Street art studies : some thoughts on an emerging academic discipline
Essay published in Inchiesta about the emerging discipline of street art studies.
Essay published in Inchiesta about the emerging discipline of street art studies.
Global climate change is a major threat to biodiversity. Large-scale analyses have generally focused on the impacts of climate change on the geographic ranges of species and on phenology, the timing of ecological phenomena. We used long-term monitoring of the abundance of breeding birds across Europe and the United States to produce, for both regions, composite population indices for two groups of
Specialnummer om brittisk film.
We have previously reported that the xyloside 2-(6-hydroxynaphthyl) β-D-xylopyranoside (XylNapOH), in contrast to 2-naphthyl β-D-xylopyranoside (XylNap), specifically reduces tumor growth both in vitro and in vivo. Although there are indications that this could be mediated by the xyloside-primed glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and that these differ in composition depending on xyloside and cell type, det
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child state that in all actions concerning children the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration. Children are capable of forming their own views and have the right to express those views freely. The school plays an important role in empowering children in this socialization process and Swedish schools have in its educational assignment a
This section contains three book reviews. First the book Swedish Taxation, Development since 1862 is reviewed. This volume comprises six studies that examine the development of Swedish taxation from 1862 to 2013, and will likely be of great value in future Nordic tax research because of its comprehensiveness. The second review is about a book written in Swedish:Momsfri sjukvård (The VAT exemption
Nearly all mouse plasmacytomas (MPCs) carry an Ig/myc translocation. Any one of the three Ig loci may participate, while the myc contribution has been limited to c-myc, excluding other members of the myc gene family. The same is true for the other two known Ig/myc translocation-carrying tumors, Burkitt's lymphoma and rat immunocytoma. It is believed that the Ig/myc juxtaposition plays a decisive,
Several recent models of choice build on the idea that decision makers are more likely to choose an option if its attributes stand out compared to the attributes of the available alternatives. One example is the model of focusing by Köszegi and Szeidl (2013) where decision makers focus disproportionally on the attributes in which the available options differ more, implying that some attributes wil
Purpose: – The purpose of this paper is to justify, elaborate and elucidate the concepts of action, experience and reflection, and how they are intertwined when discussing contemporary entrepreneurship education. These concepts have been given a meaning in entrepreneurship education, but have not been discussed in-depth, and by that have been abridged in meaning and purpose, and mostly been treate
A new principle for mainstream nitrogen removal through nitritation followed by anammox was studied in a two-stage moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) configuration. The first stage was optimized for nitritation by using thin biofilms and a feed alternating between synthetic mainstream wastewater at 15°C and, for shorter periods, synthetic reject water at 30 °C. The exposure of the biofilm to rejectA new principle for mainstream nitrogen removal through nitritation followed by anammox was studied in a two-stage moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) configuration. The first stage was optimized for nitritation by using thin biofilms and a feed alternating between synthetic mainstream wastewater at 15°C and, for shorter periods, synthetic reject water at 30 °C. The exposure of the biofilm to reject
Stance in human communication is a linguistic concept relating to expressions of subjectivity such as the speakers' attitudes and emotions. Taking stance is crucial for the social construction of meaning and can be useful for many application fields such as business intelligence, security analytics, or social media monitoring. In order to process large amounts of text data for stance analyses, lin
Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) represents a heterogeneous group of disorders that affect a diverse patient population. The natural history of the disease, the role of nonsurgical management, the indications for surgery, optimal surgical techniques, and the predictors of treatment outcomes need to be further defined. To date, clinical research reports have included primarily surgical case serieFemoroacetabular impingement (FAI) represents a heterogeneous group of disorders that affect a diverse patient population. The natural history of the disease, the role of nonsurgical management, the indications for surgery, optimal surgical techniques, and the predictors of treatment outcomes need to be further defined. To date, clinical research reports have included primarily surgical case serie
The 1s to 2π* resonances have been studied for CO strongly chemisorbed on Ni(100) and weakly chemisorbed on Cu(100) using high resolution X-ray absorption spectroscopy. We show that the spectra can be consistently described in terms of the local density of unoccupied 2π* electron states with the Fermi level obtained from corresponding X-ray photoelectron spectra. The core hole is demonstrated to i
Due to their efficiency, revitalized traditional techniques for irrigation management of scarce water resources have been suggested as a way to at least partially cope with the present water crises in the Middle East. A better irrigation management includes re-using treated wastewater in agriculture. Treated wastewater should also be used in industrial processes, thus contributing to a more effici