

Din sökning på "*" gav 533333 sökträffar

Reindeer control over shrubification in subarctic wetlands : spatial analysis based on unoccupied aerial vehicle imagery

Herbivores can exert a controlling effect on the reproduction and growth of shrubs, thereby counter-acting the climate-driven encroachment of shrubs in the Arctic and the potential consequences. This control is particularly evident in the case of abundant herbivores, such as reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus), whose grazing patterns are affected by management. Here, we tested how different rein

The Correlation Between CO2 Emissions and GDP in Bhutan - A Threat to Carbon Neutrality?

The nexus between environmental degradation and economic growth is becoming of greater importance globally and in order to limit global warming at an increase of 1.5 ° C there needs to be a net zero-transition towards carbon neutrality. The Kingdom of Bhutan has over the last decades experienced continuous economic growth while being carbon negative and adhering to its unique Gross National Happin

Sensory modality profiles of antonyms

Adjectives that are used to describe sensory experiences are often used to express more than one modality. The adjective sweet, for instance, may primarily be associated with taste (i.e., taste is the dominant modality of sweet), but it can also be used for smell, sound or sight, and possibly even for touch. It has also been shown that some sensory modalities combine more easily than others. Many

Bootstrapping methods for assessing causality in survival analysis: A case study on major adverse cardiovascular events

The combination of graphical models with Aalen's additive hazards model, resulting in a model known as dynamical path analysis, permits assessing the effects of different variables on times until an event and decomposing these total effects into direct and indirect effects. This thesis proposes novel bootstrapping methods designed for left-truncated right-censored data, conditional on covariat

Åtgärder för energieffektivisering av vanliga småhus - En teoretisk fallstudie av en 70-talsvilla

Bygg- och servicesektorn står idag för mer än en tredjedel av Sveriges totala energianvändning. Energifrågan ligger i fokus och samhället strävar efter en mer hållbar utveckling. Samtidigt ökar elpriserna vilket lämnar många hushåll med dyra räkningar för uppvärmning av sina småhus. En stor del av Sveriges småhus byggdes under 70-talet i samband med miljonprogrammet. Villabyggandet var som mest The construction and service sector currently accounts for over one-third of Sweden's total energy consumption. Energy issues are at the forefront, and society is striving for more sustainable development. At the same time, electricity prices are increasing, leaving many households with expensive bills for heating their houses. A significant portion of Sweden's houses were built during th

Complex dynamics in adaptive phase oscillator networks

Networks of coupled dynamical units give rise to collective dynamics such as the synchronization of oscillators or neurons in the brain. The ability of the network to adapt coupling strengths between units in accordance with their activity arises naturally in a variety of contexts, including neural plasticity in the brain, and adds an additional layer of complexity: the dynamics on the nodes influ

Prevalence of long COVID complaints in persons with and without COVID-19

We studied the prevalence and patterns of typical long COVID complaints in ~ 2.3 million individuals aged 18–70 years with and without confirmed COVID-19 in a Nation-wide population-based prospective cohort study in Norway. Our main outcome measures were the period prevalence of single-occurring or different combinations of complaints based on medical records: (1) Pulmonary (dyspnea and/or cough),

Shifting Gears: Entering the Automotive Vertical

Tradera, Sveriges ledande marknadsplats för cirkulär konsumtion på nätet, överväger att gå in på marknaden för bilannonsering på nätet i Sverige som en ny vertikal marknad för att diversifiera sin verksamhet. Detta examensarbete syftar till att avgöra om Tradera bör gå in på marknaden för bilannonsering online och att föreslå en strategisk plan för inträdet om det bedöms vara fördelaktigt. ProjekTradera, Sweden's leading online marketplace for circular consumption, is considering entering the online automotive advertising market in Sweden as a new vertical to diversify its business. This thesis aims to determine if Tradera should enter the online automotive advertising market and to propose a strategic roadmap for entry if it is determined to be beneficial. The scope of this project

Unveiling Dominance: Abusive Practices in Digital Markets - An Analysis of the Market Platforms’ Dominant Position and the EU’s Regulatory Countermeasures

In an era of rapid technological advancements, the digital economy has witnessed significant transformations, resulting in the emergence of dominant technology giants. The rising dominance of companies like Google and Amazon has raised concerns in the European Union (“EU”) regarding fair competition and consumer welfare. This thesis comprehensively examines the impact of digital markets and online

Achieving Sustainability through Bilateral Trade Agreements: A Comparative Legal Study on Sustainable Development Provisions in the EU’s Bilateral Trade Agreements

Following the current global wave of sustainable development, the EU has been playing a leading role in reshaping the global trade landscape with its ambitious sustainable trade toolboxes. Particularly, the evolvement of sustainable development provisions in EU’s Bilateral Trade Agreements (BTA) have sparked growing discussions and debates in the legal arena. This study aims to analyse the role of

Intellectual property strategy for small business, Semiconductor industry as case study

Intellectual properties are the valuable assets of each company, especially small to medium size enterprises are very dependent on intellectual properties to grow and compete. Usually, these companies have lots of Intellectual properties to protect, and it is important to protect them, and a well organised strategy is a great tool to manage this. This thesis studies IP strategy as a powerful tool

Climate Change Coverage and the Performance of Green and Brown Equities

Climate change has emerged as one of the world’s most pressing issues, a development that has prompted investors to shift their focus accordingly, catalysing a significant increase in green investments. This study is set against this backdrop, focusing on the performance of portfolios of European firms classified as low or high emission intensity – green or brown respectively – during an eight-yea

Less is more: The impact of carbon emissions on stock returns

This paper assesses the impact of carbon emissions on European stock returns. The author aims to find out whether a carbon premium – companies with higher carbon emissions experiencing higher returns – exists as firms need to compensate investors for the risk they are taking. To achieve the goal, fixed effect model is estimated using panel data comprising 600 companies listed in the Euro STOXX 600

Planar Dual-polarized Millimeter-wave Shared-aperture Array Antenna with High Band Isolation

A planar millimeter-wave shared-aperture array antenna is proposed and designed in this paper. By composing the substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) and the stripline, the K-band antenna is embedded inside the Ka-band antenna to achieve a smaller size and a low profile by sharing an aperture. The Ka-band antenna radiates through the parallel slot pairs on the surface of the SIW cavities with horiz

Fel vid automatiska elektroniska avtalsslut – Diskrepans mellan åsyftad och uttryckt vilja på grund av fel i automatiska elektroniska rutiner för avtalsslut på förmögenhetsrättens område

Den svenska avtalslagen, med tillhörande principer, har existerat i över 100 år. Parallellt med att avtalsrätten stått stadigt har den teknologiska utvecklingen tagit markanta kliv framåt. De metoder för avtalsslut som var i åtanke vid utformandet av lagen är vitt skilda från de metoder som finns tillgängliga i dag. Detta har, än så länge, inte visat sig vara ett större problem. De regler och prinThe Swedish Contracts Act, with accompanying principles, has existed for over 100 years. While the contract law has remained mostly unchanged, the technological development has taken drastic steps forward. The methods for closing contracts that were in mind when forming the Swedish Contracts Act are vastly different from today’s available methods. This has, thus far, not shown to be any larger pro

The Decision-Making Process of Foreign Direct Investment in Singapore - A multi-case study on three Swedish multinational corporations and Sweden’s Ambassador

Even though the eclectic paradigm was founded approximately 50 years ago, it remains among the leading frameworks for firms determining whether to engage in foreign direct investment (FDI). The framework asserts that multinational companies (MNCs) only will engage in FDI if they have ownership, location, and internalization advantages. There is currently a research gap pertaining to if there are a

The Modular Hygiene Station

Disposable hygiene products, such as gloves and aprons, are commonly and frequently used in healthcare environments and are essential to maintain the hygiene standard. They are placed in different types of carriers, primarily in examination rooms and are mounted on the walls. This creates some difficulties for product development and fast access because not all hygiene products fit all carriers an

From Software Consulting to Venture Building: A Case Study on Venture Studio Business Models

Detta examensarbete utforskar det relativt outforskade fenomenet venture studios (även känt som bolagsbyggare, venture builders och startup studios), vilka är företag som systematiskt bygger bolag. Trots att antalet venture studios ökar så är akademisk forskning kring ämnet relativt begränsad. Denna studie syftar till att fylla denna kunskapslucka genom att genomföra en fallstudie på sex svenska vThis master's thesis explores the relatively unexplored phenomenon of venture studios (also known as venture builders or startup studios), which are companies that systematically and concurrently build startups. Despite their growing popularity, the academic literature on how venture studios operate is still limited and no structured and extensive description of the business model appears to e

Sårbarhet och/eller autonomi till (av)kriminaliseringens försvar – Om sårbarhetens roll i Sveriges rättsliga hantering av prostitution

Köp av sexuell tjänst har i Sverige varit förbjudet sedan 1999. Införandet av förbudet var en del i arbetet mot mäns våld mot kvinnor. Lagen har därefter genomgått en rad ändringar, senast en straffskärpning 2022. I december 2022 publicerade Norges regering en offentlig utredning där ett förslag på avkriminalisering av sexköp presenterades. I Norge inspirerades man 2009 av den svenska modellen ochThe crime of purchase of sexual services has been criminalized in Sweden since 1999. The introduction of the ban was part of the work against men's violence against women. The law has subsequently undergone a series of changes, most recently a toughening of the penalty in August 2022. In December 2022, the Norwegian government published a public inquiry in which a proposal for the decriminaliz