

Din sökning på "*" gav 535428 sökträffar

Statistical Inference of Pharmacokinetic Models of Theophylline and Warfarin Data

Pharmacokinetics is the study of how drugs are absorbed and distributed in the body and is used by pharmacists to ensure that they prescribe the appropriate dosage of medicine. The process used to determine the drug concentration in the body when medicine is prescribed is ADME; absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion. The body is viewed as consisting of compartments between which a drug

Explaining Cherry-Picking - A Study of the Different Degrees to Which Invited States Align with the European Union’s Common Foreign and Security Policy

The Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) of the European Union (EU) is based on the Member States’ foreign policy preferences. Several third states are however at times invited to align with certain CFSP acts, a procedure which provides the EU with support for its diplomatic efforts. The degrees to which these invited states align with CFSP acts differ substantially. This thesis has taken a b

Återfall i brottslighet efter sluten ungdomsvård - En studie om hantering av unga lagförbrytare

Återfall i brottslighet har under alla tider varit ett vanligt förekommande problem. Unga personer, dömda till sluten ungdomsvård, löper på grund av sin låga ålder extra stor risk att återfalla i brott. Svensk statistik uppvisar att så många som 60 procent återfaller i brottslighet redan inom ett års tid. Uppsatsens syfte är att utreda vilka orsaker som kan hänföras till återfall i brottslighet efRecidivism has always been a common problem. Young people, who are convicted and subjected to closed institutional youth care detention (LSU) runs, due to their young age, a particularly high risk to reoffend. Swedish criminal statistics shows that as many as 60 percent relapse into crime within a year. The purpose of this essay is to investigate the causes that can be attributed to relapse into c

Occidentalism som rekryteringsmedel -En innehållslig idéanalys av IS propaganda- och rekryteringstidning Dabiq

Occidentalism as a phenomenon discusses the hostile stereotypes of the Western world that fuel the hatred of certain movements, like that of the Islamic State. By using a dehumanizing picture of the West, this terror group aims to demonize the Western society, which has been proved to be an effective way to recruit members. The following essay is a qualitative content analysis, which aims to study

Dags att kasta om bevisbördan - En studie om bevisbördans placering i masshanteringsfall

Masshanteringsfall är ett uttryck för situationer där en näringsidkare sköter en stor mängd av likartade ärende mot konsumentkollektivet. Ärendehanteringen sker i enlighet med rutiner som näringsidkaren själv bygger upp, i syfte att minska sina transaktionskostnader. Konsumenten använder däremot det system som marknadsförs av näringsidkaren, utan att ha djupa kunskaper om hur näringsidkaren har ko”Masshanteringsfall” is an expression of situations where a business owner handles a large number of same cases towards consumers. Examples of such cases is payment by credit card, demand for payment, leasing of different objects etc. A business owner often has a defective system about evidence of different circumstances in such cases. A business owner cannot prove, for example, if a consumer has

EU-samarbete - till priset av tortyrförbudet? - En avvägning mellan individens rättigheter och EU-samarbetet vid överlämning enligt en europeisk arresteringsorder

En europeisk arresteringsorder (EAO) är ett rättsligt avgörande utfärdat av en EU-medlemsstat som riktar sig mot en annan medlemsstat och syftar till att den andra medlemsstaten ska gripa och överlämna en eftersökt person för lagföring, verkställighet av fängelsestraff eller annan frihetsberövande åtgärd. Systemet med överlämning genom EAO vilar på en hög grad av förtroende mellan medlemsstaterna.A European Arrest Warrant (EAW) is a judicial decision issued by an EU member state. The EAW is sent to another member state and aims to make the other member state arrest and transfer a criminal suspect. The person is then to face prosecution or enforcement of a custodial sentence in the issued member state. The system of transfer through European arrest warrants depend on a high level of confide

Rätten till radering av personuppgifter – En analys av art 17.3.a i förordning 2016/679 ur ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv

Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda artikel 17.3.a i Europeiska unionens förordning 2016/679, gällande behandling av personuppgifter, ur ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv. Artikel 17 i förordningen stadgar en juridisk rätt för registrerade att i vissa fall kräva att personuppgifter raderas. Artikel 17.3.a stadgar att denna rätt till radering av information inte gäller om behandlingen av informationeThe purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine article 17.3.a in regulation 2016/679 of the European Union, regarding the processing of personal data, from a perspective of legality. Article 17 in the regulation settles, under certain circumstances, a legal right for the data subject to have personal data deleted. Article 17.3.a settles that this right to have information deleted shall not appl

Idrott på blodigt allvar - om våldsutövningen inom Mixed Martial Arts och dess straffrättsliga gränser

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) är en idrott som fått ökad popularitet de senaste åren, inte minst i Sverige. Idrotten är våldsam och tillåter olika typer av våld mot huvudet vilket utgör en fara för utövarnas liv och hälsa. För att säkra utövarnas säkerhet krävs det att utövningen sker under kontrollerade former. Men var går egentligen gränsen för vad som är tillåtet ur ett straffrättsligt perspektiv? Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is a sport that has seen an increase in popularity in the last couple of years, including Sweden. The sport is violent and allows for several forms of violence against once head which can risk the lives and health of the practitioners. To secure the safety of practitioners it is required that the practice is performed under controlled forms. But how do you draw the line of

Human Rights Education at Primary Schools : a Case Study of the Czech Republic

The obligation to provide human rights education (HRE) at primary schools is established in the Article 13 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Even though the States are aware of this obligation human rights education at primary schools is not adequate. The reasons for this situation are many, for example the lack of evaluation of existing human rights education,

Konsekvenser av arbetsrelaterad stress hos sjuksköterskor

År 2016 var det 16 procent av Sveriges sjuksköterskor som hade besvär till följd av stress och psykiska påfrestningar från sitt arbete. På grund av de konsekvenser som arbetsrelaterad stress orsakar kan vårdpersonals upplevelse av stress på arbetsplatsen leda till utbrändhet och sjukskrivningar. En litteraturstudie genomfördes för att sammanställa befintlig forskning vilken belyser faktorer som bi

What is the Problem Represented to be? A problematisation on two child policy in China

In September 2015, China ended the one child policy and opened the two-child policy. However, the focus on fertility and family in public and government discourse is still links to issues of national survival and economic development. This means that women’s social roles are still defined according to the needs and interests of the state, and scripted, first and foremost, as familial. Women are ma

Injektionsrum - Är vi redo för hjälpen? : En kvalitativ studie av socionomstudenters attityder till harm reduction med fokus på injektionsrum.

This paper examins attitudes towards harm reduction within focus on supervised injection site measures in Sweden. Through investigating the senitments of current social work students at Lund University, the paper concludes that despite the countries overall effort to combat substance abuse, the coming generation of social workes is largely positive to public supervised injection centers. The stud

Samhällstjänst: Frivårdsinspektörernas resonemang om verkställandet av samhällstjänst

The purpose of the study is to examine how probation officers reason about the execution of community service. The material used in this study consist of interviews conducted with highly experienced probation officers. The material was analyzed with a qualitative analysis method. The account theory in combination with the concept of discretion are the theories used. The result indicate that the re

I väntan på beslut om uppehållstillstånd : Om asylsökandes ohälsa och känsla av sammanhang under asylprocessen

The aim of this study was to examine what kind of experience social workers in the voluntary sector has of the health amongst asylum seekers in the asylum process. The aim has also been to construe the social workers statement due to a sense of coherence. The analysis was based on the theories of the salutogenesis and the sense of coherence by Antonovsky. The interviews were based on qualitative i

Användarnas förtroende till gränssnitt vid e-handel

Under 2015 steg andelen konsumenter som handlat på mobilen från 16 % till hela 42 %. Ökningen kan bero på att hemsidor blir mer mobilanpassade. Trots det finns det fortfarande en del användare som uppfattar det som mindre säkert att handla på mobilen i jämfört med på en dator. Förtroenden för e-handel skapas i flera led, där gränssnittet bara en del som påverkar kundens tillit. Detta projekt gjordIn 2015 the amount of consumer that had shopped online using a mobile phone increased from 16% in year 2014 to 42%. The increase may be due to responsive web sites being more common. Despite better design for mobile phones there are still some customers that consider it less secure to shop with a phone compared to a computer. Trust for e-commerce is created in several stages, where the user interf

Test av ny mätmetod för att mäta personflöde genom öppningar

The purpose of this study is to evaluate a method of measuring personal flow through door openings using the laser scanner RPLIDAR. An experiment was carried out November 2nd 2016 in the fire laboratory at the Faculty of Engineering, Lund University. This report is limited to finding the potential for future applications based on the experimental data obtained. During the experiment the laser sc

Construed External Image and Organizational Identification in a Virtual Workplace

The current study presents a first step in investigating the relationship between organizational identification and its proposed antecedents: construed external image and perceived work-based social support, in a completely virtual setting. Additionally, the study examines work-based social support as a moderating variable of the relationship between construed external image and organizational ide

Energilager i snabbladdningsstationer för elfordon

Det här kompletterande examensarbetet är en fortsättning på ett examensarbete som utfördes av Markus Florentzson och Ingemar Pålsson vid LTH 1993. Arbetet behandlar energilager för att stabilisera elnätet vid belastning från snabbladdningsstationer för elbilar. Ett ämne som är betydligt mer aktuellt idag. Detta, nu 23 år gamla, arbete jämförs med den observerade utvecklingen inom området sedan des

Skatter som instrument för implementering av politiska beslut

In this paper we examine the effects of the sugar tax. What makes it work? We have chosen to compare two cases where the tax has had different outcomes. In Mexico and Berkeley, the sugar tax has reduced consumption of sugar-sweetened products, but this is not the case in Denmark. To solve this task, we have used a wide range of scientific articles and statistics. We found several factors that sepa