Din sökning på "*" gav 535475 sökträffar
Evidence For Multiple Photosystems In Jellyfish
Cnidarians are often used as model animals in studies of eye and photopigment evolution. Most cnidarians display photosensitivity at some point in their life-cycle ranging from extraocular photoreception to image formation in camera-type eyes. The available information strongly suggests that some cnidarians even possess multiple photosystems. The evidence is strongest within Cubomedusae where all
Distributed Management of CPU Resources for Time-Sensitive Applications
The number of applications sharing the same embedded device is increasing dramatically. Very efficient mechanisms (resource managers) for assigning the CPU time to all demanding applications are needed. Unfortunately, existing optimization-based resource managers consume too much resource themselves. In this paper, we address the problem of distributed convergence to fair allocation of CPU resourc
Bonden, bygden och bördigheten. Produktionsmönster och utvecklingsvägar under jordbruksomvandlingen i Skåne ca 1700-1870
Popular Abstract in Swedish Under 1700- och 1800-talet omvandlades det svenska jordbruket som en del av en euro¬peisk utveckling som uppvisar övergripande likheter. De genomgripande förändringarna och deras betydelse för den långsiktiga samhällsutvecklingen motiverar att man talar om en agrar revolution. Trots övergripande likheter rymde emellertid den agrara revolutionen såväl regio-nala som lokaThe great transformation of Swedish agriculture in the 18th and 19th centuries was part of a European-wide development sharing similar characteristics. While researchers agree that extensive agro-technological, social and institutional changes took place, opinions differ with regards to the causes, spread, timing and sequence of events. Through a systematic study of agricultural production, land u
Att föra det egna till torgs : berättande, stoff och samtid i Kerstin Strandbergs, Enel Melbergs och Eva Adolfssons debutromaner
Popular Abstract in Swedish I Immi Lundins avhandling Att föra det egna till torgs står 1960-, 1970- och 1980-talen i fokus. Tre kvinnliga författares debutromaner, en från varje decennium, undersöks och sätts i relation till de förändrade positionerna i den offentliga kvinno- och litteraturdebatten under trettioårsperioden. Frågan som avhandlingen söker svar på gäller romanernas samspel med tillkThe Swedish debate both on the role of literature and on the social position of women underwent rapid change during the thirty years from 1960 to 1990. In Bringing the Personal to Market: Narrative, Subject-Matter and Contemporary History in the First Novels of Kerstin Strandberg, Enel Melberg and Eva Adolfsson, the debut novels of three female authors’ are close-read from a thematic and narratolo
X-ray absorption study of rare earth ions in Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,R3+ persistent luminescence materials
The valence of the europium dopant and selected rare earth co-dopants (Ce3+, Dy3+, and Yb3+) in the Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,R3+ persistent luminescence materials were studied by room temperature XANES measurements. The results indicated the co-existence of both divalent and trivalent europium in all the studied materials. The relative amount of Eu3+ was observed to increase upon increasing exposure to X-r
Tumour markers in prostate cancer III: Biomarkers in urine
The serum PSA test still is the most important biomarker for the detection and follow-up of prostate cancer. PSA-based screening can reduce disease specific mortality but coinciding unnecessary testing and overdiagnosis warrant further research for more specific biomarkers. Numerous studies of both serum and urine-based prostate cancer biomarker candidates have been presented the last ten years. H
Improving the Transient Performance of the Gas Turbine by Steam Injection during Frequency Dips
Single-shaft gas turbines are sensitive to frequency changes which might affect the grid stability during large frequency drops. This paper presents a new control system that uses steam injection as an auxiliary input to improve the transient performance of the gas turbine during frequency drops. Steam injection is beneficial because it reduces the peak temperature in the combustion chamber and au
Comparison of PIV and PDA droplet velocity measurement techniques on two high-pressure water mist nozzles
The need for reliable measurement of droplet velocities and droplet size has increased with the more widespread use of water mist systems. Two optical measuring techniques have been investigated, Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and phase Doppler anemometry (PDA). Measurements have been performed on two high-pressure nozzles, a hollow cone nozzle and a full cone nozzle. Both methods performed well
Poisson's ratio from polarization of acoustic zero-group velocity Lamb mode.
Poisson's ratio of an isotropic and free elastic plate is estimated from the polarization of the first symmetric acoustic zero-group velocity Lamb mode. This polarization is interpreted as the ratio of the absolute amplitudes of the surface normal and surface in-plane components of the acoustic mode. Results from the evaluation of simulated datasets indicate that the presented relation, which link
The papyrus collection in Lund
Photochemistry of carbon monoxide and methanol in water and nitric acid hydrate ices: A NEXAFS study
Soft X-ray induced chemistry of H2O, CO and CH3OH and the effects of the water and nitric acid hydrate (HNO3 center dot 1.65H(2)O) matrix on the photochemistry of CO and CH3OH have been investigated using NEXAFS spectroscopy. For pure H2O, CO and CH3OH ices, we show that the destruction rates are strongly limited by back reactions, leading to strikingly high survival rates of these molecules upon
Thylakoid membrane from spinach - effect of processing on their function as appetite suppressing ingredient
Popular Abstract in Swedish Övervikt och fetma ökar i hela världen och fortfarande vet ingen exakt varför vi äter mer än kroppen behöver. En rådande teori är att den västerländska dieten till stor del innehåller ”supervälsmakande” mat med mycket socker och fett som godis, glass, chips och feta såser. Sådan mat ökar risken för överkonsumtion och kan därför leda till övervikt och fetma. Att öka mättWestern diet contains a high proportion of palatable food, rich in refined carbohydrates and fat, that subsequently increases the risk of overconsumption and possibly leads to overweight and obesity. Therefore an approach to strengthen the inherent satiety for fat can be used to prevent overconsumption. Thylakoid membranes isolated from the chloroplast of green leaves have been found to reduce the
Changes in ultrasound morphology of the uterus and ovaries during the menopausal transition and early postmenopause: a 4-year longitudinal study
Objectives To describe changes in uterine and ovarian size and morphology as determined by ultrasonography from 2 years before to 2 years after menopause. Methods Twenty 50-year-old women with fairly regular vaginal bleeding at the start of the study underwent transvaginal ultrasound examination every 3 months until 12 months postmenopause, then every 6 months until 24 months postmenopause. The re
Kommunism och nazism en eller två historier?
Is Buddhism the low fertility religion of Asia?
BACKGROUND The influence of religion on demographic behaviors has been extensively studied mainly for Abrahamic religions. Although Buddhism is the world's fourth largest religion and is dominant in several Asian nations experiencing very low fertility, the impact of Buddhism on childbearing has received comparatively little research attention. OBJECTIVE This paper draws upon a variety of data sou
Queering school, queers in school: An introduction
Queer studies of education and research with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) kids, tightly connected to anti-homophobia, anti-transphobia and norm-critical activism, have become a growing field with a range of theoretical and political positions and methodological approaches. One of the key contentions within this field is what researchers and activists mean by “queer” in the
Genetic variation in PNPLA3 but not APOC3 influences liver fat in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Background and Aim: A recent study in Indian subjects suggested common variants in apolipoprotein C3 (APOC3) (T-455C at rs2854116 and C-482T at rs2854117) to contribute to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), plasma apoC3 and triglyceride concentrations. Our aim was to determine the contribution of genetic variation in APOC3 on liver fat content and plasma triglyceride and apoC3 concentratio