Din sökning på "*" gav 529380 sökträffar
Ett skyddsrum för kulturarvet? : En komparativ undersökning av Riksarkivets och Rigsarkivets krisberedskap
This master’s thesis aims to investigate how crisis preparedness is conducted in the Swedish and Danish archive sector and specifically the national archives in Sweden and Denmark. The research questions asked are: 1. Which crisis consciousness do the Swedish and Danish national archives have? 2. In which way does the formal frameworks control and affect crisis preparedness in Sweden and Denmark?
Refrigerator ownership and child health and nutrition in low- and middle-income countries
Undernutrition and diarrhea cause stunted growth and poor child health. Refrigerators allow consumption of perishable foods and reduce food contaminations causing diarrhea. This study used 188 Demographic and Health Surveys from 66 low- and middle-income countries with adjusted regressions and coarsened exact matching, comparing children within the same neighborhoods and narrow groups of household
COVID-19 and Incentives of Higher Education
What incentives do Swedish University students have to pursue higher education? If and how are these incentives affected by the COVID-19 pandemic? This study aims to investigate incentives of Swedish university students and possible influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on said incentives. This research is based on a qualitative survey and interviews that will contribute with nuanced reflections of t
Is Global Food Security in Danger?
This thesis examines the impact of recent global shocks, namely the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, on food security in countries reliant on agricultural commodity imports from Ukraine and/or the United States. By analyzing both the supply and demand sides, the study aims to understand the implications of import dependency on food security. The comparative analysis of exporter countries
Influencer marketing och parasociala relationers maktutövande på konsumenter
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur influencer marketing och parasociala relationer påverkar konsumenters konsumtion av skönhetsprodukter. För att besvara syftet har vi använt oss av två forskningsfrågor som lyder: “Vilken roll har sociala medier i konsumenternas val av skönhetsprodukter?” och “Varför köper konsumenter produkter som influencers rekommenderar?”. De teoretiska verktyg vi a
Navigating the Seas of Change: A Grounded Theory Analysis of the First Adopters of Wind Propulsion Technology in the Shipping Industry
Study purpose: The maritime shipping industry, particularly the commercial sector, is a significant contributor to carbon emissions and environmental pollution. Various solutions are being proposed to enhance the sector's sustainability, including the adoption of wind propulsion technologies. However, the economic feasibility of these technologies on a large scale remains uncertain. Despite th
Skolsociologi : Studier av social interaktion i skolan
Fastighetsvärdering i en tunn marknad – En problematik för värderare och banker
Transaktionsvolymerna för fastigheter i Sverige minskade med 42% under 2022, vilket har skapat en brist på referensobjekt för fastighetsvärderingar. Räntehöjningar och ökad inflation har skapat osäkerhet på marknaden och kan leda till stora konsekvenser för långivare och fastighetsföretag, samt den finansiella stabiliteten. Syftet med examensarbetet är att behandla problematiken vid fastighetsvärdThe transaction volumes for properties in Sweden decreased by 42% in 2022, which has created a shortage of reference objects for property valuations. Increased interest rate and inflation have created uncertainty in the market and can lead to significant consequences for lenders and real estate companies, as well as financial stability. The purpose of this thesis is to address the issues with prop
Improving Product Level Sensing in Filling Tubes
Detta examensarbete undersöker möjligheten att förbättra produktnivåmätningen i en av Tetra Paks fyllnadsmaskiner, eftersom den nuvarande lösningen inte detekterar den med den önskvärda precisionen, samt mätområde. Idag används en magnetisk flottör tillsammans med 16 separata kapacitiva sensorer. Problemet med detta är att förpackningar blir avvisade på grund av en felaktig mängd produkt. Detta skThis thesis examines the possibility to improve the product level sensing in one of Tetra Pak’s filling machines, because the current solution does not detect this with the desirable precision, as well as measuring range. Today, a magnetic float is used together with 16 separate capacitive sensors. The issue with this is that packages get rejected due to a faulty amount of product. This occurs bec
Time evolution of surface species during the ALD of high-k oxide on InAs
Understanding the reaction mechanisms involved during the early stage of atomic layer deposition (ALD) of HfO2 on InAs is a key requirement for improving interfaces in III-V semiconductor-based devices. InAs is an excellent candidate to outperform silicon regarding speed and power consumption, and combined with HfO2, it gives promise for a new generation of ultra-fast MOSFETs. However, an improved
Legacy effects of temperature alterations on microbial resistance and resilience to drying and rewetting
With warming in soils due to climate change, a series of secondary factors arise, which have multifaceted effects on soil microbial communities. Of these, alterations to soil moisture are among the most crucial to understanding how microbial functions will change in the face of climate change. As living organisms, microbes must adapt to their environment, and their adaptations are reflected in the
From Streaming to Evoking That Extra Feeling
This study aims to investigate how brand extensions within streaming services affect consumers’ attitudes and emotional attachment to the parent brand. Beyond fit and quality, we provide an explanation of the connection between brand extensions, emotional attachment, and consumer attitude. This research adopts a critical realist ontology, interpretivism epistemology, and abductive approach through
Framtidsfullmakter och finansinstitut: Ett fungerande system?
År 2017 antogs lag (2017:310) om framtidsfullmakter, LFF, med syftet att fungera som ett alternativ till systemet för godmans- och förmyndarskap i föräldrabalken (1949:381). LFF infördes för att ge enskilda möjligheten att kontrollera sina framtida ekonomiska och personliga förehavanden. Målet med den nya lagstiftningen var att öka den enskildes integritet och rätt till självbestämmande. FramtidsfIn 2017, the Act on powers of attorney for the future (2017:310) was adopted with the aim of serving as an alternative to the system for limited guardians and administrators in the Parental Code (1949:381). The Act was introduced to give individuals the opportunity to control their future financial and person-al affairs. The goal of the new legislation was to increase the individual´s integrity an
Development of a guide system for free neutron oscillation searches at the European Spallation Source
Några av de stora mysterierna inom fysik idag handlar om vad mörk materia egentligen är och varför det finns så mycket mer materia än antimateria i universum. Två av de planerade instrumenten vid ESS i Lund, HIBEAM och NNBAR, har som mål att försöka besvara dessa frågor genom att studera hypotetiska fria neutronoscillationer. I detta arbete har optiska guidesystem för neutroner på HIBEAMs strålstrIn this project, a neutron delivery system for the study of free neutron oscillations at the HIBEAM beamline at the European Spallation Source (ESS) has been developed. The HIBEAM experiment is part of a two-stage program at ESS which will address open questions in physics; specifically the nature of dark matter and the observed asymmetry between matter and antimatter in the Universe. This will be
Säljarens utfästelseansvar - En jämförelse mellan 4 kap. 19 § 1 st. jordabalken och 40 § 3 st. köplagen
När köpeavtal ingås är det för parterna viktigt att det är tydligt vad som gäller vid ett avtalsbrott. Oklar lagstiftning är något som kan försvåra för parterna att förutse vilket ansvar som kan aktualiseras. För lös egendom finns i köplagen ett antal bestämmelser om vad som gäller vid fel i varan. En särskild svårighet här är att skilja mellan vad som utgör en utfästelse och en särskild utfästelsWhen a contract of sale is concluded, it is important that the parties are aware of what applies in the event of a breach of contract. Unclear legislation can make it difficult for the parties to foresee which liability may arise. For moveable property, the Swedish Sale of Goods Act (Sw. köplagen) contains a number of provisions on what applies in the event of defective goods. A particular difficu
Market for Reuse - Investigating reuse of acoustic ceilings from a market perspective
Context: Today, 96% of Sweden’s materials come from virgin resources and only 3.4% of resources used in Sweden are retained in the value chain. From a total of 266 million tonnes fed into the economy each year, 46.9% consist of construction materials. Hence, there is a need to adapt circular strategies, such as reuse of construction products, to meet Sweden’s goal of becoming net zero by the year
Predictive biomarkers in radioresistant rectal cancer : A systematic review
Background and aims: The treatment of locally advanced rectal cancer often consists of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy followed by surgery. However, approximately 15% of patients show no response to this neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. This systematic review aimed to identify biomarkers of innate radioresistant rectal cancer. Method: Through a systematic literature search, 125 papers were included an
Att balansera sekretess och samverkan i socialarbetares arbete med ungdomskriminalitet: En kvalitativ intervjustudie
The aim of this study was to examine social workers' experiences with collaboration and confidentiality when working with youth crime. A qualitative approach was employed, and five semi-structured interviews were conducted to investigate the research questions. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data, which revealed both obstacles and opportunities in collaborating with third-party orga
“Vapnet är en form av identitet för dem. Man vill bli förknippad med det här våldsamma, machomodellen”
I denna text presenteras en kvalitativ intervjustudie baserad på utsagor från tio informanter med utgångspunkt i hur kriminella nätverk har förändrats. Forskning har visat att Sverige är unikt vad gäller ökningen av skjutvapenvåld. Den grupp som står för majoriteten av våldet är unga män. Den organiserade brottsligheten har genomgått en förändring från MC-gängens tydliga organisationsstruktur och