

Din sökning på "*" gav 530573 sökträffar

Daylight compliance of Swedish residential blocks according to past and current performance criteria

The importance of daylight to occupants’ health and wellbeing has been extensively documented, as well as its role in reducing electric lighting use. As a result, most countries have today some form of regulatory framework, specifying minimum daylight requirements for built spaces. The present Swedish building code (BBR – BFS 2011:6) includes general recommendations for daylight provision of resid

"som een privat och eenshylt saak anklanger" : The concept of "privat" in Swedish parliamentary records, ca 1521-1800

The early modern era sees critical changes in the relations between individual and society, home and community, self and other. The notion of privacy, both as a potential threat against communal welfare and stability, and as something worthy of protection, is gradually emerging and can be traced in politics, religious practices, ideas on family and personal relations, as well as in architecture an

Genetics-squared : combining host and pathogen genetics in the analysis of innate immunity and bacterial virulence

The interaction of bacterial pathogens with their hosts' innate immune systems can be extremely complex and is often difficult to disentangle experimentally. Using mouse models of bacterial infections, several laboratories have successfully applied genetic approaches to identify novel host genes required for innate immune defense. In addition, a variety of creative bacterial genetic schemes have b

The prevalence and clinical characteristics of Charles Bonnet Syndrome in Danish patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration

PURPOSE: To investigate the prevalence and clinical characteristics of the Charles Bonnet Syndrome (CBS) in a group of Danish patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and to study whether CBS is associated with a specific retinal morphology.METHODS: Three-hundred consecutive patients with neovascular AMD attending assessment consultations following variable series of ranibi

Translations of health sector SWAps-A comparative study of health sector development cooperation in Uganda, Zambia and Bangladesh

Introduction: Sector-wide approach, or SWAp, is an increasingly popular approach to development cooperation for many bilateral and multilateral development agencies. While much has been published about the SWAp model itself, there is still limited research conducted on how it is applied in practice. This study aims at showing how the SWAp is translated as it is adopted in different local settings

Measuring opportunities for engaging in meaningful home-based activities in housing services for people with psychiatric disabilities: Development of the Perceived Meaning of Activity in Housing (PMA-H)

There is a scarcity of instruments for assessing opportunities for residentswith psychiatric disabilities to engage in meaningful home-based activities.We thus developed the Perceived Meaning of Activity in Housing (PMA-H),containing four subscales (activity opportunities, social interaction, developingas a person, and organization and planning). The aim of the study was to investigate the content

Longshore Transport Variability of Beach Face Grain Size : Implications for Dune Evolution

This study investigates grain-size sorting through longshore transport processes and how it influences dune evolution.The analysis is based on a data set of 58 sediment samples distributed alongshore over a 6.5-km-long sandy beach in Ängelholm, Sweden. Grain size differs significantly from north to south, where median grain size varies from about 0.4–0.15 mm. The long-term coastal evolution is der

Survey of experimental data on the strength of annealed float glass panes in the as-received condition tested in an ambient atmosphere

A detailed overview is provided for the strength of monolithic annealed float glass panes according to experiments carried out over the past four decades. The experiments were conducted with the coaxial double ring bending device, the three-point bending device, the four-point bending device, and the arrangement that allows for laterally supported plates to be subjected to uniform pressure. When t

Biostratigraphic Evidence of the Allerød-Younger Dryas-Preboreal Oscillation in Northern Iceland

Basal sediments of Lake Torfadalsvatn, northern Iceland, record changes in terrestrial and limnic environments in the period 11,300-9000 14C yr B.P. These changes were probably forced by climate and connected with displacements of the marine polar front and sea-ice margin. Pollen, spores, green algae (Pediastrum), saturation isothermal remanent magnetization, and carbon content of the basal sedime

Dynamic sea-level change during the last deglaciation of northern Iceland

A detailed reconstruction of deglacial relative sea-level changes at the northern coast of Iceland, based on the litho- and biostratigraphy of lake basins, indicates an overall fall in relative sea level of about 45 m between 11 300 and 9100 BP, corresponding to an isostatic rebound of 77 m. The overall regression was interrupted by two minor transgressions during the late Younger Dryas and in ear

Thinking green, circular or bio : Eliciting researchers' perspectives on a sustainable economy with Q method

The continuous emergence of new ideas and terms simultaneously enables and impedes the advancement of sustainability, because of an increasingly complex conceptual landscape. This study aims at highlighting combinations of sustainability concepts (circular, green and bioeconomy) and of development models (growth, steady-state, degrowth) which selected researchers have considered priorities for pur

Parton cascade models and QCD coherence at HERA

The hadronic final state in deep-inelastic ep scattering at HERA is influenced by colour coherence effects in QCD. Three different models for initial- and final-state multi-parton emission and soft hadronization, as implemented in the Monte Carlo programs LEPTO, ARIADNE and HERWIG, are compared in this respect both at the parton and hadron level (with experimental conditions taken into account).

The effective string and SU(2) lattice MC data

We present high statistics MC calculations of the static potential in three-dimensional SU(2) for a wide range of β values on a 243 lattice. The deviations from area law are unambiguously demonstrated by use of 2nd lattice R derivative. After a clear crossover at β=4.5 the data show signs of an effective string roughening up to β=6.5, while scaling is not strictly obeyed in this interval. Pure fer