Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar
Acute lung injury in acute pancreatitis - Awaiting the big leap.
Acute lung injury is a severe complication to acute pancreatitis and a significant health problem associated with a considerable mortality. Underlying mechanisms are complex and poorly understood, although recent insights have identified several inflammatory profiles and cellular components involved to varying degrees during different phases of pancreatitis exacerbation and acute lung injury. This
Utomståenderegeln - hur betydande är "betydande"?
Detection of Crosslinks within and between Proteins by LC-MALDI-TOFTOF and the Software FINDX to Reduce the MSMS-Data to Acquire for Validation.
Lysine-specific chemical crosslinking in combination with mass spectrometry is emerging as a tool for the structural characterization of protein complexes and protein-protein interactions. After tryptic digestion of crosslinked proteins there are thousands of peptides amenable to MSMS, of which only very few are crosslinked peptides of interest. Here we describe how the advantage offered by off-li
Nuclear weapon-produced 14C – applications and limitations of bomb-pulse dating.
Recension av: Draken. Fabeldjurens konung
Routine Use of a V/Q SPECT/Low-Dose CT Hybrid System to Diagnose Pulmonary Embolism Seems Premature.
Bekämpning av klöverspetsvivlar i klöverfröodling: Ny forskning tar hjälp av insekternas kemiska doftspråk
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Water Accommodation on Ice and Organic Surfaces: Insights from Environmental Molecular Beam Experiments
Water uptake on aerosol and cloud particles in the atmosphere modifies their chemistry and microphysics with important implications for climate on Earth. Here, we apply an environmental molecular beam (EMB) method to characterize water accommodation on ice and organic surfaces. The adsorption of surface-active compounds including short-chain alcohols, nitric acid, and acetic acid significantly aff
Resenären förvandlades till livsnjutare (Under strecket)
En metodik för att utvärdera brandskadescenario på kärnkraftverk
There are a large number of fire scenarios at nuclear power plants that must be analysed to obtain a picture of the fire risk. This report presents a schematic method that can be useful when identifying areas where deeper analysis is necessary. The methodology is based on four possible scenarios. Accepted and generally used calculations methods are available for three of these scenarios. As for th
A preliminary regional division for efficient biodiversity preservation based on disturbance regime, forest history and tree species distribution: the southern Swedish example.
We propose a method for dividing large regions into biogeographical sub-regions based mainly on natural disturbance regime, forest history and potential tree species distribution. This subdivision could be used as a guide when designing conservational strategies and management plans for landscapes and protected areas. At present, conservational strategies and management of valuable areas on the on
Back to the Origin : New Research in the Mesolithic-Neolithic Zvejnieki Cementery and Environment, North Latvia
A Subjective Effort Estimation Experiment
Abstract Effort estimation is difficult in general, and in software development it becomes even more complicated if the software process is changed. In this paper a number of alternative interview-based effort estimation methods is presented. The main focus of the paper is to present an experiment in which software engineers were asked to use different methods to estimate the actual effort it woul
Världssamfundet köper den israeliska historieskrivningen
Combined effects of brachial pulse pressure and sialic acid for risk of cardiovascular events during 40 years of follow-up in 37 843 individuals.
OBJECTIVE: Pulse pressure (PP) is a risk marker for cardiovascular disease (CVD) in individuals 50 years and older. Inflammation is suggested to influence atherosclerosis, but could also increase PP. We aimed to examine the combined effects of PP and the inflammatory marker sialic acid, and their independent roles on CVD risk. METHODS: From a population-based study in Sweden between 1962 and 196
Rättshandlingars verkliga skatterättsliga innebörd - en kommentar till RÅ 2004 ref 27: rättsfall 2004
In unitatem fidei : festskrift till Per Erik Persson
Lactobacillus reuteri prevents diet-induced obesity, but not atherosclerosis, in a strain dependent fashion in Apoe-/- mice
OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether the specific strains of Lactobacillus reuteri modulates the metabolic syndrome in Apoe-/- mice. METHODS: 8 week-old Apoe-/- mice were subdivided into four groups who received either L. reuteri ATCC PTA 4659 (ATCC), DSM 17938 (DSM), L6798, or no bacterial supplement in the drinking water for 12 weeks. The mice were fed a high-fat Western diet with 0.2% cholesterol