

Din sökning på "*" gav 533777 sökträffar

Supply Chain Management Practices and Performance: How To Thrive and Not Just Survive in a Low-Margin Supply Chain

Supply Chain Management (SCM) has increasingly become the focus of many organisations in a vast array of industries. However, due to external environment pressures and the multitude of internal management options, firms experience difficulties in determining how to best manage a supply chain in order to create a competitive advantage and enable higher organisational performance. This thesis aims t

CRM-system i en era av GDPR

I denna kandidatuppsats presenteras, genom en kvalitativ intervjustudie, de förändringar och utmaningar som företag och dess CRM-system står inför i och med den nya EU-regleringen GDPR, som träder i kraft 25 maj 2018. I studien utförs intervjuer med fem företag som är uppdelade i två urvalsgrupper; (1) leverantörer av CRM-system och (2) användare av CRM-system. I litteraturgenomgången presenteras

Capacitance Optimization and Ballistic Modeling of Nanowire Transistors

Teknologiutvecklingen inom halvledarindustrin och integrerade krestsar har inom de senaste åren skett i en mycket hög takt, vilket också har medfört en förbättring av transistornas prestanda. Transistorn är grundläggande biståndsdel i elektroniska kretsar med huvudsaklig uppgift att styra strömmar och fungerar på så sätt som ett elektriskt relä. Transistorn består av tre elektroder, som kallas souDownscaling of Si-based metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) has contributed to increased microchip device density and to improve the functionality of the electronic circuits. The dimensions of state of art MOSFET is down to a few nanometers. It has been demonstrated that smaller MOSFETs are faster and more energy-efficient. However, with continued device scaling the perfor

Konsten att ge feedback I ensemble och till ensemblesångare - en kvalitativ studie om ensemblelärares arbete med feedback på estetiska programmet

Under många år av studier inom musik har jag som sångare upplevt att jag sällan får samma konkreta feedback som andra instrumentalister i ensemblesammanhang. Många sångare med liknande erfarenheter verkar ha upplevt samma sak. Flera studiekamrater vid Musikhögskolans lärarutbildning anser även att det finns en utbredd problematik i bristen på undervisning i hur man som framtida lärare bör ge feedbDuring my many years of music studies, I – as a singer – have rarely felt as though I receive the concrete feedback other instrumentalists get in the context of an ensemble class. Many singers with a similar background as myself seem to have experienced the same thing. Several peers at the Teacher’s Programme of Malmö Academy of Music also consider it problematic that there’s a lack in training re

Reacting to the Solid Waste Management Crisis: Investigation of a Public-Private Partnership in Lebanon

Since 2015, the provision of solid waste management-related services in Lebanon has been severely lacking and environmentally detrimental. This national crisis has led some municipalities and local enterprises to collaborate to implement sustainable solutions to the disposal of waste. This work explores the functioning of one specific partnership established in Lebanon between the municipality of

Ersättning för servitut som upphävs för att frigöra byggrätt

Servitut är ett rättsförhållande mellan fastigheter där den ena fastigheten har rätt att nyttja den andra fastigheten för att komplettera fastighetens behov så att den kan användas funktionellt och ändamålsenligt. En grundregel för servitut är att rättigheten ska gälla tillsvidare. I vissa situationer är det dock möjligt att upphäva servitutet. Ett servitut som upphävs är i de flesta fall berättigThe master thesis aims to examine which profit-sharing principle that is appropriate for repeal of easement for the release of development rights and if recent court deci-sions on the matter has had any impact on these situations. Easement is a legal relationship between real properties where one property is enti-tled to use the other property to complement the property's needs, so it can be

Integrating climate forecast in humanitarian decision making: How to get from early warning to early action?

Disaster risk management efforts currently focus on long-term preventive measures and post-disaster response. Outside of these, there are many short-term actions, such as evacuation or distribution of water purifications tablets, medical supplies or flood response drills, which can be implemented in the period of time between the warning and a potential disaster to reduce the risk of impacts. Howe

Påverkar politikens färg vägen mot den hållbara utvecklingen? - En jämförande studie av tio kommuner

The aim of this thesis is to find out whether the political council in the municipalities is important for the outcome of work towards sustainable development. With increased migration into cities and increasingly major environmental problems, humanity is facing serious consequences if nothing is done. The municipalities in Sweden have great opportunities to reverse the bad trend. I examine ten mu

Mirror-mediated spatial location in great tits (Parus major)

Self-awareness is the ability to recognize oneself as a distinct individual from others. For a long time, this was thought to be a uniquely human capability. However, in the last 50 years, it has been argued that humans might not be the only self-aware organisms and different tests have been developed to investigate this. The most commonly used experiment to test self-awareness is the mirror self-

Dynamics of Combustible Waste Treatment and Waste Trade in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom and its Impact on the Waste-to-Energy Technology in the Netherlands (1990-2016)

This thesis investigates how waste management in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, as a long-term complex socio-technical change process, fits in the multi-level perspective designed by Geels (2002). Due to shrinking quantities of waste that is generated in the Netherlands, the combined heat and power plants ​are experiencing production overcapacity. Therefore, its ​importing waste from the

Adopting additional product-life extension strategies - A study of reuse and remanufacturing in the maritime industry

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the potential barriers of adopting additional product-life extension strategies and therefore increase the understanding of this phenomenon. Just as the name implies, product-life extension entails keeping resources in use for as long as possible in order to extract maximum value from them. Specifically, the strategies investigated in this research are r

Developing Strategic Thinking Ability: A Study of the Master's in Management and a Metacognition Course

The purpose of this study is to improve the understanding of the ability of educational interventions to improve strategic thinking. It does this both by contributing to the available empirical data on the development of strategic thinking ability and by exploring potential; avenues of research, intervention designs, study designs, sampling issues and analysis problems, for future studies as part

Israels expansion efter 1967

The end of the six-day war brought about a new balance of power and policy in the Levant especially concerning the Palestinian territories. Thus, this bachelor thesis has had the goal of analyzing the actions of the State of Israel as it pertains to the policy of expansion, occupation and settlements starting from 1967. The focus of this thesis has been the politics of the Labour-party and Likud a

Personality & Game Design Preference: Towards Understanding Player Engagement and Behavior

A study was conducted in two parts to first validate a new questionnaire, the GDP-I, measuring game design preferences amongst gamers, and then secondly, to explore the relationship between game design preference and personality traits as per the HEXACO model of personality. Principal components analysis of a sample of gamers (N = 149) found three dimensions of game design preference, labeled narr

Value Co-Creation: Multiplayer

This study is an initial attempt to investigate value co-creation in the gaming industry by looking at Value Co-Creation through a framework called The Value Co-Creation Egg. The aim of the framework was to identify the mechanisms of The Consumer and The Company, which ultimately led to a deeper understanding of how these actors operate within the context of The Market. To understand The Consumer,

Long-Term Effects of Distributed Profit Taxation on Firms: Evidence from Estonia

The study contributes to a body of research on a specific corporate taxation system, distributed profit taxation, by examining whether the system has affected corporate behavior in the long term and if it has, to what extent. The results partly corroborate previous literature but provide new evidence on the long-term effects of distributed profit taxation. We show that compared to classical gross

Daylight optimization in an office building through atrium improvements

Daylighting has become a fundamental measure not only to decrease the electrical energy demand in buildings, but also to provide good indoor comfort for the occupants. Atria have been implemented in buildings since old times as a space to foster interaction and provide indoor comfort through ventilation and daylight. However, the implementation of this feature can be complex if good natural light