

Din sökning på "*" gav 529424 sökträffar

A Study of Chinese Youth’s Immigration Motivation in the Post-pandemic Era

This thesis examined the motivation for Chinese youth to immigrate in the post-pandemic era. The Covid-19 pandemic had a significant impact on Chinese economics, society, and political environment. This paper aimed to understand how these factors had influenced the immigration decisions of Chinese youth. The research adopted qualitative methods and gathered data from interviews with nine young mai

Histatins: Peptides with a license to kill

Histatins are a family of human salivary peptides which act as a part of the innate immune system. There are three main members of the family: Histatin 1 (Hst1), Histatin 3 (Hst3), and Histatin 5 (Hst5). Histatins have long been known to possess differing antimicrobial properties, such as antifungal and antiviral capabilities. Hst5 is generally described as the most potent antifungal peptide in th

Classrooms of the present and practices of the past : The importance of understanding physics teachers’ embodied practices as a possible locus for social change

Physics classrooms are still clearly marked by practices belonging to a certaineducational past, while teachers are increasingly being asked to teach in lignment with current equality, diversity and inclusion agendas. At the core of this temporal disconnect are teachers’ practices, which are strongly marked by normative regimes in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, class and other social factors. M

Exploring how Individual Characteristics Relate to Use of Generative AI for Schoolwork and Emotional Regulation in Early Adolescence: Ties to Executive Functions, Internalizing Symptoms and Academic Achievement

ChatGPT och andra generativa Artificiell Intelligens (AI) -verktyg har nyligen fått betydande uppmärksamhet, och deras användning i skolarbete fortsätter att sprida sig globalt. Även om effektiviteten och säkerheten hos dessa verktyg inte är väl grundade i vetenskapen, tyder initiala resultat på deras popularitet i den svenska tonårspopulationen både för skolarbete och emotionell reglering. Hur anChatGPT and other generative AI tools have received considerable attention recently and their usage in schoolwork continues to expand globally. Even though the effectiveness and safety of these tools are not well grounded in science, initial findings suggest their popularity among the Swedish adolescent population for both schoolwork and emotional regulation. Whether this trend is the same in a yo

Influences of energy-efficient design and technologies on residents’ behaviour : Post-occupancy evaluation of multifamily buildings

No significant reduction in energy use has been observed in residential and service sector in Sweden during the last two decades, despite the introduction of energy efficient design and technologies. Residents’ preferences and behaviour are pointed out as the main factors affecting whether energy efficiency in residential buildings can be achieved. Moreover, there may be a risk of rebound effects

England’s Book of Shame: The Slave Bible : A Preface

The recent past has witnessed a rising interest in examining the cultural, economic, and social implications of colonialism and especially of trans-Atlantic slavery. As a result, many academic institutions have been sanctioning research projects to ascertain their own and certain historical figures’ roles in trans-Atlantic slavery. Whilst the research undertaken is very pertinent in understanding

Äktenskapets oundvikliga upplösning - betydelsen av att planera inför framtiden

Med äktenskapet följer en ekonomisk gemenskap mellan makar i form av giftorätt. När äktenskapet upphör, genom död eller skilsmässa, ska den ekonomiska gemenskapen makarna emellan upplösas. Avtalsfriheten mellan makar är omfattande. Äktenskapsbalkens bodelningsregler, där likadelning utgör en grundläggande princip, sätter annars en yttre ram. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka arvs- och bodelnWith marriage comes an economic community between spouses in the form of marital property. When the marriage ends, either through death or divorce, the economic community between the spouses should be dissolved. There is extensive freedom of contract between spouses. However, the rules of division of property in the Marriage Code, where equal division is a fundamental principle, provide an externa

D4.4. Rural Regeneration Activities: Data, Results, Conclusions and Recommendations

The main objective of Work Package 4 was to provide quantifiable evidences of the potential role of CNH as a driver for sustainable growth. To do this, WP4 has been monitoring over the last 2.5 years the performance of the deployed Action Plans (or regeneration schemes) in the 6 initial Replicators (Rs), and the 9 Additional Replicators (ARs) included in the last phase of the project. Performance’

Djurs rättsliga ställning – Om djurskyddsintressets historiska utveckling och roll i förvaltningsförfarandet

Den svenska djurskyddslagstiftningen slår fast att djur har en rad olika in- tressen och behov som ska beredas skydd. Samtidigt har djur i alla tider be- traktats som objekt i rättslig mening och har till skillnad från rättssubjekt inte kunnat inneha intressen och rättigheter. Den här uppsatsen undersöker hur sagda ordning växt fram genom historien och vilka implikationer den har för hur djurskyddThe Swedish animal welfare legislation states that animals have interests and needs that must be protected. However, throughout history, animals have been regarded as objects in legal terms, lacking the capacity to hold in- terests and rights. This essay explores the historical development of said or- der and its implications for how animal welfare interests are represented in Swedish administrati

Etnisk profilering inom svensk underrättelseverksamhet

Underrättelseverksamhet bedrivs till stor del i syfte att förebygga eller förhindra brott. En vital del av utredningsarbetet är att identifiera och avgränsa potentiella misstänkta. Arbetsmetoden kallas för förutsägande profilering. Metoden förutsätter bearbetning och insamling av uppgifter när misstanken ännu inte kan individualiseras. Sådana uppgifter kan innehålla så kallade känsliga personuppgiIntelligence service is largely conducted by crime prevention agencies. A vital part of the investigation is to identify and delimit potential suspects. The method is called predictive profiling. The method implies processing and collecting information when the suspicion cannot yet be individualized. Such data may contain so called sensitive data. The registration of sensitive data impli-cates a v

Försäkringsskyldighet i svensk rätt – En utredning mot bakgrund av Europaparlamentets rekommendation om obligatorisk ansvarsförsäkring för AI

Inom EU pågår ett arbete för att framta ett regelverk beträffande ansvar för AI med syfte att bland annat främja utbyggnaden av AI och säkerställa effektiva ersättningsmöjligheter för skadelidande. Som ett led i detta rekommenderade Europaparlamentet den 20 oktober 2020 ett krav på obligatorisk ansvarsförsäkring för högrisk-AI. Trots detta saknas förslag om försäkringsplikt i det efterföljande dirThe EU is currently drafting a legal framework regarding liability for AI with the purpose of promoting the rollout of trustworthy AI, while ensuring effective compensation for potential victims. As a part of this, the European Parliament on 20 October 2020 recommended compulsory liability insurance for high-risk AI. Despite this, the succeeding proposal for a directive on AI-liability lacks such

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The purpose of this thesis is to propose some feminist tools to study possible sexism in the album Motomami (2022) by Rosalía. In order to achieve the purpose, the most controversial songs and music videos of the album are critically analyzed: “Saoko” and “Hentai”. Both textual and visual aspects are analyzed. The analysis itself is connected to feminist literature. Additionally, it studies how Ro

Lojalitetsplikten vid företagsförvärv - Lojalitetspliktens innebörd under förvärvsprocessens olika faser

Lojalitetspliktens betydelse inom svensk förmögenhetsrätt har successivt ökat sedan mitten av 1900-talet. Tidigare präglades svensk avtalsrätt av en restriktiv syn på förpliktelser som inte uttryckligen följde av avtalet, avtalet sågs som ett medel att i eget intresse realisera sina mål, tillskillnad från dagens uppfattning där avtalet ingås för att uppnå ett gemensamt mål. Lojalitetsplikten utgöThe importance of the duty of loyalty in Swedish property law has gradually increased since the middle of the 20th century. Previously, Swedish contract law was characterized by a restrictive view of obligations that did not explicitly follow from the agreement, the agreement was seen as a means to realize one's goals in one's own interest, differing from today's view where the agreeme

Frihetens gränser: En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors berättelser om hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck i Sverige

The aim of this study is to contribute to the understanding of honor-related violence and oppression by analyzing how women describe their experiences of this in autobiographical books. Labeling theory and stigmatization theory was used as the theoretical framework applied to the analysis. Based on our analysis, the study shows that there is a pattern of shame and stigmatization that is based on

Commentary on: The Danish Copyright Ordinance, Copenhagen (1741)

The ordinance provided the legal basis for the right to copy books in Denmark-Norway until 1814, and in Denmark it remained in force until 1857. It was not only the first general law of its kind in Scandinavia but also the first in Europe outside the British Isles. The commentary describes the background to the promulgation of the ordinance, with particular emphasis on the religious and market con

Evidence for isovector neutron-proton pairing from high-spin states in N = Z 74Rb

High-spin states in the odd-odd N = Z nucleus 3774Rb37 were studied using the 40Ca(40Ca,αnp) reaction. A previously observed odd-spin T = 0 band has been extended to Iπ = (31+) and an even-spin T = 0 band has been observed for the first time to Iπ = (22+); both have a π(g9/2)⊗ν(g9/2) structure. A strongly coupled low-spin T = 0, K = 3 band has been interpreted as being based upon a π[312]3/2 ⊗ ν[3

Lifetimes of superdeformed rotational states in [Formula Presented]

Lifetimes have been measured in a superdeformed rotational band recently identified in the [Formula Presented] nucleus [Formula Presented] A large low-spin quadrupole deformation [Formula Presented] is confirmed and a decrease in the collectivity is observed as the high-spin band termination at [Formula Presented] is approached. Detailed comparisons of the experimental [Formula Presented] values w