils. In parts of Sweden, however, the most common type of soil is the glacial

Failure of the Ban on Plastic Shopping Bags: Finding Supportive Policy Measures to Address Excessive Plastic Shopping Bag Consumption. A Case of Thimphu, Bhutan

Having implemented a ban on plastic shopping bags with three other reinforcements of the ban over the span of two decades, Bhutan still faces the issue of plastic shopping bag overconsumption and waste, where the ban policy has been proven ineffective. Issues of plastic shopping bag consumption in Bhutan are discussed to understand the plastic shopping waste situation in the country, and different

Use of Barley in Development of a Functional Product with Low Glycaemic Index

Diet is considered one of the key factors contributing to an increased risk of developing diabetes type 2. The rising prevalence of this condition is alarming and highlights the urgent need for effective nutrition-based strategies to alleviate an impending health crisis. As reoccurring hyperglycaemic episodes have been linked to an increased risk of becoming a diabetic, there is an opportunity for

Environmental protests- Should I stay or should I go? Reasons for not going

Abstract Devastating climate change, polluted oceans and biodiversity loss make up only a few of the issues facing the planet in the current man made environmental crisis. Many efforts have been made, but often failed in an attempt to mitigate the crisis. Many social scientists suggest that environmental movements have the potential of promoting change. In Spite of the impressive size of recent en