

Din sökning på "*" gav 533789 sökträffar

Acoustic Room Correction for Speaker Systems Using Signal Processing Techniques

Loudspeakers are used in many different applications and play a vital role in various types of entertainment and communication. To optimize the listening experience, there is a need for an adjustment process to compensate for any effects the environment might have on the loudspeaker’s performance. This thesis presents an adaptive method that utilizes an arbitrary amount of loudspeakers and microph

Jakten efter den optimala budpremien

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka olika faktorers påverkan på budpremiens storlek vid svenska-, norska- och finska publika företagsförvärv. Vidare syftar studien till att urskilja vilka faktorer som har en signifikant korrelation med budpremien för att bidra till en förklaringsmodell, med ambitionen om att minska värdeförstöring i samband med förvärv. Genom en deduktiv arbetsmetod analyseraThe purpose of this study is to examine various factors’ influence on the size of the bidding premium in Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish public acquisitions. Thus, the study aims to identify which factors have a significant correlation with the bid premium in order to contribute with an explanation model. The ambition is to reduce the value destruction that often occurs in connection to acquisition

The effects of fatigue during deep metro evacuations and its implications on evacuation modelling tools

The thesis purpose is to determine how people’s evacuation performance is affected by carrying weight while performing a stair-climbing motion. The fire safety engineering and physiology fields are merged to increase the knowledge regarding ascending evacuation. A laboratory experiment was conducted, in which participants performed three different sessions; during the first session, participants p

Development of a Type IIs Cloning Strategy and Subsequent Production of Monoclonal Antibodies from PCR Amplification, Donor Vectors & Synthesized DNA Fragments

Alongside the emerging field of immunotherapy, with monoclonal antibody drugs at the forefront, radically reshaping medicine, the need for process and technology improvements that can lower drug development costs and bring better drugs to the market faster is increasing. One such process improvement being fast and efficient cloning strategies which enable moving into high-throughput formats. Tradi

What Do The Best Strategic Thinkers Do? A Case Study of Cognitive Elements in Strategic Thinking Among Managers at Helsingborgshem

Since there is a lack of scientific knowledge concerning strategic thinking, this study sought to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the concept. The presumption of the study is that one needs strategic thinking to deal with complex and unfamiliar situations. As globalisation is one main driving factor in the change of how business is run, there is an increased need for organisations to

Statistical and machine learning methods for classification of episodic memory

Multiple modern methods of statistical feature extraction and machine learning are applied to classification of encoding and retrieval of episodic memories us- ing electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings. Raw data, different time-frequency methods, and multiclass common spatial patterns are used for statistical feature ex- traction. For each type of feature extraction multiple machine learning algor

Den digitala handelns fastighetsmarknad - Var ska E-handeln lokaliseras?

Att E-handeln ökat stort de senaste åren har inte gått ouppmärksammat och dess inslag har märkts både privat och inom näringslivet. Den fysiska handeln har ändrats handel via internet vilket är en utveckling från byteshandel som var en av de tidigaste handelsformerna. Sedan internet, och E-handelns, lansering i början av 1990-talet har utvecklingen gått snabbt och de senaste tjugo åren har omsättnThe fact that e-commerce has increased significantly in recent years has not gone unnoticed, and its features have been marked in both private life as well as in business. The physical commerce has changed to an increased shopping through the internet, which is a development of the trade of goods that was one of the earliest commercial forms. Since the internet, and thereby the E-commerce, was lau

Blurred lines and a tool to reveal them #Metoo

This essay focuses on experiences of sexual harassment / abuse taken from www.minnen.se which tellstheir stories in a narrative form. The experiences shared via minnen.se are largely positive. The focus is circuit on upset feelings and displeasure of a more or less social accepted behavior, and lack of trust in the legal system. To handle the material, a criminological and sociological perspective

The Role of Official Development Assistance and Private Capital Flows in Sub-Saharan African Structural Change: A time series analysis

External financial flows geared towards Sub-Saharan Africa have provided new financing for investment opportunities, beyond the resources that are scarcely available domestically. Within the greater context of structural transformation in today’s globalized world, this thesis studied the dynamic effects of Official Development Assistance (ODA) and private capital flows on structural change in Sub-

Will the Tigers Keep Roaring? Catch-up and Capability Formation in the Asia-Pacific Region

The Asian tigers have been a tremendous case of economic success for decades. The economic financial crisis of 1997 put this to a test and they clearly passed it. This dissertation tries to unveil whether the same factors that led to the growth path in the 1960s, the so-called East Asian Miracle, are still responsible for overcoming the crisis. By means of factor analysis and a set of multivariate

Supply Chain Management Practices and Performance: How To Thrive and Not Just Survive in a Low-Margin Supply Chain

Supply Chain Management (SCM) has increasingly become the focus of many organisations in a vast array of industries. However, due to external environment pressures and the multitude of internal management options, firms experience difficulties in determining how to best manage a supply chain in order to create a competitive advantage and enable higher organisational performance. This thesis aims t

CRM-system i en era av GDPR

I denna kandidatuppsats presenteras, genom en kvalitativ intervjustudie, de förändringar och utmaningar som företag och dess CRM-system står inför i och med den nya EU-regleringen GDPR, som träder i kraft 25 maj 2018. I studien utförs intervjuer med fem företag som är uppdelade i två urvalsgrupper; (1) leverantörer av CRM-system och (2) användare av CRM-system. I litteraturgenomgången presenteras

Capacitance Optimization and Ballistic Modeling of Nanowire Transistors

Teknologiutvecklingen inom halvledarindustrin och integrerade krestsar har inom de senaste åren skett i en mycket hög takt, vilket också har medfört en förbättring av transistornas prestanda. Transistorn är grundläggande biståndsdel i elektroniska kretsar med huvudsaklig uppgift att styra strömmar och fungerar på så sätt som ett elektriskt relä. Transistorn består av tre elektroder, som kallas souDownscaling of Si-based metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) has contributed to increased microchip device density and to improve the functionality of the electronic circuits. The dimensions of state of art MOSFET is down to a few nanometers. It has been demonstrated that smaller MOSFETs are faster and more energy-efficient. However, with continued device scaling the perfor

Konsten att ge feedback I ensemble och till ensemblesångare - en kvalitativ studie om ensemblelärares arbete med feedback på estetiska programmet

Under många år av studier inom musik har jag som sångare upplevt att jag sällan får samma konkreta feedback som andra instrumentalister i ensemblesammanhang. Många sångare med liknande erfarenheter verkar ha upplevt samma sak. Flera studiekamrater vid Musikhögskolans lärarutbildning anser även att det finns en utbredd problematik i bristen på undervisning i hur man som framtida lärare bör ge feedbDuring my many years of music studies, I – as a singer – have rarely felt as though I receive the concrete feedback other instrumentalists get in the context of an ensemble class. Many singers with a similar background as myself seem to have experienced the same thing. Several peers at the Teacher’s Programme of Malmö Academy of Music also consider it problematic that there’s a lack in training re

Reacting to the Solid Waste Management Crisis: Investigation of a Public-Private Partnership in Lebanon

Since 2015, the provision of solid waste management-related services in Lebanon has been severely lacking and environmentally detrimental. This national crisis has led some municipalities and local enterprises to collaborate to implement sustainable solutions to the disposal of waste. This work explores the functioning of one specific partnership established in Lebanon between the municipality of

Ersättning för servitut som upphävs för att frigöra byggrätt

Servitut är ett rättsförhållande mellan fastigheter där den ena fastigheten har rätt att nyttja den andra fastigheten för att komplettera fastighetens behov så att den kan användas funktionellt och ändamålsenligt. En grundregel för servitut är att rättigheten ska gälla tillsvidare. I vissa situationer är det dock möjligt att upphäva servitutet. Ett servitut som upphävs är i de flesta fall berättigThe master thesis aims to examine which profit-sharing principle that is appropriate for repeal of easement for the release of development rights and if recent court deci-sions on the matter has had any impact on these situations. Easement is a legal relationship between real properties where one property is enti-tled to use the other property to complement the property's needs, so it can be