

Din sökning på "*" gav 529352 sökträffar

Does Size Matter? An Investigation into ESG Rating Bias Against Small Firms

This thesis explores biases against smaller firms in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) ratings. The study investigates the relationship between firm size and ESG scores, considering sector-specific dynamics, regional variations, and the impact of ESG disclosures. The analysis was conducted on Nordic stock market firms (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, and Iceland). The findings confirm

Interplay between flavor anomalies and neutrino properties

A minimal extension of the Standard Model (SM) featuring two scalar leptoquarks, an SU(2) doublet with hypercharge 1/6 and a singlet with hypercharge 1/3, is proposed as an economical benchmark model for studies of an interplay between flavor physics and properties of the neutrino sector. The presence of such type of leptoquarks radiatively generates neutrino masses and offers a simultaneous expla

Meaning in Life in Late-Stage Parkinson’s Disease : Results from the Care of Late-Stage Parkinsonism Study (CLaSP) in Six European Countries

The Care of Late-Stage Parkinsonism (CLaSP) study is a longitudinal, multicentre, prospective cohort study to assess the needs and provision of care for people with late-stage Parkinson’s disease and their caregivers in six European countries. As a cross-sectional study within the CLaSP study, 509 people with Parkinson’s disease completed the “Schedule-for-Meaning-in-Life-Evaluation” (SMiLE) quest

Exponential moments for disk counting statistics at the hard edge of random normal matrices

We consider the multivariate moment generating function of the disk counting statistics of a model Mittag-Leffler ensemble in the presence of a hard wall. Let n be the number of points. We focus on two regimes: (a) the “hard edge regime” where all disk boundaries are at a distance of order n1 from the hard wall, and (b) the “semi-hard edge regime” where all disk boundaries are at a distance of ord

Eigenvalues of truncated unitary matrices : disk counting statistics

Let T be an n× n truncation of an (n+ α) × (n+ α) Haar distributed unitary matrix. We consider the disk counting statistics of the eigenvalues of T. We prove that as n→ + ∞ with α fixed, the associated moment generating function enjoys asymptotics of the form exp(C1n+C2+o(1)), where the constants C1 and C2 are given in terms of the incomplete Gamma function. Our proof uses the uniform asymptotics

Interface reduction technique for Enhanced Craig-Bampton method

Substructure coupling and model order reduction using Component Mode Synthesis (CMS) have, over recent years, gained considerable attention in the vibroacoustic analysis of complex structures. In the CMS methodology, the interior dynamics of each subcomponent in a substructured system are represented by a truncated set of normal modes within the lower frequency range, while all physical degrees of

Att vara klient i socialtjänsten - en studie om upplevt erkännande från ett brukarperspektiv

In this essay, we have attempted to gain a better understanding of client's feelings of satisfaction or dissatisfaction about contact with their social workers in social service and economic assistance. We wanted to gain understanding, through the lens of the theory of recognition and judgment, how individuals who receive economic assistance experience the contact in terms of satisfaction or d

När spricker glastaket? En arbetsrättslig studie om positiv särbehandling och könsfördelningen på arbetsmarknadens maktpositioner

Sverige är känt som ett av världens mest jämställda länder och andelen kvinnor på arbetsmarknaden är bland de högsta i världen. Trots detta finns det fortfarande stora orättvisor när det gäller fördelningen bland maktpositioner på arbetsmarknaden. Män besitter fler och mer inflytelserika chefspositioner än vad kvinnor gör. Både EU och Sverige har länge arbetat för att jämna ut könsfördelningen på

Allt kan bli aktiverat och skapande liv : Öyvind Fahlströms processuella estetik

Poeten och konstnären Öyvind Fahlström (1928–1976) är en av ytterst fåinternationellt kända svenska konstnärer under 1900-talet. När han och hansfru, bildkonstnären Barbro Östlihn, flyttade till New York 1961 kom de attbli en naturlig del av det framväxande neoavantgardet, och Fahlström erövrade omedelbart en central position i rörelsen tillsammans med framträdande konstnärer som Robert Rauschenbe

Känslors roll i läs- och skrivundervisningen hos elever vid särskilda ungdomshem: En kvalitativ intervjustudie av lärare vid den statliga ungdomsvårdens skolverksamhet

Syftet med detta examensarbete är att skapa en bättre förståelse för vilken roll känslor har för att bedriva kunskapsutvecklande läs- och skrivundervisning i svenskämnet inom ramen för skolverksamheten på särskilda ungdomshem, vid Statens institutionsstyrelse. Det empiriska materialet i examensarbetet är semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer av fem lärare vid olika särskilda ungdomshem, geografThe Role of Emotions in Reading and Writing Instruction among Students in Special Youth Homes: A Qualitative Interview Study of Teachers in the State Youth Care Education The purpose of this thesis is to create a better understanding of the role emotions play in conducting knowledge-developing reading and writing instruction in the Swedish subject within the framework of educational activities at

Anställdas erfarenheter av utbildningsinsatser inom den offentliga sektorn

This study intends to map out the experiences of municipal employees regarding continuous workplace education. The goal of this study is to paint a better picture of employees' workplace education in the hopes of showing their benefits as well as giving employers clear points of improvement for further implementation. The study is qualitative based and uses interview based data with an inducti

Old Norse into English into American English into Korean : Some remarkable connections between modern Danish and Korean

A first glance Korean and Danish seem to be seemingly far apart each other in every linguistic aspect, from the grammar over pronunciation to the written language, not to mention the elaborated polite-conjugations we find in Korean compared to the Danes’ habit of saying ‘you’ (‘du’) to just about everyone. However, both languages have, from the latter half of the 20th century to nowadays, receivedA first glance Korean and Danish seem to be seemingly far apart each other in every linguistic aspect, from the grammar over pronunciation to the written language, not to mention the elaborated polite-conjugations we find in Korean compared to the Danes’ habit of saying ‘you’ (‘du’) to just about everyone. However, both languages have, from the latter half of the 20th century to nowadays, received

Fast rotation of the N = Z nucleus 36Ar

A highly-deformed rotational band has been identified in the N = Z nucleus 36Ar. At high spin the band is observed to its presumed termination at Iπ = 16+, while at low spin it has been firmly linked to previously known states in 36Ar. Spins, parities, and absolute excitation energies have thus been determined throughout the band. Lifetime measurements establish a large low-spin quadrupole deforma

S.O.S Support Of Supervisors - A qualitative study on how middle-level managers perceive support within their organization: A social exchange perspective

Support in an organizational context has been a topic of academic discussion for many years. While there is no doubt that organizational support has been researched thoroughly, it seems that the focus always seems to land on the employee-manager perspective. In this thesis, we aim to provide a new and intriguing perspective on support in an organizational context, by using the manager-manager and

Upphovsrättens paradigmskifte i eran av den fjärde industriella revolutionen - En studie om metamorfos av upphovsmannarättens föremål och personlig integritet i ljuset av deepfakes

I dagens tidsepok, den fjärde industriella revolutionen, står vi inför en ny tek-nisk verklighet. AI-teknikens förmåga att nästintill identiskt simulera existe-rande människors röster i AI-genererade verk väcker fundamentala upphovs-rättsliga frågor om vad som egentligen bör skyddas av upphovsrätten. Dessu-tom uppstår frågor beträffande skyddet för den personliga integriteten när AI-tekniken möjliIn today's era, the fourth industrial revolution, we are facing a new technological reality. AI technology’s ability to, almost identically, simulate the voices of existing individuals in AI-generated works raises fundamental copyright issues about what should truly be protected by copyright. Additionally, concerns arise regarding the protection of personal privacy when AI technology enables c