

Din sökning på "*" gav 529444 sökträffar

Leveraging Large Language Models for Firm-Intelligence: A RAG Framework Approach

In the wake of OpenAI's release of ChatGPT in November 2022, powered by the 175 billion parameter neural network GPT-3, the potential applications of Large Language Models (LLMs) in various sectors have become evident. One such application lies in hedge funds and trading desks where knowledge sharing is paramount. These entities often possess a wealth of firm-specific knowledge that spans diff

Networking in Action : Taking Collaborative Capacity Development Seriously for Disaster Risk Management

This study investigates the role of multi-stakeholder networks in disaster risk management (DRM) capacity development and how it aligns with the principles of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. While the Framework emphasises collaboration, coordination, and partnerships among diverse stakeholders, there remains a gap in understanding how networks foster and sustain collaborative DRM

”Att gå vid första slaget känns som en omöjlighet när det går obemärkt förbi” En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors uppbrottsprocesser när de lämnar en våldsam relation

This study aimed to investigate how women who are victims of domestic violence describe the process of leaving their violent partner. The study took empirical data from three autobiographies written by women who had experienced domestic violence before managing to leave their abuser. The research questions used to answer the study’s aim revolved around the women’s descriptions of the factors that

Olika offer, lika skuld? En kvantitativ studie om skuldbeläggande av våldtäktsoffer

Denna studie syftade till att i en svensk kontext undersöka ifall våldtäktsoffrets kön påverkar graden skuldbeläggning de utsätts för. Fortsättningsvis att undersöka ifall deltagarnas kön, man och kvinna, påverkar hur mycket skuld de tillskriver ett offer. Även ifall självkänsla och sexuell läggning påverkade hur mycket skuld ett offer attribueras. Detta undersöktes genom en kvantitativ metod och The aim of this study was to investigate, in a Swedish context, if the gender of a rape victim relates to how much blame they are attributed. Furthermore, to investigate if the gender, male and female, of the observer relates to how much blame they assign to the victim. Also if self-esteem and sexual orientation relates to how much blame victims are assigned. This was investigated through a quanti

Samband mellan Brottsutsatthet och Individers Egenskaper - En analys baserad på NTU-data

While the Swedish debate on crime often centers around crime, punishment, and offenders, there is notably less attention dedicated to those who are exposed to crime. This discrepancy is particularly evident in the lack of comprehensive theories explaining who becomes a victim. This thesis investigates whether a pattern can be identified between what kind of background or exposure of crime and bein

Early gene expression of Beta vulgaris in protoplast regeneration

Från en cell till hel individ, protoplast regenerering. Växtförädling för att öka avkastningen av grödor har skett under lång tid. Numera används molekylära metoder för att påskynda processen av selektionen av gynnsamma egenskaper, så som resistans mot sjukdomar eller ohyra. Geneditering kan användas för att validera nya gener i tidigare framgångsrika kultivarer och möjligheten att regenerera en Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) is a high value crop, grown mostly in temperate climate and is the source of 30% of the world’s sugar production. There is a high economic incentive to breed for better yielding crops, e.g genetic resistance against diseases. To investigate the effect of new genes in cultivar lines, genetically modified organisms (GMO) can be used but not commercially sold, according to

The Impact of the European Union Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: A Development Perspective

The introduction of the “Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism” (CBAM) as part of the European Union Fit for 55 and Green Deal package, has evoked much political and academic debates. So far, these have mostly focused on its effectiveness in leveling the playing field for European industries and reducing the risk of carbon leakage. We contribute to this debate by analyzing the potential effects of a

3D modelling and resistivity measurements for hydrogeological assessments in the northern part of Vombsänkan

The geology of Vombsänkan is characterized by a complex sequence of Quaternary deposits overlying the Paleozoic sedimentary bedrock. The area is 759 km2 and has recorded several ice advances followed by glacial retreats and ice melting. The glacial history of Vombsänkan, which is controlled by sequential geological events such as active ice-margin and stagnant ice, formation of dead ice as well as

Unravelling the Tensions; Impact of the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU on Fundamental Rights and the Intricacy of Freedom of Movement

The CFSP has become a focal point of legal and political analysis, particularly concerning its impact on fundamental rights and the free movement of capital. Departing from that situation, the thesis attempts to delve into the complex question as its research question to find out how the EU balance its collective interests in pursuing sanctions with national sovereignty, the fundamental rights of

Nytta eller nöje i valet och kvalet kring framtida jaget

Finns det ett samband mellan utbildningsval och universitetsstudenters välmående under studietiden? 30 universitetsstudenter svarade på frågor om deras utbildningsval, deras motivation till universitetsstudier och deras välmående. En regressionsanalys visade att utbildningsval baserat på intresse inte ledde till högre välmående än val baserat på karriärutsikt. Däremot visades att högre inre motivaIs there a correlation between the choice of education and the well-being of university students during their studies? Thirty university students answered questions about their educational choices, their motivation for university studies, and their well-being. A regression analysis showed that choosing a field of study based on interest did not result in higher well-being compared to choices based

Eco-corona-mediated transformation of nano-sized Y2O3 in simulated freshwater : A short-term study

The use of metal and metal oxide nanomaterials (NMs) is experiencing a significant surge in popularity due to their distinctive structures and properties, making them highly attractive for a wide range of applications. This increases the risks of their potential negative impact on organisms if dispersed into the environment. Information about their behavior and transformation upon environmental in

Övervikt och obesitas hos barn. En kvalitativ undersökning inom elevhälsan utifrån skolkuratorers och skolsköterskors professioner

In 2023, the national care program for childhood obesity was published, which states that it is a complex disease and that obesity is a stigmatized condition in society. The aim of this study was therefore to explore and compare school counselors’ and school nurses’ perceptions of overweight and obesity within their professions in student health and to explore and compare both profession's con

Religious and De-extremization Regulations and Their Dissemination in the XUAR

The current situation of Uyghurs in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) is considered by many as one of the most pressing human rights violations of the last few decades. The Uyghurs, being an ethnic minority in China, are voiceless under the current political leadership, which suppresses anything deviating from the official course set up by the Party leaders in Beijing. The legal guarant

An Iapetus origin for a layered eclogite complex in the northern Western Gneiss Region, Scandinavian Caledonides

The Western Gneiss Region (WGR) is a Precambrian basement domain in the Scandinavian Caledonides and one of the world's largest high- and ultrahigh-pressure terranes. The south–central WGR underwent regional eclogite facies metamorphism 415–400 Ma ago when Baltica subducted beneath Laurentia, during the Scandian orogeny. Eclogites in the WGR group into two traditional types: (1) Precambrian mafic

Epidemiology and functional impact of early peripheral neuropathy signs in older adults from a general population

Introduction: Peripheral neuropathy (PN) becomes more common with increasing life expectancy, but general population prevalence estimates are lacking. We investigated an epidemiological distribution of signs of PN among 2,996 community-dwelling participants in Good Aging in Skåne Study, age 60–97, and their impact on physical and autonomic function. Methods: Signs of PN were measured with Utah Ear