

Din sökning på "*" gav 529380 sökträffar

Mixing in ice covered lakes

Mixing in ice covered lakes is caused by through-flow currents, oscillations of the ice cover and by convective currents induced by heat flow from the sediments or by solar radiation penetrating the ice. Mainly from studies in Swedish lakes, current velocities and mixing coefficients are quantified for the different processes generating water movement. Seiche movement caused by wind induced oscill

There is still a long way to go: An exploratory study on the factors contributing to the inclusion and exclusion of female character representation in video games

Thesis Purpose: This thesis aims to explore the complex phenomenon of female character representation, both quantity and portrayal, in video games and which factors either inhibit or enhance the creation and how. Methodology: A qualitative study with an inductive approach, designed to answer the research question “How do different factors contribute to the inclusion or exclusion of female charact

Echoes of the past: A Qualitative Study on Personal and Historical Nostalgia and their Impact on Consumer Identity

Thesis Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore young consumers' identity creation in the context of nostalgic consumption and marketing. The study seeks to deepen the understanding of how young consumers construct their identities by exploring the impact of two forms of nostalgia, personal and historical. Theoretical Perspective: To analyze the empirical data and gain insight into co

Vad är passiv (o)frivillighet?

Den 1 juni 2018 infördes ett frivillighetsrekvisit i den svenska våldtäktsbe-stämmelsen i 6 kap 1 § BrB. Det nya rekvisitet innebär att avsaknad av ömse-sidig frivillighet ligger till grund för straffansvar. Målsägandens agerande och hur personen uttryckt frivillighet är av central betydelse för bedömningen. I min uppsats har jag undersökt vilka gränser målsägandens frivillighet ställs inför när dOn June 1, 2018, a voluntariness requirement was introduced in the Swedish rape provision in Chapter 6, Section 1 of the Swedish Penal Code (BrB). The new requirement implies that the absence of mutual voluntariness forms the basis for criminal liability. The actions of the victim and how their expressed voluntariness is assessed are of central importance in the evaluation. In my essay, I have exa

Barnadråp - Brottets varande eller icke varande i den moderna svenska strafflagstiftningen

Det svenska stadgandet av barnadråp är på många sätt en säregen bestämmelse i förhållande till andra brottsgärningar i den svenska brottsbalken. Brottet har funnits reglerat i flertalet svenska lagsamlingar under hundratals år, allt från 1734 års lag fram tills dagens brottsbestämmelse. Som ett resultat av att brottet tillämpas ytterst sällan, bristande rättspraxis, de historiska och traditionsenlThe provision regarding infanticide in Swedish law is, in many ways, a distinct provision compared to other offenses in the Swedish Penal Code. Several Swedish legal compilations have regulated this offense for hundreds of years, ranging from the 1734 Act to the current Swedish Penal Code. Due to the infrequent application of the offense, lack of legal precedent, the historical and traditional imp

Två reformer senare – En granskning av bestämmelserna om företagsbot

Företagsbot är en ekonomisk sanktion som infördes den 1 juli 1986 i syfte att på ett mer effektivt sätt bekämpa brott som begås i företags verksamheter. Sanktionen utgör i regel ett komplement till övriga straffrättsliga sanktioner. Bestämmelserna om företagsbot återfinns huvudsakligen i 36 kap. brottsbalken, varav 7–10 a §§ är de mest centrala. 7 § anger de rekvisit som måste uppfyllas för att ålA corporate fine is a financial sanction that was introduced on 1 July 1986 with the aim of more efficiently combating crimes committed in the operations of corporations. The sanction typically functions as a complement to other criminal sanctions. The provisions on corporate fines are found mainly in Chapter 36 of the Swedish Penal Code, of which Sections 7 to 10 a are the most essential. Section

Havet - sista utvägen till trygghet? En studie om statsansvar gentemot flyktingar i sjönöd

Att stater har rätt till territoriell suveränitet innebär att de har rätt att bestämma vilka som får komma in i deras territorium och vilka som inte får det. Detta är en viktig princip i internationell rätt och utgör grunden för staternas rätt att kontrollera sina gränser och upprätthålla nationella säkerhetsintressen. Samtidigt kolliderar det med principen om non-refoulement, som inkluderar flyktThat states have the right to territorial sovereignty means that they have the right to decide who is allowed to enter their territory and who is not. This is an important principle of international law and it forms the basis of the state's right to control its borders and maintain national security interests. At the same time, it clashes with the principle of non-refoulement, which includes t

The Body as a Trend

The purpose of this study has been to understand how brands construct female body trends through the use of marketing representations over time. It was considered of relevance to analyze these social constructions as female consumers have been portrayed as well as objectified and exploited over the years in different industries. Ultimately, the effects of these social constructions which convey s

Making Artisanal Gold Miners ‘Investable’ - A Novel Means of ‘Improving’ Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining? A neoliberal eco-governmentality analysis of ‘responsible’ artisanal and small-scale gold mining: the case of the Lake Victoria Gold Programme in Migori County, Kenya

Objectives: Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM) - a labour-intensive and low-tech mode of minerals extraction and processing - has received increasing attention amidst global commodity booms and its concurrent expansion. Infamously associated with negative social and environmental impacts, responsible mining initiatives have emerged to promote, measure, and enforce sustainable mining practices

Reindeer control over shrubification in subarctic wetlands : spatial analysis based on unoccupied aerial vehicle imagery

Herbivores can exert a controlling effect on the reproduction and growth of shrubs, thereby counter-acting the climate-driven encroachment of shrubs in the Arctic and the potential consequences. This control is particularly evident in the case of abundant herbivores, such as reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus), whose grazing patterns are affected by management. Here, we tested how different rein

The Correlation Between CO2 Emissions and GDP in Bhutan - A Threat to Carbon Neutrality?

The nexus between environmental degradation and economic growth is becoming of greater importance globally and in order to limit global warming at an increase of 1.5 ° C there needs to be a net zero-transition towards carbon neutrality. The Kingdom of Bhutan has over the last decades experienced continuous economic growth while being carbon negative and adhering to its unique Gross National Happin

Sensory modality profiles of antonyms

Adjectives that are used to describe sensory experiences are often used to express more than one modality. The adjective sweet, for instance, may primarily be associated with taste (i.e., taste is the dominant modality of sweet), but it can also be used for smell, sound or sight, and possibly even for touch. It has also been shown that some sensory modalities combine more easily than others. Many

Bootstrapping methods for assessing causality in survival analysis: A case study on major adverse cardiovascular events

The combination of graphical models with Aalen's additive hazards model, resulting in a model known as dynamical path analysis, permits assessing the effects of different variables on times until an event and decomposing these total effects into direct and indirect effects. This thesis proposes novel bootstrapping methods designed for left-truncated right-censored data, conditional on covariat

Åtgärder för energieffektivisering av vanliga småhus - En teoretisk fallstudie av en 70-talsvilla

Bygg- och servicesektorn står idag för mer än en tredjedel av Sveriges totala energianvändning. Energifrågan ligger i fokus och samhället strävar efter en mer hållbar utveckling. Samtidigt ökar elpriserna vilket lämnar många hushåll med dyra räkningar för uppvärmning av sina småhus. En stor del av Sveriges småhus byggdes under 70-talet i samband med miljonprogrammet. Villabyggandet var som mest The construction and service sector currently accounts for over one-third of Sweden's total energy consumption. Energy issues are at the forefront, and society is striving for more sustainable development. At the same time, electricity prices are increasing, leaving many households with expensive bills for heating their houses. A significant portion of Sweden's houses were built during th

Complex dynamics in adaptive phase oscillator networks

Networks of coupled dynamical units give rise to collective dynamics such as the synchronization of oscillators or neurons in the brain. The ability of the network to adapt coupling strengths between units in accordance with their activity arises naturally in a variety of contexts, including neural plasticity in the brain, and adds an additional layer of complexity: the dynamics on the nodes influ

Prevalence of long COVID complaints in persons with and without COVID-19

We studied the prevalence and patterns of typical long COVID complaints in ~ 2.3 million individuals aged 18–70 years with and without confirmed COVID-19 in a Nation-wide population-based prospective cohort study in Norway. Our main outcome measures were the period prevalence of single-occurring or different combinations of complaints based on medical records: (1) Pulmonary (dyspnea and/or cough),

Shifting Gears: Entering the Automotive Vertical

Tradera, Sveriges ledande marknadsplats för cirkulär konsumtion på nätet, överväger att gå in på marknaden för bilannonsering på nätet i Sverige som en ny vertikal marknad för att diversifiera sin verksamhet. Detta examensarbete syftar till att avgöra om Tradera bör gå in på marknaden för bilannonsering online och att föreslå en strategisk plan för inträdet om det bedöms vara fördelaktigt. ProjekTradera, Sweden's leading online marketplace for circular consumption, is considering entering the online automotive advertising market in Sweden as a new vertical to diversify its business. This thesis aims to determine if Tradera should enter the online automotive advertising market and to propose a strategic roadmap for entry if it is determined to be beneficial. The scope of this project