

Din sökning på "*" gav 531167 sökträffar

Reversible electron-hole separation in a hot carrier solar cell

Hot-carrier solar cells are envisioned to utilize energy filtering to extract power from photogenerated electron-hole pairs before they thermalize with the lattice, and thus potentially offer higher power conversion efficiency compared to conventional, single absorber solar cells. The efficiency of hot-carrier solar cells can be expected to strongly depend on the details of the energy filtering pr

Eating-related problems among 13-15 year old Swedish adolescents: Frequency and stability over a one-year period.

Abstract in UndeterminedThe frequency of eating-related problems in young adolescents, and their stability over a one-year period, was studied by the RiBED-8 (Risk Behaviours related to Eating Disorders, 8 items) in a community sample of 13-15 year old adolescents who took part in a prospective study with a 2-wave longitudinal design. The RiBED-8 was found to have good reliability and construct va

Full-thickness biopsy findings in chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction and enteric dysmotility

Background and Aims: Small bowel manometry is increasingly used in the clinical investigation of patients with symptoms of intestinal motor dysfunction. Enteric dysmotility (ED) has been suggested as a new diagnostic term for patients with abnormal intestinal motor activity but no radiological signs of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIP). Histopathological features of adult patients with E

Pressure-dependent spin fluctuations and magnetic structure in the topologically frustrated spin glass alloy Y(Mn0.95Al0.05)(2)

Longitudinal field (LF = 110 G) muon spin relaxation (mu SR) has been used to investigate the pressure dependence (P < 4.5 kbar) of paramagnetic spin fluctuations in the spin glass alloy Y(Mn0.95Al0.05)(2) via observation of the mu(+) spin depolarization. External mechanical force is seen to counteract the Al-induced chemical pressure, fully delocalizing the Mn moment and altering the nature of th

Triangulation of Points, Lines and Conics

The problem of reconstructing 3D scene features from multiple views with known camera motion and given image correspondences is considered. This is a classical and one of the most basic geometric problems in computer vision and photogrammetry. Yet, previous methods fail to guarantee optimal reconstructions—they are either plagued by local minima or rely on a non-optimal cost-function. A common fra

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Poland’s List of Monarchs and the La Fontaine Fable in a Moralizing Work of Swedish Eighteenth-Century Literature The paper elucidates a work of Early Modern Swedish literature, entitled Polska Kongars Saga och Skald [Saga and Song of Polish Kings] and published anonymously at the royal printing house in Stockholm in 1736. This book is remarkable in several respects. In 51 chapters it portrays th

Observation of the hadronic final state charge asymmetry in high Q(2) deep-inelastic scattering at HERA

A first measurement is presented of the charge asymmetry in the hadronic final state from the hard interaction in deep-inelastic ep neutral current scattering at HERA. The measurement is performed in the range of negative squared four momentum transfer 100 < Q(2) < 8000 GeV2. The difference between the event normalised distributions of the scaled momentum, x(p), for positively and negatively charg

On the mechanism of dissolution of cellulose

Cellulose is insoluble in water and many organic solvents, but can be dissolved in a number of solvents of intermediate properties, like N-methylmorpholine N-oxide (NMMO) and ionic liquids (ILs). It can also be dissolved in water at high and low pHs, in particular if a cosolute of intermediate polarity is added. The insolubility in water is often referred to strong intermolecular hydrogen bonding

Power to the People? : Decentralisation in India and Indonesia

Decentralisation is considered a potentially effective strategy for participatory development and delivery of assistance, particularly in the context of rural development. It contributes to reduction of inequality and poverty and, thus, promotes local democracy. India and Indonesia have considerable social and economic inequality and poverty. Though both countries have opted for devolving power to

Validation of brief cognitive tests in mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer's disease and dementia with Lewy bodies.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bakgrund Uppskattningsvis har 34 miljoner människor världen över någon typ av demenssjukdom. Sjukdomarna leder till stort lidande för både patienter och anhöriga och beräknas kosta samhället 422 miljarder amerikanska dollar årligen. Den vanligaste demenssjukdomen är Alzheimers sjukdom och den utgör ca 60–70% av alla demenssjukdomar. Sjukdomarna blir allt vanligare och åBackground It is estimated that 34 million people suffer from dementia, costing society US$422 billion each year. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common dementia and the global prevalence is predicted to increase to over 100 million people by the year 2050, with the greatest increase in developing countries. Therefore, inexpensive and efficient instruments are required for investigation and e

Waiting and rejection: An organizational perspective - 'Cooling out' rejected applicants

Time spent waiting is frequently regarded as time wasted, and therefore as something to be avoided or at least minimized. In this article, however, waiting is viewed from an organizational perspective: delay and waiting are seen as integral to the strategic functioning of organizations, and to their handling of individual requests. Various kinds of waiting or intended organizational delays are des

Material forces in non-classical thermo-hyperelasticity

The contribution's main objective is the treatment of non-classical nonlinear thermoelasticity based on the approach of Green and Naghdi within the context of the material force method. Material forces have proven to be well suited for the examination of defect mechanics and have become a very powerful and active research topic over the last decades. The numerical realization is based on finite el

Reusing Semantics in Visual Editors: A Case for Reference Attribute Grammars

The semantic formalism reference attribute grammars (RAGs) allows graphs to be superimposed on abstract syntax trees. This paper investigates how RAGs can be used to model visual languages, with a case study of a control language that also has a textual syntax. The language contains blocks on which a total execution order is defined based on connections and layout information. One strength of RAGs

Physics of attosecond pulses produced via high harmonic generation

The physics of extreme ultraviolet attosecond pulse trains generated during the interaction between an intense laser pulse and a gas medium is presented, including a simple model based on the solution of the classical equations of motion of an electron in an oscillating laser field. The reconstruction of attosecond beating by the interference of a two-photon transition is described and used to det

Bleeding and first-year mortality following hip fracture surgery and preoperative use of low-dose acetylsalicylic acid: an observational cohort study

Background: Hip fracture is associated with high mortality. Cardiovascular disease and other comorbidities requiring long-term anticoagulant medication are common in these mostly elderly patients. The objective of our observational cohort study of patients undergoing surgery for hip fracture was to study the association between preoperative use of low-dose acetylsalicylic acid (LdAA) and intraoper

Vibrationally resolved resonant inelastic soft X-ray scattering spectra of free molecules

The brilliance of modern synchrotron radiation sources and capabilities of new instrumentation facilitate molecular resonant inelastic soft X-ray scattering with high spectral quality. Especially, energy resolution of vibrational fine structure allows for a detailed analysis, providing information about the dynamic coupling between nuclear and electronic degrees of freedom. After a brief historica

Morphometric Differences between the Medial and Lateral Meniscus in Healthy Men - A Three-Dimensional Analysis Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging

The objective of this work was to characterize tibial plateau coverage and morphometric differences of the medial (MM) and lateral meniscus (LM) in a male reference cohort using three-dimensional imaging. Coronal multiplanar reconstructions of a sagittal double-echo steady state with water excitation magnetic resonance sequence (slice thickness: 1.5 mm, and in-plane resolution: 0.37 x 0.70 mm) wer