

Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar

Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent combustion in a stagnation point reverse flow combustor using detailed chemistry

For meeting stringent emission restrictions, a modern solution is to operate in or close to the flameless mode. It implies a copious dilution of the reactants with vitiated gas resulting in low oxidant or fuel concentration and consequently low volumetric heat-release rate. On the contrary to traditional flames where heat release is occurring in very thin fronts, the flameless operation lies in th

Kommunikation och lärande i samband med PBL: Analys av muntlig interaktion vid gruppträffar

Problem baserat lärande (PBL) är sedan en tid tillbaka en vanligt förekommande studerandeaktiv arbetsform inom vård- och läkarutbildningar. PBL har i utvärderingsforskningen befunnits ge likvärdiga faktakunskaper och förbättrade färdigheter hos de studerande jämfört med andra arbetsformer. Viss forskning har också bedrivits kring vilka faktorer som främjar studenters lärande i sambad med PBL. Utgå

Spectral modification of laser-accelerated proton beams by self-generated magnetic fields

Target normal measurements of proton energy spectra from ultrathin (50-200 nm) planar foil targets irradiated by 10(19) W cm(-2) 40 fs laser pulses exhibit broad maxima that are not present in the energy spectra from micron thickness targets (6 mu m). The proton flux in the peak is considerably greater than the proton flux observed in the same energy range in thicker targets. Numerical modelling o

Momentary improvement of hand sensibility by excluding vision

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of visual input on the results in a sensory testing procedure on hands. Sensory testing was done with the tested hand behind a screen in a counterbalanced setting with open eyes, and blindfolded in 66 healthy persons. Tactile discrimination (2pd) and touch thresholds (Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments) were tested for on the index finger of the dom

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Abstract in French Beaucoup d’hommes et de femmes aymara affirment que le savoir humain, transmis par la langue, n’est qu’un pur ‘siwsawi’, i.e. des paroles, des opinions, des points de vue, des jugements d’individus particuliers. Ainsi, il s’agit d’un savoir particulier ; c’est une connaissance concernant l’opinion de certaines personnes, rien de plus. Ceci est, de manière significative, différenMany Aymara men and women claim that human knowledge as transmitted through language is pure ‘siwsawi’, i.e. talk, opinions, views and judgments of particular individuals. As such it is knowledge of a particular kind; it is knowledge concerning the opinions of other humans, nothing else. It is thereby significantly different from the non-linguistic, experiential knowledge that is lived-through and

Measurement of the W(+/-)Z production cross section and limits on anomalous triple gauge couplings in proton-proton collisions at root s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector

This Letter presents a measurement of W(+/-)Z production in 1.02 fb(-1) of pp collision data at root s = 7 TeV collected by the ATLAS experiment in 2011. Doubly leptonic decay events are selected with electrons, muons and missing transverse momentum in the final state. In total 71 candidates are observed, with a background expectation of 12.1 +/- 1.4(stat.)(-2.0)(+4.1)(syst.) events. The total cro

Different methods for toxin analysis in the cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena (Cyanophyceae)

The brackish water cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena produce the hepatotoxic cyclic pentapeptide nodularin. Intoxications for both human as well as animal may arise when water reservoirs are contaminated with potentially toxic Nodularia species. Here, results of three independent methods for the determination of nodularin in different strains of N. spumigena are presented. The results obtained wi

Heterogeneity of Ca2+ gating of skeletal muscle and cardiac ryanodine receptors

The single-channel activity of rabbit skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor (skeletal RyR) and dog cardiac RyR was studied as a function of cytosolic [Ca2+]. The studies reveal that for both skeletal and cardiac RyRs, heterogeneous populations of channels exist, rather than a uniform behavior. Skeletal muscle RyRs displayed two extremes of behavior: 1) low-activity RyRs (LA skeletal RyRs, approximate

Love and Eschatology

P>This article reflects on the connection between Christian hope for salvation and Christian praxis today. Following a discussion of Christian approaches to hope, salvation, and reconciliation, the eschatological potential of love is explored in conversation with significant theologies of love in Western Christianity. It is argued that love, properly understood, offers the most adequate and dynami

Regulation of Pancreatic Beta Cell Stimulus-Secretion Coupling by microRNAs.

Increased blood glucose after a meal is countered by the subsequent increased release of the hypoglycemic hormone insulin from the pancreatic beta cells. The cascade of molecular events encompassing the initial sensing and transport of glucose into the beta cell, culminating with the exocytosis of the insulin large dense core granules (LDCVs) is termed "stimulus-secretion coupling." Impairment in

The ability of intermediate-band Stromgren photometry to correctly identify dwarf, subgiant, and giant stars and provide stellar metallicities and surface gravities

Context. Several large scale photometric and spectroscopic surveys are being undertaken to provide a more detailed picture of the Milky Way. Given the necessity of generalisation in the determination of, e.g., stellar parameters when tens and hundred of thousands of stars are considered it remains important to provide independent, detailed studies to verify the methods used in the surveys. Aims. O

Experiences of stigma among people with severe mental illness. Reliability, acceptability and construct validity of the Swedish versions of two stigma scales measuring devaluation/discrimination and rejection experiences

Stigma has been identified as one of the most important obstacles for a successful integration of people with mental illness into the society. Research about stigma has shown negative attitudes among the public towards people with mental illness. Studies so far have, however, put little emphasis on how these negative attitudes are perceived by the mentally ill persons. The aim of the present study

OMERACT/OARSI initiative to define states of severity and indication for joint replacement in hip and knee osteoarthritis

Objective. Time to theoretical indication of joint replacement surgery has been proposed as a primary outcome for potential structure-modifying interventions for osteoarthritis (OA). The objectives of this OMERACT/OARSI Working Group were to identify pain, physical function, and structure states that represent the progression from early to late disease for individuals with OA of the hip and knee,

Unprecedented enantioselectivity in a cluster-based catalytic system

Catalytic systems based on the clusters [H4RU4(CO)(10)-{mu-1,2-(P-P)}] and [H4RU4(CO)(10){1,1-(P-P)}] (P-P = (R)-(R)-Ph(2)PPhFcCHCH(3)PR(2); Fc = ferrocenyl; R = 3,5-CF3Ph (W001), Ph (W002)) have been used successfully in asymmetric hydrogenation of prochiral alpha-unsaturated carboxylic acids under mild conditions. Enantiomeric excesses of 42-92% and conversion rates in excess of 99% were observe

Life satisfaction in 6 European countries: The relationship to health, self-esteem, and social and financial resources among people (aged 65-89) with reduced functional capacity

The aim of this study was to investigate how overall health, participation in physical activities, self-esteem, and social and financial resources are related to life satisfaction among people aged 65 and older with reduced activities of daily living (ADL) capacity in 6 European countries. A subsample of the European Study of Adults’ Well-Being (ESAW), consisting of 2,195 people with reduced ADL c

Diurnal profiles of salivary cortisol on workdays among construction workers versus white-collar workers

Objectives The aim of the present study was to test whether construction workers, who are known to have a relatively higher risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), had higher concentrations of cortisol in saliva and a lower relative variability when compared with white-collar workers. Methods Data from two groups of male construction workers with physically demanding job assignments, with either reg

Transcending Tradition : Towards a Critical Theology of the Spirit

In recent years, the renewed presence of religion in the European societies has inspired a number of intellectuals on a popular as well as academic level to critically engage with religion. The aim of this article is to give a contribution to this debate. In contrast to the rather reductive and objectifying accounts of religion offered in much of the contemporary critique, I argue that a relevant