

Din sökning på "*" gav 534694 sökträffar

Adaptive facade, the active connection between indoor and outdoor

This study explores the connection between the indoor and outdoor environment and how through the use of shading devices they affect each other. The chosen location for the study is a well-known street in the urban context of Copenhagen. Through different façade and shading evaluations, this thesis aims to investigate the possibility of achieving desired visual and thermal comfort levels for the i

Sagan om flyktingarna : En kvalitativ analys om hur flykt och flyktingar porträtteras i samtida barnböcker

The Story of the Refugees: A Qualitative Analysis of how Refugees and Refugeeism are Portrayed in Contemporary Picture Books The aim of this study is to examine how refugees and refugeeism is portrayed in contemporary picture books. The study takes an intersectional and a discursive perspective, investigating how power structures and categories such as gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and class inte

Assessing Trade and Human Rights Regime Impacts on State Autonomy for Policy and Regulatory Activities

The human rights regime and the trade regime set obligations on states that may create conflicts that challenge a state’s autonomy for policy and regulatory practices. To deal with these conflicts, we argue that states employ different causal mechanisms from Risse, Ropp and Sikkink’s spiral model when setting their commitments to, and executing compliance with, these regime obligations, and that t

Att skriva om folkets tankeliv - en historiografisk studie om Ronny Ambjörnsson och folkets idéhistoria

This paper gives insight into the historical research of the academic Ronny Ambjörnsson and his work in the swedish field of history of ideas. Applying an agent perspective it shows how Ambjörnsson constructed and aimed to show how an history of ideas that involves the broader communities of history, workers and farmers that constitutes ”the people”, could be done. The paper shows that Ambjörnsson

PPGIS inom urban och regional planering - en analys av Stockholms expansion

The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between PPGIS (Public Participation Geographic Information System) and Urban planning. The purpose is to investigate questions regarding Public Participation and PPGIS. The study is of qualitative character. I have conducted field observations on areas concerning my issue. In addition to this I have made interviews to examine how PPGIS is

Barn som besöker barnakutmottagning och triageras av sjuksköterska

Bakgrund: Traditionellt träffar barn och dess familjer läkare då de besöker en barnakutmottagning, på barnakutmottagningen i Lund triageras vid ankomst alla barn av en sjuksköterska. Sjuksköterskebesök är både nytt och svenskt. Syfte: Undersöka vilka patientkategorier som återkommer till Lunds barnakutmottagning inom fem dygn efter att ha triagerats hem eller till annan vårdinstans av sjukskötersk

Om Efterkonstruktioner – Drömmar, Anekdoter och Hemligheter

Kommer du ihåg när du berättade någonting för någon sist? Berättade du av en speciell anledning? Berättade du för en särskild person under särskilda förhållanden? Varför berättade du i så fall för just den personen på just den platsen? Varför berättade du inte för någon annan någon annanstans? Men den kanske viktigaste frågan – hur gjorde du när du berättade och varför gjorde du just så? ÅterberäThis thesis seeks a sociological explanation of how and why thirteen interviewees told and constructed the telling of their dreams, anecdotes and secrets. Using Erving Coffman’s theories about impression management, this thesis was able to show how the interviewees prepared their telling of dreams, anecdotes and secrets via post hoc circumstances. I.e. to make their telling more socially appropria

Payment Schemes based on Seed Quality - Incentives for the Swedish farmer

Payment and bonus schemes based on seed quality used by the Swedish agriculture cooperative Lantmännen is evaluated. Results from a farm and region/time fixed effect model show that the linear payment scheme for pulses (peas and beans) has approximately 15 percentage points lower quality compared to that used for grains when a common quality measure constructed for this research is used. Germinati

Burgarkonstnärer och sensuella citroner – en analys av hur samhälleliga individualiseringsprocesser tar sig uttryck i kokböcker

Title: Burger artists and sensual lemons – an analysis of how societal individualization processes manifest themselves in cookbooks The aim of this bachelor thesis in ethnology is to examine in which ways the prevalent individualistic discourse of our time is visible in the cookbook genre. The analysis has been made with the help of five cookbooks and one diet book, ranging from the 1960s to the

N-body Simulations in Galactic Potentials

För att förstå vårt ursprung och vår plats i universum, måste vi först lära oss om vår historia. Detta är en utmaning i många fält inom vetenskapen, och det finns ett antal olika tillvägagångssätt; geologer analyserar sedimentlager för att få förstå vår planets utveckling, biologer tittar på små skillnader i flora och fauna för att förstå utvecklingen av arter, och paleontologer undersöker fossil What effect does a collision between two clusters have on their dissolving time? In order to answer this question, a new type of N-body simulation using a double integration of a cluster was built. Instead of introducing a perturbation representing the gravitational force of the Milky Way into a local simulation of the cluster, the cluster orbit was integrated in the potential of the Milky Way,

How does a social entrepreneur tell their story? - Social entrepreneurship and the role of storytelling in resource acquisition

Purpose: To increase the understanding of storytelling in the realm of social entrepreneurship, and to highlight how storytelling is used in social entrepreneurial resource acquisition. Methodology: With an interpretivist and objectivist stance qualitative interview material has been collected from 9 respondents. Analysis and conclusions are based on an iterative interpretation of primary intervie

Not like other girls? : en kvalitativ undersökning av förhandlingen av femininitet i digitala feministiska miljöer

Uppsatsen undersöker hur femininitet förhandlas i digitala feministiska miljöer genom en fallstudie av Redditforumet r/notliketheothergirls. På forumet, som har en påstådd feministisk prägel, publicerar redditanvändare en grupp uppmärksammade memes som benämns notlikeothergirls-memes i syfte att diskutera och kritisera dessa. Memesen är utformade som en jämförelse mellan en själv, me, och andra kv

Present and Future Extreme Weather in Sweden According to the d4PDF

Natural events that happen more rarely have historically been more difficult to study and continue to require different methods. For example, rare occurrences of natural disasters and weather events can have return periods of thousands of years but because of their large impact are very important to study. In addition to being used to study the changing climate, climate models have the advantage o

Optical Fiber Phase Noise Cancellation for Slow Light Crystal Cavity Locking

Recent developments in the field of optical clocks and quantum information have fueled the necessity for both fiber phase noise cancellation and laser stabilisation. The Quantum Information group at Lund University is conducting research on quantum computation experiments based on rare earth ion doped crystals and also application of slow light effects induced by spectral hole burning in these rar