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Recension av Marie Moutier, Wehrmachtsoldaternas brev från fronten 1939–1945.
Highly range-resolved ammonia detection using near-field picosecond differential absorption lidar
Ammonia detection is highly relevant for combustion in boilers and furnaces since NH3 is able to suppress nitric oxide levels by catalytic as well as non-catalytic reduction. The mixing of ammonia with flue gases is an important parameter to obtain efficient non-catalytic reduction. In this paper picosecond DIAL was used for range-resolved, single ended, NH3 detection, utilizing a tunable picoseco
Emerging aspects of nanotoxicology in health and disease: From agriculture and food sector to cancer therapeutics.
Nanotechnology is an evolving scientific field that has allowed the manufacturing of materials with novel physicochemical and biological properties, offering a wide spectrum of potential applications. Properties of nanoparticles that contribute to their usefulness include their markedly increased surface area in relation to mass, surface reactivity and insolubility, ability to agglomerate or chang
Minnesord över Berta Stjernquist
Risk Of Second Malignant Neoplasms After Rare Childhood Solid Tumors: Up To 50 Years Of Follow-Up In 11 Countries
Linking the input to the output: new sets of neurons complement the polarization vision network in the locust central complex.
Polarized light is a key feature of the blue sky, used by many animals as a sensory cue for compass navigation. Like other insects, locusts perceive the E-vector orientation of polarized light with a specialized region of their compound eye, the dorsal rim area. Neurons in the brain relay this information through several processing stages to the central complex. The central complex has a modular n
Least Manipulable Envy-free Rules in Economies with Indivisibilities
Introduction: Cultural Encounters
Den politiske Ingmar Bergman
Syntaktisk variation och förändring : En studie av subjektslösa satser i fornsvenska
The topic of this thesis is subjectless clauses in Old Swedish (1225–1526). The thesis focuses on referential subjects, and addresses the problem of why the possibilities to leave out such subjects have been reduced during the history of Swedish. The dissertation consists of three main parts, divided into eight chapters. In the first part, chapters 1–3, the aims are presented and a theoretical bac
Chemical Management Services from a Product Service System perspective: Experiences of fluid management services from Volvo Group metalworking plants
This thesis analyses fluid management services (FMS) in metalworking industry and determines environmental and economic outcomes of FMS as compared to traditional, in-house, fluid management. Fluid management services, or as it is often called chemical management services (CMS), mean that the suppliers of chemicals are also involved in managing and maintaining the fluids in the use phase. Usually
Operans dubbla tidsförlopp : Musikdramaturgin i bilradiooperan Själens rening genom lek och skoj
Avhandlingen fokuserar på musikdramaturgi i opera som har en story. Jag tycker att min egen musik blir bättre när jag skriver opera än konsertverk, frågan är varför? Syftet är att undersöka förhållandet story och musik och hur det påverkar komponerandet. Förloppet är undersökningens utgångspunkt eftersom story och musik pågår parallellt i tiden. Den konstnärliga verksamheten tas metodiskt i anspråTitle: The Twofold Rhythm of Duration in Opera. The Musical Dramaturgy of the Car Radio Opera "Cleansing of the Soul through Fun and Games". This thesis focuses on musical dramaturgy in operas with a story. I believe my own music is better when I write operas than instrumental music. The question is why? The aim of this thesis is to investigate the relationship between story and music and see how
Radiographers' areas of professional competence related to good nursing care
Background: Radiographers' ability and competence is a matter of vital importance for patients. Nursing care is an integral part of the radiographer's work. The demand for high competence in clinical activities has increased in diagnostic radiology and has had an impact on the development of the profession. Aim: The aim was to describe the radiographer's areas of professional competence in relatio
Strategy for PLIF single-shot HCO imaging in turbulent methane/air flames
Formyl (HCO) has since long been recognized as a common intermediate species and a potential local indicator of the major heat release in hydrocarbon combustion. Consequently, the detection of HCO is desirable especially in turbulent flames of practical relevance. However, due to the low concentration and low fluorescence quantum yield, single-shot based detection of HCO with planar laser-induced
CFTR and Anoctamin 1 (ANO1) contribute to cAMP amplified exocytosis and insulin secretion in human and murine pancreatic beta-cells.
Mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene lead to the disease cystic fibrosis (CF). Although patients with CF often have disturbances in glucose metabolism including impaired insulin release, no previous studies have tested the hypothesis that CFTR has a biological function in pancreatic beta-cells.
Adaptive branching in source-sink habitats
Evolution and ecological diversification in a heterogeneous environment is driven by an often complex interplay between local adaptation and dispersal between different habitat types. Heterogeneous environments also easily generate source-sink dynamics of populations coupled by dispersal. It follows that local adaptation and possible adaptive radiation almost by necessity involves adaptation to a
Nanoparticles from Lipid-Based Liquid Crystals: Emulsifier Influence on Morphology and Cytotoxicity.
Here, monoolein-based nanoparticles (NPs), obtained through fragmentation of bulk liquid crystalline phases, and stabilized by two different emulsifiers, namely, Pluronic F127 (PF127) and lauroylcholine chloride (LCh), are investigated for structural features and for short-term in vitro cytotoxicity. Depending on the emulsifiers, different morphologies of the lipid NPs (cubosomes and liposomes) ar
Lipid synthesis and secretion in HepG2 cells is not affected by ACTH
Apolipoprotein B (apoB) containing lipoproteins, i.e. VLDL, LDL and Lp(a), are consequently lowered by ACTH treatment in humans. This is also seen as reduced plasma apoB by 20-30% and total cholesterol by 30-40%, mostly accounted for by a decrease in LDL-cholesterol. Studies in hepatic cell line (HepG2) cells showed that apoB mRNA expression is reduced in response to ACTH incubation and is followe
Occupation and risk of lymphoma: a multicentre prospective cohort study (EPIC)
Objectives Evidence suggests that certain occupations and related exposures may increase the risk of malignant lymphoma. Farming, printing and paper industry, wood processing, meat handling and processing, welding, shoe and leather manufacturing and teaching profession are among the categories that have been implicated in previous studies. The relationship between occupation and malignant lymphoma