

Din sökning på "*" gav 535516 sökträffar

Targeting bacterial infections by using immunomodulatory host defence peptides and proteins

Popular Abstract in German Bakterielle Infektionen gehören zu den häufigsten Todesursachen weltweit. Sepsis ist definiert durch das Vorhandesein einer Infektion, sowie der Erfüllung von 2 der 4 Kriterien eines systemischen Entzündungssyndroms. Die durch die Bakterien ausgelöste Immunantwort umfasst die Aktivierung der zellulären Immmunität, der Gerinnerungs- und Komplementsysteme, sowie die ProdukBacterial infections and sepsis are amongst the leading causes of death worldwide. Sepsis is caused by an uncontrolled systemic host response towards an invading pathogen. Due to the engagement of various systems including cellmediated responses, the coagulation and complement cascades, treatment of sepsis remains challenging. This is reflected in mortality rates of about 50 % for patients with se

Penile cancer: epidemiology, pathogenesis and prevention

Penile cancer is a disease with a high morbidity and mortality. Its prevalence is relatively rare, but the highest in some developing countries. Insight into its precursor lesions, pathogenesis and risk factors offers options to prevent this potentially mutilating disease. This review presents an overview of the different histologically and clinically identified precursor lesions of penile cancer

Microwave quantum optics and electron transport through a metallic dot strongly coupled to a transmission line cavity

We investigate theoretically the properties of the photon state and the electronic transport in a system consisting of a metallic quantum dot strongly coupled to a superconducting microwave transmission line cavity. Within the framework of circuit quantum electrodynamics, we derive a Hamiltonian for arbitrary strong capacitive coupling between the dot and the cavity. The dynamics of the system is

Fluctuating selection on basal metabolic rate

BMR (Basal metabolic rate) is an important trait in animal life history as it represents a significant part of animal energy budgets. BMR has also been shown to be positively related to sustainable work rate and maximal thermoregulatory capacity. To this date, most of the studies have focused on the causes of interspecific and intraspecific variation in BMR, and fairly little is known about the fi

Protease Activation and Inflammation in Acute Pancreatitis

Approximately 10—20 % of patients with acute pancreatitis (AP) develop a severe disease with high mortality and morbidity. Activation of pancreatic proteases, the inflammatory response and impaired pancreatic circulation are pathophysiological events that are important in order for the disease to develop. There is no specific treatment for severe AP, and no useful marker for predicting the severit

What has trust in the health-care system got to do with psychological distress? Analyses from the national Swedish survey of public health

Mental health disorders are a rapidly growing public health problem. Despite the fact that lack of trust in the health-care system is considered to be an important determinant of health, there is scarcity of empirical evidence demonstrating its associations with health outcomes. This is the first study which aims to evaluate the association between trust in the health-care system and psychological

HIV-1 evolution, disease progression and molecular epidemiology of HIV-1 single and HIV-1 and HIV-2 dual-infected individuals in Guinea-Bissau

Popular Abstract in Swedish HIV är en av de dödligaste farsoterna i världen och 30-40 miljoner människor beräknas ha dött AIDS. Genom att konstant förändra sig ligger viruset hela tiden ett steg före immunförsvaret, och immunförsvaret klarar därför inte av att bekämpa infektionen. HIV skiljer sig också från andra virus genom att det drabbar och långsamt utplånar immunförsvaret. Det gör att HIV kanThe two genetically related human lentiviruses known today, HIV-1 (which is pandemic) and HIV-2 (which mainly is confined to West Africa), are the causative agents of AIDS. Progressive immune dysfunction and AIDS develop in most cases of untreated HIV-1 infection, but only in approximately 25-30% of HIV-2 infected individuals. The V1-V3 region of the HIV-1 env gp120 is important for HIV-1 corecept

Bog sites and wetland settlement during the Mesolithic: research from a bog in central Scania, southern Sweden

Bog sites and wetland settlement during the Mesolithic: research from a bog in central Scania, southern Sweden The bogs Agerods Mosse and Ronneholms Mosse with their total area of 12 km(2), form a north-westerly arm of the Ringsjon Basin of central Scania, in the southernmost part of Sweden. In the 1940s and 1970s excavations of Early Mesolithic sites around and within the bog Agerods Mosse were c

The potential role of isothermal calorimetry in studies of the stability of fresh-cut fruits

Attention is drawn to the feasibility of using high sensitivity isothermal heat conduction calorimetry to study metabolic responses of differently processed and stored fresh-cut fruit. The heat production of endogenous (tissue metabolism during 12 h of analysis at 10 degrees C for kiwifruit and strawberry) and exogenous (microbial growth during 18 d of analysis at 10 degrees C for cantaloupe) biol

Experimental Colonic Obstruction and Anastomotic Healing

Colorectal cancer is one of the most common malignant diseases world-wide. Most patients can be diagnosed, staged and treated by surgery in an elective setting. However, about one fifth of the patients will have an emergency presentation and in most cases due to malignant obstruction of the left colon. Immediate resection and anastomosis is feasible but carries a 3-fold higher risk of developing a

Radiation-Associated Angiosarcoma After Breast Cancer: High Recurrence Rate and Poor Survival Despite Surgical Treatment with R0 Resection

Secondary angiosarcoma of the breast is a rare but severe long-term complication of breast cancer treated with breast-conserving surgery and radiotherapy. We characterized a population-based cohort of patients with secondary angiosarcomas from two tertiary hospitals to investigate this complication with respect to surgical treatment and outcome. We identified 35 patients with a history of radiatio

Teaching medical ethics: what is the impact of role models? Some experiences from Swedish medical schools

The goal of the present study was to elucidate what influences medical students' attitudes and interests in medical ethics. At the end of their first, fifth and last terms, 409 medical students from all six medical schools in Sweden participated in an attitude survey. The questions focused on the students' experience of good and poor role models, attitudes towards medical ethics in general and per